Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

221: So I'm some1 else's child

221: So I'm someone else's child

"You said this is my elder brother's child?

The father looked at the child in disbelief.

The visitor nodded.

"I saw you when you came to the village."

"After Sister Fen died, you also left."

"This child has always been taken care of by Sister Fen's parents. 35

"But the health of the old couple is not good, and they passed away one after another.

"When the old man is dying, let me send the child to you."

"And let me tell you, I don't want this child to be rich, I just want her to grow up.

The father has not fulfilled the will of the eldest brother and took good care of his sister-in-law.

Although the responsibility is not on him, it still makes him feel very guilty.

So he decided to leave this child as a way of not letting the eldest brother have any regrets in this world.

The wife also likes this child very much and takes good care of it.

But when his wife was in labor.

But unexpectedly difficult to give birth.

And because of his wife's physical problems.

There is simply no choice for the father to protect the big and the small.

630 final.

His wife passed away, leaving only one less than one year old and a newly born child.

All tossed to the father alone.

see here.

Everyone understood instantly.

It turned out that Liu Siyuan's suspicions all along were wrong.

She has always felt that she is not her father's own flesh and blood, but more like it was picked up.

But now it looks like this.

She is actually related by blood.

And the eldest sister... is someone else's child.

Such a reversal caught the water friends by surprise.

One by one, their eyes widened, their faces filled with disbelief.

"How could this be... It turns out that the eldest sister is not biological. 35

"I really thought that Miss Sister was adopted, but I didn't expect that she was my own!

"That's weird, what's the point of being so hard on your own daughter, yet being so kind to other people's children! (acej)

"It stands to reason that even if you treat other people's children as your own flesh and blood, you shouldn't favor one over the other, but..."

The water friends were stunned.

And Liu Siyuan and the eldest sister are also struck by lightning now.

This result, the two obviously did not expect.

If the fact is that the eldest sister is biological and Liu Siyuan is someone else's child, maybe they can accept it better.

After all, from the facts, this result is not surprising.

The eldest sister stared blankly at Liu Siyuan.

He murmured: "I'm not our father's daughter, and I'm not your sister?

The eldest sister is very calm, but it is this kind of calm that makes Liu Siyuan feel a kind of fear.

She didn't know why, but she just felt very scary.

As if there was something in his mind, but he couldn't remember it.

"Miss Liu, please comfort your eldest sister."

"As cruel as it is, the truth is the truth."

It is obvious that Liu Siyuan is the one who is full of grievances.

But seeing how the eldest sister is now, she can't control anything else.

Immediately took the elder sister's hand.

"Sister, calm down."

"Think about it, our father was so kind to you when he was a child, and he saw you as his own daughter."5

"Even if there is no blood relationship.

"But is this affection fake?"

The eldest sister took a deep breath as if instinctively.

It's like he's adjusting his emotions.

After a long time, she gradually calmed down.

"Sister, I don't understand."

"Since I'm not our father's biological daughter, why should he be so kind to me?"5

"But to you..."

Don't say she doesn't understand.

Liu Siyuan didn't understand even more.

The water friends have also launched some discussions on this topic, and now there is no reliable answer.

In the end, everyone still focused on Ye Xuan.

If you want to know the reason, you must go through him.

Ye Xuan said calmly: "What I saw just now is just some of the reasons that must be known to you.39

"And the reason for everything is actually your eldest sister.

Liu Siyuan looked at the eldest sister, the eldest sister was dumbfounded and did not understand what Ye Xuan meant.

"Master Ye, what does this mean, please explain it to us quickly!"

"Yes, Master Ye, the answer is about to come out, it's too uncomfortable to be stuck at this time!"

"I never felt so uncomfortable when I was constipated, Master Ye, please speak up!

The water friends all held a meeting and begged.

Ye Xuan was looking at Liu Siyuan.

"I can tell you the answer right away.

"But I'll put it first.

"Once you know the answer, it's very likely that some earth-shaking changes will take place around you.

"If you want to avoid this situation, just leave you alone."

Although Ye Xuan didn't say it directly.

But the meaning of the words is already very clear.

He was telling Liu Siyuan.

It's best not to let the eldest sister hear about this.

Otherwise, there will be some emergencies if the guarantee is not complete.

Look at each other with Mrs.

See the longing in the eyes of the elder sister.

Liu Siyuan finally sighed.

"Master Ye, I appreciate your kindness.

"But this is about me and my eldest sister.""

"She also has the right to know everything.

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