Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

262: It turns out that this can also make m1y

262: It turns out that this can also make money

In fact, the water friends have already been angry with their girlfriends.

Now see Ye Xuan say this.

Naturally, focus on it.

Ye Xuan urged the red dust beads.

Immediately, the dean's figure appeared on the screen.

At this moment, the dean is sitting in the office looking at the computer.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "You can't go on like this.

"These people on the Internet are too sophisticated now. It's just a gimmick of the orphanage, and there is no way for them to donate."

"There's got to be some way to get them to take the money out of it - that's it.

With just such a sentence, the fact that the dean made money through the orphanage has almost been confirmed.

But overall, this matter is not the point at the moment.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

The dean immediately turned off the computer monitor.

Then loudly: "Come in! 99


A female teacher walked in.

He whispered to the dean: "President, the child mentioned earlier has been sent.

"It's the child whose parents died in the fire, and only he survived."

See the female teacher with a look of hesitating to speak.

The dean smiled and asked: "Why is this expression, is there anything wrong with this child?

The female teacher immediately shook her head.

But he still said, "When I saw this child just now, I lost my temper."

"He suffered extensive burns all over his body, and although he was treated, it was a little scary."

"I don't know if my subconscious reaction just now will hurt him.

It can be seen that the female teacher is a little guilty.

For fear that his actions would scare the child who survived the disaster.

The dean was silent for a moment, but said: "It's okay. 35

"I've seen a lot of kids like this.

"Their hearts are actually stronger than you might think.

"Just take good care of him in the future, you don't need to feel guilty.

The dean's comfort made the female teacher feel a lot more comfortable.

When I was about to leave.

The teacher seemed to remember something.

So he immediately took out a bank card from his pocket.

Put it on the table in front of the dean.

The dean looked at her puzzled, and murmured, "This is..."

The female teacher immediately said: "This is given to me by the person who brought the child. 35

"It is said that some social caring people donated treatment and nutrition expenses to this child.

"Because of his condition, follow-up treatment is still needed.

"This fee is also handed over to our orphanage for management.

When the dean heard the words, there were some changes in his eyes.

But he pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, I understand, you go and settle the child first.

The female teacher turned and left.

But the dean immediately picked up the bank card.

After inquiries, I found that there are hundreds of thousands in this bank card!

"It seems that these social caring people are still very rich.

"In this case, I also know what to do next."

Looking at the dean with a gloomy smile.

The water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly felt a chill down their spines.

They had a hunch that something bad was going to happen.

All of them clenched their fists and glared angrily at the dean.

The screen turns.

The dean was in the yard watching the children play.

He had a kind smile on his face.

From time to time, the children would run over and say a few words to him.

A little boy sat under the shade of a tree.

Very quiet looking at the ants on the ground.

This child was delivered just a few days ago.

Obviously not integrated with everyone.

Orphanages are like that.

0.・Ask for flowers・

Every three to five new children will come.

Although the reasons vary, it is difficult for most children to open their hearts in the first place.

Seeing this, the dean walked over with his hands on his back.

Condescendingly, he said, "Why are you sitting here and not going to play with them?"

The child looked up at the dean, but did not speak.

The dean didn't feel anything.

Instead, he sat down next to him.

"Since you are here, you must get used to the life here."

"This orphanage will be your home from now on.

"You can tell me anytime.

For these children who have been traumatized or lack parental love.

The dean's attitude is undoubtedly very powerful.

This silent child instantly had a great impression of the dean.

He even opened his mouth to tell him some of the little secrets in his heart.

The sky slowly darkened.

The teachers organized the children to go back to the house.

And this child seems to be a little more cheerful, and there is still some unfinished meaning.

The dean smiled.

He said, "Go, go to my office.

"You said just now that your grandfather caught you a cricket, what does that cricket look like?"5

Back in the office.

There was a man sitting inside at the moment.

The man's face was hideous, and there was a terrifying scar on his face.

The moment he saw him, the child was frightened and quickly hid behind the dean.

But the dean locked the door.

He opened his mouth and said: "I brought the people, and the rest will be handed over to you.

The scarred man smiled slyly.

Looking at the dean with malicious eyes.

"It's up to you, you can even think of such a way."

"I'll leave the aftermath to you, and I'll take care of the rest.

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