Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

261: Only false hypocrisy needs to be fabricated

261: Only false hypocrisy needs to be fabricated

The water friends now agree that girlfriends are completely unreasonable.

For a person like the dean, why do you have to protect her?

Just water in the head.

The children don't eat well, don't dress warmly, and that's not to mention.

Now he still has to endure the mental and physical torture of the dean.

And look at how skilled he is.

Obviously not the first time to do this kind of thing.

I don't know how many children in the orphanage have been murdered by him.

And the dean is the most powerful person in the orphanage, plus his threats.

These young children can't find any trouble at all.


at this time.

The water friends suddenly saw that An An slapped her girlfriend's face directly.

Then he said angrily with tears in his eyes: "Wake up!"

"Do you think this is over?"

"Do you know what else I found when I was investigating?"

647 "Orphanages are not without additional benefits.

"Now that the Internet is so developed, the dean deliberately uses many Internet channels.

"Propaganda about the orphanage."

"It highlights some who are physically disabled or mentally underdeveloped.

"This is to win the sympathy of netizens.

heard here.

The girlfriend who was slapped immediately covered her face and retorted.

"Then what's the matter!"

"Isn't this kind of thing very common now?

"The director did this to improve the environment of the orphanage!

An An smiled.

It was an expression that would only be revealed when he was extremely angry.

Then she looked at Ye Xuan.

He opened his mouth and said, "Master Ye, you should have taken care of this matter, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

He said softly, "If the dean is really trying to improve the environment of the orphanage, this is a good thing.

"It's just... (acej) that he did it for his own sake."

If this is what An An said, there may be people who question it.

After all, everything now requires a piece of evidence.

Even if the dean is a big problem, he can't be deducted from all kinds of shit.

But this statement came from Ye Xuan's mouth, so no one didn't believe it.

However, compared to the dean's abuse of children, making money online does not seem to be a big deal.

The water friends couldn't understand why An An mentioned this.

Then she saw her staring at her best friend.

He said: "You can think about the children who are used to gain sympathy."

"Were they like that in the first place?"

"I now have reason to suspect that their disability is caused by the dean!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar in the live room.

I have heard of illegal organizations that break people's legs and make them pretend to be beggars to beg for food.

And if the dean really did such a thing, wouldn't it be more extreme than those illegal organizations in the past?

After all, the people in the orphanage are all children!


The girlfriend instantly retorted.

"Even if what happened before is true, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

"When I came to the orphanage, the dean said it."

"The reason he wants to open an orphanage is because he doesn't want to have children displaced."

"He wants these kids to grow up healthy.

"How could it possibly kill their future with his own hands!"

If what she said was someone else, the water friends might have believed it.

But the dean's previous evil deeds are still vivid in his mind.

No matter how hysterical the girlfriends say, no one will believe half a word now.

Girlfriends also saw the scolding and questioning of the dean on the barrage.

Now what Wanfu is referring to makes her feel very bad.

But when she turned her eyes and saw Ye Xuan, she became even more angry.

Angrily: "It's all because of you!"

"An'an had told me these things before. 35

"I've already made her believe me."

"It must be that you are in the middle of making up those facts.

"I will never let you go!

Anger at girlfriends.

Before Ye Xuan spoke, An An took the lead: "Don't talk nonsense!

"When I told you before, it was just because I didn't want to quarrel with you. 35

"That's why I didn't continue talking."

"However, after my subsequent investigation, I found that what the dean did was really too much.

"This has nothing to do with Master Ye!""

"He just proved that the truth exists!

The water friends like An An more and more.

Her three views alone are worthy of everyone's admiration.

What's more, she has absolutely no obligation to investigate these matters.

After all, it was her inner goodness that encouraged her to investigate the dean.

All to prevent these poor children from continuing to suffer.

Ye Xuan doesn't care about someone like his best friend who's a bit of a bully.

Because there is absolutely no need for it.

He just said lightly: "The facts are never fabricated."

"Only falsehoods need ornate decorations.

"You think the Dean won't do these things, yes, that's your right. 95

"But you can't change the fact that he did these things!"

Ye Xuan's tone was flat, but his words were powerful.

Then he added: "Then let you see now. 33

"What kind of face does this person you choose to believe in have!

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