Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

215: For the sake of the daughter, anything can be given up.

215: For the sake of the daughter, anything can be given up.

"Lao Liu, I can tell you. 39

"Leader, I have no choice."

In order to ensure the safety of her daughter on the premise of keeping her job.

"Even if I die, what face is there to see her mother!"

His father was a soldier.

The father was still very anxious.

"You still plan to ask for leave, what are you going to do? 99

Father repeatedly said yes, and after thanking him, he hurried out.

But now.

"Alright, alright."

"So he's not what you think he is at all.""

It was also the first time for Liu Siyuan to see his father's love for him personally.

"How many people are staring at my position.

"Do you still remember (Wang Dehao) why Miss Sister came back? Isn't it because her father said there was a secret to tell her.

If you add another one to hurt others now, then the eldest daughter may not be pointed at by others in the future.

"I ran away in the morning and haven't found anyone yet."

The town is so big, the old man in the east is farting.

"You don't need to ask for leave in the morning, but you still need to ask for leave in the afternoon?"

He still gritted his teeth and walked outside the factory.

The leader frowned.

"Do you know how many people want to work in the factory after robbing their heads!"

Not as ambiguous as before.

Then he said: "Isn't it just asking for a person, what problem can be explained? 35

"Ask for leave?

"Although it's not a big deal, if someone gets caught, it's not just me who will be unlucky, do you understand?"

After running for hours on end, I was full of worries.

"Because of a little misunderstanding, my youngest daughter was afraid that I would hit her, so she ran out.

"As you know, I am not alone in this factory."

Suddenly felt dizzy.

But just got out of the office.

"Said my daughter hurt her classmate with a pencil."

"If something happens to my little daughter, how will I live the rest of my life!

In fact, it means that there are no secrets in the town at all.

His back has never been bent over anyone.

"You only asked for half a day's leave, it's already afternoon, it's already late~||.

His back looks so bleak.

"You know what happened in the morning. The phone calls from my daughter's school came to the factory."

"I said do you still want to do it!"

But he was really worried about Liu Siyuan's safety.

"Fuck, now that there are no people, doesn't it mean that this secret is also drifting away with the wind?"

"Leader, you are really right. 99'

The leader did not speak with a gloomy face.

"If you do this in a hurry in the future, don't blame me!

Father made a special trip back to the factory.

"My daughter just happened to be sitting next to her."

Even bending over and begging, everything is just to ensure her safety.

If I didn't become a father, I'm afraid I wouldn't feel that feeling at all.

"Who will do your work for you? Let me go down to the workshop myself to replace you?""

"You came back late at night before, and he was the same!".

As an old saying goes, it's an iron rice bowl!

Came out in a hail of bullets.

There are indeed a lot of people breaking their heads and wanting to come in.

He opened his mouth and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, it's not enough to solve it."

'What are these pictures! You are so kind to your daughter, so why don't you show it?"5

Liu Siyuan was silent for a moment.

"I said, Lao Liu, it's a busy time, every turnip is a pit.

"If I remember correctly, does your little girl stay at home every day?

No one in the whole town does not know about the eldest daughter's bad mind.

"I feel that from the beginning to the end, there may be some hidden secrets in this matter.

I saw the afternoon.

After all, his body was still a little overwhelmed.

Even if he is no longer a soldier, he still has the bearing and arrogance of a soldier.

"Forget it today.""

"She's still so young, and now it's messy outside, I really can't put my heart down."5

"As long as I find her, I'll come back to work right away, do you think?

It won't be long before the old lady Ma in the west will know.

The father said this, in fact, because he did not want others to misunderstand his daughter.

If one person is fed enough and the whole family is not hungry, then it is a big deal to quit.

Bending down, he kept begging for the leader.

"Sister, you see, Dad is not only worried about me, but also about you.

I have to admit that at that time, it was a very good job to be able to enter the factory.

"Could it be that your little daughter has caused some trouble again, and I need you to deal with it?

in the cold wind.

Father frowned.

He still lost to reality after all.

The water friends finally intuitively felt the father's true love for his little daughter.

"When I got there, I realized it wasn't like that at all.

"It was the classmate who accidentally stabbed himself, and then cried."

For her daughter, bow her head and beg.

"Leader, I beg you.

In such a cold day, even if there is no danger to people, it is not good if it freezes.

A man who was staggering while walking kept looking for his daughter.

It's the same feeling with the water friends.

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