Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

216: The truth of the facts will finally be revealed!

216: The truth of the facts will finally be revealed!

Everyone thought that the eldest sister was hesitating about what to say, but who knew that she would actually ask such a question.

"Look, although we're all a family, isn't there a secret between you and him that I don't know?"

"Dad won't let me talk about that day.

She reached out and took it, and for a while, she was quite touched.

It wasn't until my father came over that I remembered that I was going home late.

But this mud also has requirements.

"No, no.

As long as my father is willing to help, there must be no problem.

The screen turns.

The live broadcast room burst into laughter again.

Even when my sister left, she didn't take the clay figurine away.

And this clay figurine is still on the windowsill of this old house.

Because in her opinion, her father is omnipotent.

What is this!

Playing with mud is actually one of them.

Seeing that Liu Siyuan's firmness seems to have some shakes.

For her father... She still has too much hatred and doubts.

The elder sister asked tentatively.

"Do you know, why is he so harsh to me?"

But after seeing the clay figurines, the water friends leaned back and forth with laughter.

"Oh my god, I didn't see it, the beauty of the eldest sister is still postmodern!"

But let the water friends have amazing IQ.

"Hahaha, why can't you see it? It has a nose and eyes, isn't it good to pinch it.

He hurriedly said: "Dad, I'm sorry, I forgot the time.

I heard Liu Siyuan's question.

But she really didn't know how to speak.

I just can't see what the eldest sister wants to do.

This time, it was the eldest sister who first appeared on the screen.

The eldest sister immediately became happy.

"It's not that you are too stupid, it's that the mud is bad."

Liu Siyuan smiled bitterly.

The eldest sister can't care about the mud all over her body.

"Okay, with the qualifications of the eldest sister, it is not easy to be able to squeeze such a thing!"

The eldest sister hesitated for a long time before she said, "Sister, what do you mean by being harsh... 39

"But this matter should be kept secret, so that when you give it to her, there will be a surprise. 99

"Miss Liu.


It is clear.

"Then, I can let you know the answer you want now."


It is obviously impossible to count on the eldest sister to explain clearly.

Since you can't say it, just look at it directly.

The eldest sister's brain is not bright, which is actually reflected here.

The secret that the eldest sister couldn't tell was originally intended to surprise Liu Siyuan?

I saw my father standing next to me.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker.

But the problem is that the mud by the lake is so thin that it is really difficult to shape it.

The eldest sister became anxious immediately.

Ye Xuan also intends to strike while the heat is hot.

"Sister, tell me the truth."

"But I can't squeeze it, am I too stupid.

Then 613 squatted there and kept digging yellow mud.

But it's only for Mrs.

She ran out of the house.

"If I remember correctly. 35

Liu Siyuan learned about the so-called secret.

As for the conservative now?

The eldest sister hesitated immediately.

In this relatively remote town, there are not many entertainment programs for children at all.

The lady is still very serious.

"Toads also have noses and eyes. If you look at the three-flat and four-not-round shape, are you sure you can see it?

Looking at the elder sister's still innocent eyes.

Just digging is not enough, and I kept picking up a large piece and pinching it.

In those days when the Internet was not very popular.

In fact, it's a bit of a laugh.

The father and daughter looked at each other, smiled, and went home holding hands.

So he continued to urge the red dust beads.

"God is so postmodern, if you don't say it's a clay figurine, I just can't see what it is!

It's not just a little bit of mud that can be kneaded into shape.

"We were at school, and the teacher taught us to knead clay figurines."

The eldest sister really wants to pinch something.

"Then you pinch it and give it to your sister.

It can be seen that the eldest sister wants to say.

"The root of everything seems to start with drawing lots to go to school.

However, if you think about it and think about it, it is indeed normal to do this kind of thing with the head of the eldest sister.

"I just want to pinch one for my sister.""

The water friends looked at each other.

"But I hope you can take good care of your sister."

But it couldn't help Ye Xuan.

Father's eyes softened a lot.

"Sister, are you not angry anymore?"

But she often spoke to the clay figurine, as if she was chatting with her sister.

The eldest sister indeed gave herself a clay figurine after this incident.

"Dad, I see, I don't tell my sister, give her a surprise! 35

"If you want to knead a clay figurine, go back to Dad to find some clay for you.

The eldest sister is still smiling brightly when she looks at this clay figurine.

Liu Siyuan really couldn't get angry.

And Dad is right, since it is going to be given to my sister, it is natural to have some surprises.

Seeing that my sister understands this.

She always thought that it was her own problem, and she made a wrong choice without thinking about the fundamental material.

Seeing that the eldest sister is a little guilty.

I ran straight to a small lake outside the town.

"Because of this, the relationship with her is bigger."

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