"Okay, just wash it and you can use it."Lin Xuan took a bamboo bowl and handed it to the girl.

"Now we even have a bowl." Chen Yiyi took the bamboo bowl with a smile. She also took Lin Xuan's bamboo bowl. She used the water in the wooden barrel to select.

After selecting, she filled a large bowl of oysters and stuffed it into Lin Xuan's hand, saying softly,"It's ready, you can eat it now.""

""Sound" Lin Xuan took the bamboo bowl blankly. He looked helplessly at the oysters in the bamboo bowl.

"Eat quickly." Chen Yiyi urged, holding the bamboo bowl, looking at Lin Xuan with confusion. Why did she feel that he was worried?

"You eat too." Lin Xuan took a deep breath and didn't think too much. He picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"Now it feels like a normal dinner." Chen Yiyi had a satisfied smile on her face. She had everything she needed, so she could have two meals a day.

"Things will get more and more normal in the future."Lin Xuan looked at the happy smile on the girl's face. The restlessness in his heart slowly subsided.

He stopped thinking too much and ate the most sumptuous meal in three days.


Suddenly, there was an explosion between heaven and earth.

""Ah?" Chen Yiyi screamed in fear. The bamboo bowl in her hand almost fell.

"Don't be afraid. It's the thunder." Lin Xuan quickly comforted

""Hoo, hoo, hoo." Chen Yiyi took a few long breaths. She asked with fear in her eyes,"Is it going to rain?"

The thunder was really too loud. It was as if it was ringing in their ears.

"Yes, I guess it will rain a lot."Lin Xuan frowned.

The weather on the island changes so quickly. It was sunny during the day. Then it would rain and thunder at night.

"So what should we do?" Chen Yiyi asked hesitantly.

"Hang the washed clothes by the fire and let them dry. I wonder if there will be a rain tomorrow. Lin Xuan looked at the clothes on the stone.

He was a little unsure about the weather here. If it rains for a few days in a row, then the two of them will have a hard time again.

"Okay, I'll dry my clothes after I finish eating." Chen Yiyi nodded and started eating from the bamboo bowl.

A few minutes later

"You can eat the rest." Lin Xuan said after finishing a bowl.

"Ah? You don't want to eat anymore?"

Chen Yiyi raised her head and pouted,"How come you only ate one bowl and there are still several bowls in the pot?"

"I haven't digested the meal in the afternoon yet. I can't eat anymore." Lin Xuan waved his hand

"Really?" Chen Yiyi frowned in doubt.

"Really, when have I ever lied to you?" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Chen Yiyi narrowed her eyes and stared at Lin Xuan for a long time before she pouted and muttered,"Haven't you lied enough?"

"Ah" Lin Xuan's mouth twitched. He heard everything the girl said. As for whether they were lying or not, what did they know about each other?

""Crack, crack!"

Lin Xuan sat on a rock, cutting bamboo with a hatchet. He cut the bamboo into strips and prepared to make a few bamboo cages.

"Hmm~ I'm so full." Chen Yiyi let out a long breath and put down her bowl and chopsticks. Today's dinner was finished.

She touched her stomach, blinked her long eyelashes and looked at Lin Xuan's face who was working seriously. The corners of her mouth rose inexplicably.

"It's time to drink some wine."Lin Xuan said so.

After a while, Chen Yiyi came back to her senses with a flushed face. She took a steel pot of water and hung it on the wooden rack to boil it so that she could have water to drink tonight.

She muttered,"The water is boiling. Then feed the monkey. Then hang the clothes."

""The monkeys need to be well fed. Then they can have more little monkeys." Chen Yiyi muttered, stuffing the weeds she had cut during the day into the gaps in the wooden cage.

The camera lens was also pointed at the fire, and the girl's action of feeding the monkeys was captured and seen by Commander Wei, Wang Lin and others in the live broadcast room.

Wang Lin was confused. How come there were suddenly two more monkeys?

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