Netizens were completely shocked.

They didn't expect that Lin Xuan didn't dodge, but directly grabbed the horse king's legs with his own hands!

You know, the horse king didn't just stand there for Lin Xuan to grab, it was grabbed by Lin Xuan when it was making a fierce attack!

This is so difficult that it is simply not something a human can do.

It's amazing!

In the live broadcast room, countless barrages burst out

"Oh my god, the anchor actually grabbed the horse king's legs! Awesome!"

"The host is so awesome, he can do this, so amazing!"

"Host, why are you so outstanding? Even better than the flower show!"

"Oh my god, I found that the anchor is even more awesome than Ma Wang!"

"Grabbing the horse king's legs with his hands, this anchor is really strong!"

In the live broadcast room, countless comments were praising Lin Xuan.

The dense comments were all words of amazement for Lin Xuan.


After grabbing the horse king's legs, Lin Xuan looked at the horse king with a smile, thinking that he should give it a little demonstration, otherwise the horse king would not surrender.

"I'll show you something powerful."

Lin Xuan stretched out his right hand, clenched it into a palm, and then suddenly slapped the horse king's leg.


Lin Xuan used 50% of his strength in this slap, which reached at least more than 1,000 kilograms.

The slap cut through the air with a sharp sound.

Then, the slap landed on the horse king's thigh like lightning.


A loud slapping sounded.


The horse king only felt a sharp pain in his legs, as if he was burned by a raging fire.

He glared at Lin Xuan in anger and fear, with anger in his eyes.


The horse king tried desperately to break free, but couldn't move at all.

At this moment, the horse king was panic-stricken.

Its legs were tightly grasped by a human, and it couldn't move forward or backward. It was firmly clamped. This feeling made it doubt its life as a horse!

"How do you feel?"

Lin Xuan smiled and looked at the horse king.

Horse King:"……"


"Hahaha, the host is playing with the horse king, so funny"

"Streamer, keep going, make Ma Wang call you daddy."

"This fierce horse just needs to be punished, host, teach it a lesson, hahahaha."

Netizens found it funny to see Lin Xuan playing a trick on this horse king.

This scene was really funny, a tall and majestic horse king was actually held tightly by Lin Xuan's hands by his legs, like a sculpture, unable to move.


At this time, the horse king had been held by Lin Xuan by his hind legs for more than ten minutes. His two front legs were slightly numb and trembling, and he felt that he was about to collapse.

Lin Xuan noticed the horse king's physical condition, he smiled slightly, and just when the horse king was about to collapse, he suddenly let go of the horse king's legs.


The horse king's two hind legs were finally freed, and when it fell to the ground, it felt relaxed and very comfortable.

The horse king was stunned for a moment, then it turned around and glanced at Lin Xuan with confusion and fear in its eyes.

It was a little confused, why did this human let it go?

However, the horse king did not think too much, it moved its two hind legs, then turned around and ran away.

Running away is the first reaction of animals when facing danger.

The horse king is no exception.

""Thump, thump!"

The horse king turned around and ran away without hesitation. He was as fast as an arrow shot from a bow. In the blink of an eye, he ran a long way away, leaving a long trail of dust on the ground.

Looking at the horse king's fleeing back, Lin Xuan nodded calmly,"Not bad, not bad, you run pretty fast, you are worthy of being the horse king."

Live broadcast room

"Holy shit, the horse king ran away?!"

"Um, host, why did you let the horse king run away?"

"Yes, we finally caught it, why did we let it go?"

In the live broadcast room, netizens were discussing.

They didn't expect that Lin Xuan would let the horse king run away at the critical moment. This was unexpected.

Lin Xuan calmly explained:"To conquer a horse king, we must use both kindness and force. Let it go first, give it kindness, and then catch it and conquer it again. It will be easier."

"Wow, the host is really knowledgeable"

"Combining kindness and severity, awesome!"

"Anchor, go catch this horse king!"

"Yes, keep doing it!"

""Host, chase it and catch it!"

Netizens were a little surprised when they heard Lin Xuan's words. They didn't expect that Lin Xuan would use both kindness and force to let the horse king go. Then they sent comments one after another, wanting to see Lin Xuan continue to conquer this horse king.


Lin Xuan smiled calmly, then bent his legs slightly, accumulating powerful strength, and then kicked his feet suddenly, and his body rushed out like a rocket, heading straight for the Horse King.


Lin Xuan's figure passed by on the grass at an incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the wild horse.

At this time, the horse king felt something and turned his head to see a human catching up from the side!

Suddenly, the horse king's eyes showed a very surprised color.

""Get up!"

Lin Xuan suddenly jumped up, and the whole person leaped up and jumped onto the back of the wild horse king.

The horse king felt that this human was riding on him, and was suddenly shocked and scared. He subconsciously twisted his body, trying to throw the person off his back.

However, at this time, Lin Xuan's legs suddenly clamped together, clamping the horse king's abdomen.

In an instant, the horse king felt a powerful force coming from his abdomen, clamping him completely.

The horse king's entire back stiffened, and he hurriedly slowed down his pace, feeling anxious and uneasy, and somewhat afraid to move.

Lin Xuan reached out and patted the horse king's head gently, smiling and saying,"How about it, are you convinced?"

The horse king's eyes were shocked and scared, and he looked at Lin Xuan with fear.

This human is too powerful!

The horse king's body trembled slightly, and he had an urge to surrender.

"Come, have some water."

At this time, Lin Xuan felt that the rejection in the horse king's heart was gradually easing, and he developed an inexplicable fear and admiration for himself. He smiled slightly, then took off the spiritual water bottle at his waist and handed it to the horse king's mouth.

"Drink this sip of water, and from now on, you will be my mount."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

The horse king looked at the spiritual water bottle in front of him. The spiritual water exuded a wisp of attractive fragrance. When he smelled this fragrance, the horse king's eyes sparkled slightly.


The horse king couldn't help but yelled, and immediately opened his mouth.

Lin Xuan smiled and poured the spiritual water into its mouth.

After drinking a mouthful of the spiritual water, the horse king's eyes flashed with wisdom, and the red hair all over his body became more bright and fiery, like the scorching sun, bright and dazzling.


The horse king yelled excitedly, and his two front hooves stomped the ground fiercely, and his entire upper body leaped into the air, with an extremely handsome posture.

Lin Xuan rode on the horse king's back and showed a satisfied smile. He knew that this horse king had surrendered!

"Good horse, come, let’s try running two laps!"


Lin Xuan shouted softly and patted the horse king on the back.


The horse king spread out his four strong and slender legs and suddenly rushed forward.


The horse king rushed forward like an arrow from a bow, at an extremely fast speed, just like a phantom, extremely amazing.

The horse king's physical fitness is very strong, and he can run like flying. After drinking the spiritual water, his physical fitness has been strengthened, and he is even more powerful.

At this time, he ran as fast as lightning.

On a wide green grassland, a wild horse as red as the scorching sun, carrying a handsome young man in white, ran all the way. The young man's clothes rustled and his hair flew. The scene was beautiful.

Netizens were stunned.

"Holy crap! The host completely conquered the horse king!"

"The anchor is awesome!"

"Cheering for the anchor like crazy!"

"The anchor is so strong!"

"Oh my god, I'm completely impressed by the host!"

"The host is so powerful, he tamed the horse king completely and rode it all the way. Awesome!"

"【Luo Badao] gave 10 rockets as a reward and left a message: The anchor is really amazing, he has completely tamed the horse king, awesome!"

"【I am a little fairy] She rewarded with 20 rockets and left a message: Brother Lin is so awesome, you are riding this red horse, just like Lu Bu riding the red rabbit horse in ancient times, so handsome!"

"【Romantic Night] He gave 20 rockets and left a message: The anchor is so cool, he conquered such a powerful horse king! It's amazing!"

"【[Horse Lover's Home] gave 30 rockets as a reward and left a message: The host's horse training skills are really powerful, I admire you!"

"【Linglongxin] gave 50 rockets and left a message: The anchor is so strong! I like you like crazy! I like you so much!"

"【Falling in love with a wild horse] rewarded 100 rockets and left a message:"Host, I kept my word. You conquered the horse king. I reward you with 100 rockets! I admire you."

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