Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

152: These 5 brothers, no 1 dares to provoke the village

152: These five brothers, no one dares to provoke the village

"Damn it, is it that big? 9

"This is even better than the Three Kingdoms!"

"This is so crazy, isn't it?

"Fuck, even the yamen dare to fight?"

"Damn, it's so arrogant, it's time to eat bullets."

"I didn't see it, the uncle used to be like this before.

Seeing Liu Dabao when he was young.

Without further ado, he slapped the Senior High School Section Chief.

For a time, all the water friends in the entire live room were stunned.

at the same time.

The picture in the red dust beads - there are new changes:


The high school section chief who was slapped with a slap in the face was shocked, and asked angrily, dumbfounded:



"How can you hit someone?"

"Is there a king's law, and is there a king's law?"


Liu Erbao kicked the high school section chief's stomach with an arrogant expression:

"Wang Fa?

"In this town.

"Our five brothers are Wang Fa."

"Go, if you don't go, Laozi will let you come in sideways and go out vertically! 35

Got slapped.

The high school principal, who was kicked again, was furious and wanted to pounce hard.


Several subordinates desperately held the high school section chief and kept persuading:

"Go, go, go.

"Let's go, or you won't be able to go.

"Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, let's talk after leaving..."

Just like this, a group of subordinates pulled the high school section chief out of the door, and there was a mocking voice from the Liu family's five treasures behind him:

"Look at this cowardly?"

"A new recruit."

"My brain is out of whack, dare to tell us the king's law.

"Damn it, don't you know that our brothers are Wang Fa here?

Listening to the ridicule of the Liu brothers.

Think back to how high you were when you came.

The high school section chief almost exploded with shame and anger.

"let me go!

"let me go!"

"There are so many of us, why should we be afraid, why should we leave?"

"Let go of me, let's do justice together...

The high school section chief was dragged out by several subordinates and was still struggling.


The high school section chief was dragged to the door.

The next moment, the high school section chief was stunned.

Because he saw it outside the gate of Liu's house.

At this moment, dozens of villagers were standing densely.

These dozens of villagers are holding hoes, sickles, shovels and other agricultural tools.

Various farm tools.

All are deadly weapons.

Moreover, these villagers stared at them with bad eyes, as if they were going to come to them in the next moment.


The high school section chief gasped in fright, and no longer dared to say anything reckless.

At this moment……

An old employee goes out.

Say nice things to those villagers who pass cigarettes.

But the villagers holding farm implements neither spoke nor gave way.

"Let them go!

Just when they were in trouble.

A roar came from behind.

The besieged villagers gave way.

When leaving, the high school section chief glanced back, and it was Liu Dabao who shouted!

Wait for the high school section chief to leave.

Liu Dabao walked up to the villagers and announced loudly:

"Give me the word. Nian

"I don't care about other places, but Longhu Town is about building houses."

"Apart from our five brothers, no one can speak well.

"Our brothers even dared to fight people from the yamen.

"If anyone wants to die, they can come and try."


"So fierce?"

"f*ck, is this a bandit?

"Is this from the 1980s?"

"f*ck, I almost thought it was abroad?"

"Is this true? Even the yamen dare to fight?"

"Cow, what happened next?"

"Yeah, what happened after that?"

"Fast forward, fast forward..."

Seeing that Dabao is so powerful.

Even the yamen dared to fight.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were suddenly shocked.

Seeing so many villagers guarding the door, the live broadcast room was even more shocked, and they all burst into barrage.

I want to see the story behind it.

Ye Xuan's eyes turned to Liu Dabao, who was dying.

Liu Dabao nodded, and Ye Xuan's palm also stroked the red dust beads.

next moment……

The red dust beads appeared on the screen again.

On screen...

The high school section chief has returned to the office.

Thinking of the scene just now, the high school section chief shivered with fright.


So terrifying.

Whenever he thinks of being surrounded by dozens of villagers holding farm implements, the section chief of the high school can't help shaking.

Also at this time.

Several subordinates came over.

Said a lot of bad things about the Liu brothers.

For example, he monopolized all the construction business in the town, and all construction business had to be outsourced by their brothers.

Whoever dares to do it except their brothers will clean up whoever!

Over twenty years.

0.. ask for flowers ·

Hot so far!


After listening to the story, the section chief of the high school angrily threw the teacup and roared:

"I don't believe in this evil! 35

A roar.

The high school section chief went to the catching fast brigade.

When they arrived at the fast-catching bureau, the fast-catching captain personally received them.

The high school section chief told what happened to him.

The director of the arresting department sighed, "Didn't you see Liu Xiaobao?"

"I didn't see it."

“You know they have five brothers, why have you only seen four?’99


"Because they have five brothers, there are only four at most, and no one knows where the other is hiding."

The captain took a cigarette and sighed before continuing:

"If anyone dares to touch these four brothers.

"Then Liu Xiaobao, who will kill him.

"Are you going to call the police now?"

After saying this, the captain's eyes turned to the high school section chief.

The high school section chief had an expression on his face.


If you can't catch it all at once.

That waiting for him will be endless troubles.

He called the police and arrested the four brothers. What if Xiaobao killed him?


The captain of the fast capture patted the new section chief on the shoulder and sighed:

"Big brother."

“The clan power in the countryside is very stubborn.35

"I can capture the four brothers of the Liu family today. 99

"But tomorrow, Liu Xiaobao doesn't need to look for you at all. The hundreds of people from the Liu family will come to surround the yamen."

"So, you'd better go back and think about it."

"Maybe in the future, there will be a way to deal with them! 39


The high school section chief only left in despair.

"Fuck, is there any king law?

"Shit, are there any laws?""

"What's the matter, it's too wild, isn't it?"

"With more brothers, can you do whatever you want?"

"Fuck, not only do they dare to beat and scold their people, are they even afraid of the arresting team?

"Tsk tsk tsk, this Jill is definitely a tumor.

"Ask Master Ye, what happened after that?"

"Same question, what happened next?"


Seeing the five brothers of the Liu family are so arrogant.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all angry and asked Ye Xuan, what happened to them?

A small smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face:

"Finally! 35

"The five brothers of the Liu family were cleaned up by one person.

"This person's name is Yang Feng!" Fan.

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