1015: The Surrender Craze

"My Xia State Master Ye is here, no criminals really want to escape.

"It's a terrifying speed, not only the infrastructure madman, but also the case-solving madman.

Ye Xuan nodded lightly: "What's so difficult about this?"

"I'm going to surrender myself.


"`~ I can't take it anymore. Ten years ago, I murdered and ran away. In the past ten years, I have been hiding in hiding for fear of seeing the police, dreaming of ghosts, and fear of ghosts knocking on the door. Now I am afraid of being exposed by Master Ye! Surrender yourself."

Ye Xuan shook his head:

"I produce Laotan sauerkraut. In order to save costs, I sell unhygienic sauerkraut to China, and hygienic sauerkraut to foreign countries to make black money. I thought that if I had money, I could send my son abroad without domestic pollution. Who knows my son I'm insane in the U.S. on drugs, what's the use of earning so much money. I'm going to turn myself in too."

"Master Ye, can you find out where the white boss who brought the black fan to the door is? He, a foreigner, came to our Xia country to do something, and if he didn't catch him, it seemed that our Xia country police were incompetent."5

"He is thinking about returning to China now, and he must go out of the border."

"You can find him as long as you pay attention to the white middle-aged male out of the country.

The internet police said to Ye Xuan again:

Some criminals shivered when they saw the barrage. They used to live in fear every day. Now with Ye Xuan, they have to watch Ye Xuan's live broadcast every day, for fear that Ye Xuan will expose them one day.

"Yes, we teach about cause and effect. 35

The policeman frowned:

"I understand."

Internet Police:

While he was talking, the Internet police received a private message. It turned out that the police stations in various places had received many Internet trolls who surrendered themselves. Many of these trolls were offline black fans.

"Xia Guo is too fast. 35

"I never said you can't do anything, you can do evil, but consider the consequences.

"It turned out to be that simple.

"Not necessarily, maybe he can sneak in. 35

"His appearance has appeared in the Red Dust Mirror, we only need to add his face to the facial recognition system for entry and exit, and we can find him as soon as he passes by.

I don't know who posted the barrage first:

Netizens applaud:

The police are at ease:

"It would be too naive to think only about doing evil and making a fortune, and not thinking about going to jail and retribution after doing evil.

Ye Xuan also said:

"Is Xia Guo's face recognition so advanced now 々~?"

"It's so fast."

"In this case, criminals can't get out of the country at all."

"Back then, when I forced a girl, I threatened her not to speak out. I have been blaming myself over the years. Life is better than death, and I might as well be arrested back then, and I have to surrender myself. 35


This barrage is like a switch, and rows of barrages appear behind it:

The Internet police said in the live broadcast:

"I sold gutter oil to make money, and I killed countless people. My dad was hit by a car (good Zhao) and died, my mother fell to her death while walking, my wife cheated, my daughter stumbled, I had a nervous breakdown, and I had to turn myself in."

"Impossible, the white male has obviously lived in the Xia country for a long time. His status in the United States should not be low. You let him secretly leave the country. The Xia country is not a small country in Europe. The borders of the Xia country are all dangerous terrain, how can he have The courage to endure hardship. 99

"Yes, Master Ye, if he smuggles out of the country, what should we do?"

"The police have already received many surrenders, and I hope those who did not surrender will act sooner, soon we will go to the black fans' home, and when we get your address, you will have no chance if you want to surrender.

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