Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

228: Wandering between sweet and cute and ferocious horror

228: Wandering between sweet and cute and ferocious horror

The video link was indeed caught in an embarrassing scene because of Ye Xuan's words.

But the embarrassment is actually only the young man.

Seeing that Ye Xuan seems to really intend to hang up.

He hurriedly said, "I'm sorry Master Ye.

"I'm just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously."

"I do have something I hope you can help me with.

Ye Xuan stopped moving.

Still the old rules.

"Sun Zihang, 23 years old, professional DJ, works in nightclubs. 35

"The income is neither too much nor too little, but every month I spend more than I earn.

"Is this "630" basic information correct?

Sun Zihang was startled.

In fact, he had only heard of this Master Ye before.

Haven't been to the live broadcast room.

But looking at it now, this Master Ye is really a god.

Just by looking at himself, he was able to tell all the information about himself.

He even thinks so now.

If Master Ye is willing, I am afraid even the name of his ancestor's eighteenth generation can be known.

"Master, you are right, my name is Sun Zihang, and the other information is also correct."

"I'm here this time because I actually want you to help me figure out how to get rid of my current girlfriend."

"She was mentally ill, and it was scary when she got sick.

"I just can't take it anymore."

"I also want to talk to her calmly."

"But every time I mentioned the breakup, she immediately went crazy. 35

"I really don't know what to do, I hope you can help me out.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Ye Xuan is now a sensation on the Internet.

I didn't expect that even such a thing as a breakup would have to come to him to figure it out.

"so easy.

"But I want to confirm first, you really want me to help you solve it, right?

Sun Zihang was startled.

He asked suspiciously, "Master Ye, is there anything wrong?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Then he said: "There is nothing wrong, then let's start with how you broke up."5

Activate the red dust beads.

Sun Zihang immediately appeared on the screen.

It looks like it's at home.

Sun Zihang sat on the sofa.

Next to him was a beautiful girl in home clothes, snuggling on his shoulders and watching TV.

The girl had a sweet smile on her face.

On the other hand, Sun Zihang frowned, as if he was hesitating.

After a moment.

Sun Zihang seemed to have made a decision.

He whispered, "Baby, I have something to tell you.

The girl immediately raised her head and blinked her big watery eyes.

"Dear, what's the matter?"

Sun Zihang gritted his teeth.

"That...I feel like something is wrong between the two of us."

"How about we all calm down for a while, what do you think?"

What he said was indeed tactful enough.

However, although there is no word break up, the meaning contained in it is already obvious.

According to the normal reaction.

The girl may cry, may make trouble, may also ask why, and is more likely to get angry and break up directly.

But the girl next to him.

But completely different from the above.

The sweet smile on her face gradually changed.

In no time, it turned into a cold and hideous smile.

And the pair of eyes that seemed to have a starry sky gradually became terrifying.

At this moment, the girl looks as if she can smell the smell of blood..

And then feel a beast of excitement and madness.

The sailors were all terrified.

They had never seen such an expression before.

Even those old actors who have been famous for many years can't act so fierce.

"My God, this girl is so scary, she doesn't even need makeup when she goes to a ghost movie!

"Mom, it almost scared me to tears, don't watch it, children, it's an absolute shadow of childhood!

"I feel that this young lady seems to be possessed by something, is this an expression that humans can make?

"This must be a mental problem, otherwise, it will never be like this!"

Even the water friends who were outsiders were frightened.

One can imagine how complicated Sun Zihang's heart would be at that time.

So he immediately said: "Baby, I'm joking with you, why would I be willing to leave you. 99

When he said this, his back was completely wet with cold sweat.

The tension cannot be described in words.

Even he, who is now connecting with Ye Xuan, relives the scene from a third-person perspective.

According to 4.9, the hair is still standing on end.

"Darling, you are so annoying. You can't make this kind of joke in the future, or I will really be angry."

The speed of the girl's face changing is simply incredible.

The last second was still terrifying.

At this moment, he suddenly changed back to his sweet and lovely appearance.

Sun Zihang let out a deep breath.

Then the girl hugged her arm and didn't dare to move.

The screen ends.

The water friends were a little scared.

Not to mention Sun Zihang.

They didn't think it was strange for the girl to do something like that at the time.

People with mental problems, no matter how good-looking they are, are scary after all.

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