Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

151: I didn't see it, was the uncle so rampant before?

151: I didn't see it, was the uncle so rampant before?


"Not being a bully for years?

"Master, what are you bragging about?"

"Master, don't be sluggish when it's cool." 5


Seeing the old man who is dying.

Said he wasn't a bully for years.

Many water friends in the live broadcast room laughed and pissed.

But instead of smiling, Ye Xuan showed a serious expression: "Liu Dabao, are you sure you want to expose yourself?

"Yeah. 35

"Have been a bully for the first half of my life. 39

"Have been quail for the rest of my life.

"Life is coming to an end."

"I want to share my experience."

"It can also be regarded as enriching the experience of young people today. 35

The sound fell.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are still joking.

Seeing that the water friends are making fun of the uncle.

Kind of despised.

Ye Xuan's tone became a little more serious: the handsome girl in the live broadcast room, this uncle was not an ordinary person in the early years.

"F*ck, even Master Ye said it's unusual?

"Master Ye said it's not ordinary, it's definitely not ordinary."

"Why do I feel a little impatient, seeking exposure.""

"Hurry up, beg Master Ye to expose quickly...

"Seeking exposure +1"



Live room water friends.

Both are Ye Xuan fans.

Now Ye Xuan says that the old man is not ordinary.

The water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly became interested.

Ye 567 Xuan's tone was flat:

"Uncle's name is Liu Dabao."

"He has four brothers.

"They are called: Two Treasures, Three Treasures, Four Treasures, and Little Treasures. 35

"Everyone should know that whoever has more males in the countryside has a bigger fist, and it makes sense to speak."

"In the early years."

"Five or five brothers of the Liu family.

"But the famous local bully!


Ye Xuan's voice fell.

The palm gently stroked the red dust beads.

next moment

A picture appeared in the red dust beads.

In the picture is a humble office.

A small welcome ceremony is being held in the office.

A high school student will be the head of this department in the future, which makes several semi-literate employees very happy.

after all……

in the eighties of the last century.

Even high school students are well-educated.

Seeing the welcome of the old staff, the new section chief is also very happy, Juding must ask for orders for the people and do things for the people.


An old man came.

The old man's right cheek was high and swollen, and his forehead was wrapped in gauze, which was oozing blood.

As soon as the old man came in, he shouted:

"Master Qingtian."

"You must call the shots for me. 39

"You must be the master for me..."

The new section chief was just about to serve the people (acej), but suddenly someone came to complain, isn't this just dozing off and handing over a pillow?

"If you have any grievances, say it quickly!

The new section chief was hot in his heart and decided that he must be the leader of the people!


The old man one-fifty-one.

Talk things out.

It turned out that the old man was a mason.

I recently contracted a job, and when it was halfway through, a few people came and told him not to do it.

The old man said: I have agreed with the master, how can I not do it?

The person who came here didn't talk nonsense, and gave him a few ear scraps directly.


"I lost all my teeth."

The old man stretched out his palm, it was an old tooth.

Then, the old man opened his mouth again and pointed to the empty socket where the old teeth were located:

"They beat people without saying a word.

"I said why do I hit someone, they just picked up a brick and slapped it directly on my forehead."

"Then, I ran away.

After listening to this.

The new section chief immediately became furious.

How can there be such a reason, how can it really be such a reason, how could such a thing happen in broad daylight?

Other employees were also outraged:

"You bastard, what a bastard.""

"It's not a thing, how dare you hit someone."

"This matter must be dealt with severely, and it must be severely punished!

"The three fires of the new official's appointment are just good enough to catch a typical example.

"Yes yes yes, do this well and establish prestige for the new section chief!

The head of the high school has a great sense of justice.

Being so supported by several employees, I felt a surge of excitement, and immediately asked: "What are the names of those who hit you, and where are they?"99

"My name is Liu Dabao, Liu Erbao, Liu Sanbao, and Liu Sibao!

"Now, they should all be at home!

The old man replied earnestly.

The high school section chief's eyes lit up: "At home, it's easy to handle, we'll go arrest people now!

The voice falls to the ground

The high school section chief took a step forward.

However, the sleeve was pulled, and he turned to look.

Take a look.

The high school chief was stunned.

I saw the indignation of the previous employees, with complex expressions at this moment, hesitation, fear, and cowardice...

"What's the matter, this is?" the high school section chief asked.

"Section chief, the Liu family's five treasures can't be provoked.

"Yeah, their five brothers are not easy to mess with.

"I think it's better, forget it.

"This family is a local bully, and it's really hard to mess with."5

a time.

A few employees who were excited just now.

After hearing the name of Liu Family Wubao.

One by one frightened like a quail.

Seeing this, the chief was angry: "If you don't go, I will go! 35

The sound fell.

The section chief asked the old man to take him to the five treasures of the Liu family.

Seeing the stubborn character of the section chief, and fearing that the high school section chief would suffer, several employees had to reluctantly keep up.


A group of people came to Liu's house in a mighty manner.

Most of the people in the 1980s were still very poor, but the Liu family was well maintained.

small car.

Small mansion.

Big color TV.

Nothing is missing.

"Dong dong dong..."

The high school head knocked on the door.

An old lady with fierce eyes opened the door and said in a bad tone, "Who are you looking for? 35

"Call me Liu Dabao! The high school section chief is very confident.


"Someone is looking for it!"

The old lady shouted.

The voice fell, and four burly men came out of the small western-style building.

They are Liu Dabao, Liu Erbao, Liu Sanbao, and Liu Sibao!

The four men aggressively walked up to the high school section chief, gave the old man a cold look, and cursed:

"Old dog."

"You still dare to come?"

"Do you want to die, or do you want to live?"

After being yelled at by Liu Dabao, the old man was so frightened that he retreated to the senior high school section chief.


"Don't be afraid. 99

"I will call the shots for the people today!"

The high school section chief spoke righteously, then walked up to Liu Dabao and reprimanded:

"Don't rely on your brothers.

"You can do whatever you want.""

"Today I am here to warn you, stop knowing the law and breaking the law, and challenge the bottom line of the law. 35

"Ergou's house still has this old man to build the courtyard wall, you can't snatch it.

"Afterwards, you can't take revenge!"

"Do you understand?

Liu Dabao nodded:


"We will definitely not retaliate afterwards.

"Because of our brothers, we all avenged our revenge on the spot.

Hear the word!

The high school principal was furious.

He himself wanted to deal with these brothers seriously.

But his subordinates persuaded him, saying that the five brothers were difficult to deal with, and it was best to give warnings.

So, he just warned.

Unexpectedly, these five brothers dared to provoke him face to face?

give one away

The fire of the high school section chief suddenly came up, and he was angry:

"What did you say?"

"What revenge is reported on the spot?"


Liu Dabao slapped the high school section chief in the face: "Like this, if you slap you, you will be avenged on the spot!"

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