Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

229: I report that some1 gathered here to spread dog food

229: I report that someone gathered here to spread dog food

"Master Ye, you saw it. 99

"I did talk to her calmly.

"But every time, she does. 99

"I really can't take it anymore.

"If I accidentally make her angry one day, she may use a knife."

Su Zihang's worries were not unreasonable.

Humans are amazing creatures.

Psychological problems and mental problems can easily change a person completely.

Especially after being strongly stimulated or given some hints.

You can even do some amazing things.

The most terrifying thing is.

Many of these patients simply cannot control themselves.

When Ye Xuan didn't come, Sun Zihang said these things on the public screen.

At that time, the water friends didn't really care.

They discussed more, not Sun Zihang and his girlfriend, but about mental illness.

But now 02 in this view, Sun Zihang is not joking.

He is really living in dire straits now.

"Little brother, let's break up such a girlfriend quickly, otherwise, you won't be able to sleep well this night!"

"Master Ye, please help him, he is so pitiful. 35

"Hey, there are so many girls, how can I meet such a superb person.

"Actually, to be honest, this young lady is so good-looking without makeup, she must be even more stunning with makeup on, it's just this disease...

If there is no problem with his girlfriend, then I am afraid that this young couple will be the envy of everyone.

But at the moment.

Everyone is very sympathetic to Sun Zihang.

This one will be life-threatening, and there is nothing to be envied.

See the water friends say so.

Sun Zihang let out a long sigh, revealing an affectionate look.

"Actually, she wasn't like this when we first met. 35

"Although she was also very playful at that time, she was completely different from other girls.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes."

"Because of my job, I have seen too many beautiful girls.

"And I know too much."

"But from the first time I saw her, I knew that I knew her for the rest of my life."

He seemed to recall those pasts, and the sadness on his face was mixed with a sweet look.

It really made the water friends in the live broadcast room feel an indescribable sadness.

Ye Xuan was not idle either.

Along with his narration, it also motivated the red dust beads.

on the screen.

The girlfriend stood by the brightly lit river, wearing a short skirt and long boots, which was fashionable and showed her figure.

Sun Zihang stood beside him, his tender eyes fixed on her body.

"You come out with me like this, is it okay to work?"

"This time should be the busiest time, right?

His girlfriend seemed to have noticed that Sun Zihang had been looking at him.

The blushing cheeks didn't know whether it was because of drinking or because of shyness.

"It doesn't matter, you can find another job if you don't have a job.

"But if I miss you, I may never find it for the rest of my life! 99

Maybe because of work.

Therefore, Sun Zihang's voice was magnetic with a hint of hoarseness.

Love words spoken in this voice.

It is estimated that most girls can't resist.

Of course, the main thing is because he is a handsome guy.

as predicted.

His girlfriend's face turned even redder.

"Damn, it's the first time we met, you say things like that. 35

"I don't know how many people you've spoken to before. 35

Sun Zihang immediately raised three fingers.

"I swear, I've only said these words to you alone. 35

"If I'm lying, let me...


His girlfriend immediately covered Sun Zihang's mouth and did not let him say the following oath.

But this time, the two also had physical contact.

Sun Zihang grabbed his girlfriend's hand.

The girlfriend just broke free for a moment, and when she saw that she didn't let go, she just let it go.

as predicted.

The two had only known each other for two or three hours.

The relationship was quickly confirmed.

Perhaps for the older generation, this is an unimaginable thing.

But for young people, this is normal.

It's like the younger 630 people don't understand the older generation, why the two sides just met and suddenly want to get married.

When the young couple just got together, they naturally wanted to be tired of being together 24 hours a day.

The two of them are no exception.

At the invitation of Sun Zihang, his girlfriend even moved directly into his house.

The two cook together, eat together, soak their feet together, and watch TV together.

You don't even need to say a word, you just need to look at each other and smile for a long time.

These sweet pictures are like a handful of dog food.

Forced into the mouths of the water friends, there is no way to refuse.

"f*ck, you have to eat dog food to watch a live broadcast. It's not a day to let people pass."

"Cold dog food slapped randomly on the face..."

"I report that someone gathered here to spread dog food, and I demand that this immoral behavior be strongly condemned!

"Is it true that how sweet it is at the beginning, how cruel is it later? I still like the brainless little sweet text!"

"I know the ending and I don't want to watch it anymore, isn't it just so sweet?"

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