Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

222: Personality contrast, father and elder sister have changed

222: Personality contrast, father and elder sister have changed

Appearing in the picture are two little girls.

Although he can speak, he can only speak a few words - that's all.

Since the master has decided.

The father taught the eldest sister a little complaining.

"No, I feel like my worldview is about to collapse. Could it be that what I saw before was a dream?"

Only then did I realize that the eldest sister looked at her father and sister, and her eyes were indeed not right.

The eldest sister is playing with a small glass bead.

If you can't do it from a young age, how can you support each other when you grow up.

Two little girls are playing in the house.

0.・Ask for flowers........

One of them ran all over the floor and even spoke.

Liu Siyuan held it and refused to let go.

And kept shouting "Sister, elder sister!

Like she's chasing the older girl now.

Although the little Liu Siyuan is not as strong as the elder sister.

His father's tone was actually not severe, just a few words of reprimand.

But it was holding the glass beads tightly.

The father and the elder sister were completely different people.

The elder sister's face was full of anger.

How can the water friends not know that this is the two sisters Liu Siyuan.

"You didn't come to see if she fell down?"

And it's not surprising that this resentment appears in an adult.

"She's still just a child, how could she do such a thing, it's too scary, right?

The older girls have a good foundation, so their bodies are stronger.

Next, something even more incredible happened.

Because except for Liu Siyuan.

There is absolutely no way to compare it with the simple and honest look that followed.

"They all said I picked it up, why!"

"I feel that this is what a biological father should look like, not the kind of caring on the inside but indifferent on the surface.

The Red Dust Pearl will soon announce the final answer.

And most concerned about the water friends.

The lady was obviously angry.

"Am I wrong, why is this father and eldest sister completely different from what I saw before?

Liu Siyuan felt curious, so he took the glass beads directly while the eldest sister put them on the bed.

The eldest sister did not know where she heard the gossip of others.

Ye Xuan also had nothing to say.

"Dad always cares about you, because you scold me, without you, no one would be able to say that about me!

"How did you take care of your sister.

The father heard the sound and ran into the house.

The other one was still a little faltered and walked very unsteadily.

Seeing that the eldest sister was beating her younger sister, she immediately stepped forward and pulled the two away.

The image of that kind father is even more different from the cold sky in Liu Siyuan's memory.

It's still Mrs.

The others looked over immediately.

Some water friends are keenly aware of the unusual place.

Like the water friends, Liu Siyuan and the eldest sister looked at this scene with disbelief on their faces.

So in the long awaited.

Liu Siyuan accidentally fell.

The screen appears.

"give me back!"

But for a child, it is a bit unusual.

Instead, it looks very weird.

There seemed to be an incomprehensible resentment in it.

The screen turns.

But her current move is making everyone's hair stand on end.

He came forward in distress and hugged his little daughter, comforting softly.

"It's not because I'm not your own!" Fan.

This scene shocked everyone.

The eldest sister has been fed by her mother since she was a child, and her development is naturally good.

"Eldest sister doesn't look stupid, but why did it change later?"

And the smaller ones are so poor that they look a little weak.

Because the eldest sister at this time did not look stupid.

In a fit of rage, the eldest sister started slapping Liu Siyuan while she was stunned.

Such a small child has such a performance, if it grows up, then it is worth it?

In addition, the father will indeed reprimand her for some things that her sister did not do well.

can be clearly seen.

After all, as a sister, taking care of her sister is actually a matter of course.


This had a huge impact on her young mind.

The eldest sister was trembling, and Liu Siyuan was even more puzzled, because there were no such clips in her memory.

"You look at the eyes of the eldest sister, it seems that something is not right."

"Fuck! What's the matter, is this eldest sister fake? She actually beat her sister! 35

Painful crying.

"What are you doing? Why beat your sister! 35

'Dad won't scold me either!

"it's all because of you!"

"No matter what I do, it's not right. 99

Is this still the eldest sister who is so good to her sister?

The elder sister stretched out her hand to beg for it.

This undoubtedly increased the shadow area in her heart.

The water friends just feel incredible.

Father works in the yard.

The elder sister lowered her head and remained silent.

When Liu Siyuan was born, his mother died. Without his mother's feeding, it was normal for him to be weak.

Climb into bed and grab it directly.

He immediately led the father out of the house.

Hear the scolding from the father.

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