The director's office didn't switch to Lin Xuan and Chen Yiyi's live broadcast room this morning, so except for some viewers, the observers didn't know that Lin Xuan had the good fortune to catch two monkeys with a lasso.

"What's going on? When did Lin Xuan and Chen Yiyi catch two monkeys?"Wang Lin was surprised.

If he didn't know the specifications of the program"Leisure Live Broadcast", he would have suspected that the props team gave the two monkeys.

"Ahem - let's take a look at the replay of Commander Wei getting a hint from the director.

On the screen, it played the fast-forward process of Lin Xuan discovering the new grassland in the morning, and how he picked up two monkeys for free.

What a coincidence, in the habitat of these two monkeys, they actually found monkey wine. It was really a case of searching for something without any effort.

Commander Wei's face was full of weirdness, and he glanced at Wang Lin, whose face was changing. This time he was slapped in the face again.

Yesterday, he said that it would be difficult for Lin Xuan and the others to catch monkeys in the future, and that monkeys caught in rope traps would be eaten by jackals.

But now, the two monkeys are still jackals, so Lin Xuan picked up two monkeys for free and raised them. Jiang Jianguo and Qi Weiting also looked at Gan Lin weirdly, as if yesterday's words were still ringing in their ears.

"Ahem. Lin Xuan is really lucky. Wang Lin said with a forced smile.

"Okay, let's take a look at other live broadcast rooms."Commander Wei came out to save the situation immediately.

But the audience in the live broadcast room was happy. What they liked to watch most was the reverse barrage of comments.

"Expert Wang was slapped in the face by Lin Xuan again"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Moreover, it was Wang Lin himself who stretched his face forward."

"Lin Xuan is really lucky. He can eat and drink enough every day."

"The most exciting thing is that they started raising monkeys."

"I'll pay 10 million for your monkey wine, just one bottle!"

Seeing this comment, Lin Xuan smiled and waved his hand to reject the netizen.


There was another thunder in the sky.

"You won't eat anything? It looks like they were frightened by thunder." Chen Yiyi looked at the two monkeys shivering in the corner of the wooden cage in the light of the fire.

People would be frightened by thunder, let alone timid wild monkeys.

Chen Yiyi didn't bother Tu Yu and got up to hang the clothes.

After she hung the clothes by the fire, she looked at Lin Xuan who was still cutting bamboo strips. After a little thought, she took the engineer shovel and started to cut wood.

Click, click.

Lin Xuan looked up at the girl who was struggling to cut the bamboo head. He raised his eyebrows and asked curiously,"Chen Yiyi, what are you doing cutting the bamboo head?"

"I'll get a piece of wood and make a calendar to record the days."Chen Yiyi said with a smile.

She didn't have any paper on hand. Otherwise, she would have written a diary.

Calendar Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment and suddenly thought of his sign-in system. He called out in his mind,"Sign in."

The next second, a virtual screen that only he could see appeared in front of his sight, showing that he had signed in for days.

""There are still two days left." Lin Xuan murmured. Tomorrow is the sign-in system. Every sign-in for ten days will get a primary gift pack. He values this gift pack very much. After all, he can't get support in the wild. With the gift pack, he may get more new gains.

"Wait patiently for two days.,"Lin Xuan silently recited the group sign-in system in his mind, and the screen in front of him disappeared.

Click, click.

He looked at the girl biting her lips. The little hand was holding the engineer shovel and trying to cut wood. He let Chen Yiyi toss and then lowered his head to cut bamboo strips.

For a while, the only sounds in the wooden shed were the sound of cutting wood and bamboo. Occasionally, the night curtains were thundered, and there were flashes of lightning tearing through the darkness.


Finally. The sky couldn't bear it anymore. Too many water drops were scattered and a heavy rain came.

"It's raining." Chen Yiyi looked up at the night and could clearly smell the earthy smell brought by the rain.

She turned her head and looked carefully at the top of the shed, a little worried about whether it would leak, after all, it was paved with tree peaks."Lin Xuan, how long can these trees last without leaking?" Chen Yiyi asked worriedly.

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