Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

1014: When you do evil, you should think of today

1014: When you do evil, you should think of today

The black powder was eventually escorted into a police car.

The beautiful girl thanked Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would have died. 99

She said, blushing, isn't this the hero saving beauty in her imagination?

Netizens laughed strangely:

"Master, you have caught that girl."

"Master is still flirting? That girl was originally interested in Master Ye.

"It's too difficult for me, I can't catch up with this girl.

"Upstairs, if you want to open up a little bit, it's not just this girl that you can't catch, there is no girl in the world that you can catch.

"Master Ye 02 is really liked by girls.


Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, he had no idea about this beautiful girl.

When the beautiful girl is down, some netizens remind:

"Master, the black fan has been arrested, what about the other?"

Internet Police:

"We are already interrogating black fans. This guy is stubborn and has not disclosed his downline for the time being. Give us a little time, and none of his downlines will be spared."

Ye Xuan:

"Why do you need to ask him, on his home computer, he keeps these offline data, and he doesn't even lock the password.

"The information inside is very detailed, including names, phone numbers, ID cards, and addresses. You can arrest people immediately after you get them.

Internet Police:

"Thank you Master for reminding me, we will go to his house to find him right away."


"Master, how many of these people are there, will there be fewer of these people, and there will be fewer sunspots on the Internet in the future?

Ye Xuan:

"Not much, just over 500 people."


"Over 500 people!"

"Are there so many traitors?"

"It's really scary, this is still a peaceful time, if it's a war time, aren't these people going to lead the way for little devils?

Ye Xuan nodded:

"This time it happened to kill everyone this time, lest they come out and hurt people.


"I support the master.

"These sunspots are nasty."

A netizen posted a barrage:

"No, Master, I only took office yesterday.

Netizens rejoice:

"Is this a newly added downline?"

"Deserving it."

"You wouldn't want to say you could get a reduced sentence for just one day? No way.""

"I don't want to learn from others to do evil without other people's luck."

"Just take you as a model, and let those who want to do evil see the end of evil."

"The moment you do evil, you have to think of this possibility.

The Internet police also spoke:

"Don't do evil, otherwise it is very likely that you will be arrested just after doing evil, then you are very unlucky. Our police will not care if you have just committed evil. Once you are caught, you will be imprisoned for a long time, and it is not a loss.

A group of netizens posted a barrage begging for mercy:

“Internet police, can I reduce my sentence by turning myself in? 55

“I just made hundreds of black posts. 35

"I want to surrender, I have 80 old 177 mothers on top and 3-year-old children on the bottom, you can't arrest us.

"Ugh... all the money I make is in the bank, and I'm going to jail before I have time to spend it.

Internet Police:

"It is recommended to surrender, the sentence can be reduced, and the amount of reduction depends on the specific situation. 35

"The law is not merciful, don't think about playing emotional cards, if you have the difficulty of not being able to go to jail, you shouldn't have done evil in the first place.

A netizen agrees:

"The Internet police said it well. When they break the law and make money, they feel that they are the winners in life, and they have the ability to make money. When they are caught, they will play emotional cards one by one. You can't go to jail. If you can't go to jail, don't even think about committing a crime!"

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