Netizens were completely shocked.

Through the drone camera, they could clearly see Lin Xuan running above the horses like a monkey. His feet kept rising and falling, stepping on the heads of wild horses. His figure was like an ancient knight, running quickly!

The scene was like a dragonfly skimming the water or flying over the grass.

It was just like watching a martial arts movie.

Netizens were completely shocked.

In the live broadcast room, countless comments burst out.

"My god, this host is so amazing! He is actually flying on horseback!"

"Wow, this is so awesome, I am completely impressed by the host!"

"This anchor is so awesome! I am totally convinced!"

"The host is so amazing, Chen Duxiu! The beauty of Tihua!"

"This anchor is such a genius, he actually jumped on top of the herd of horses and ran, so awesome!"

"Awesome! The host is so awesome!"

"I have already bowed down to the anchor, and I bow down to him!"

In the live broadcast room, countless comments flew by like water, all praising Lin Xuan's strength.

Lin Xuan's operation was completely beyond the expectations of netizens, and they were very surprised.

At the same time, several special forces soldiers in the distance saw this scene and their eyes widened.

"Mr. Lin, he, he actually jumped and ran on top of the horses, this, this is too strong!"

The special forces were shocked. Even the most powerful captain of the armed forces in their army could not do this, but Lin Xuan could easily run among hundreds of horses. This ability was simply incredible!

Several special forces looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

"Mr. Lin’s ability is indeed profound!"

"Mr. Lin's high strength is really not something that ordinary people can do."

Several special forces soldiers couldn't help but nod their heads repeatedly, and they really admired Lin Xuan's ability.

…… the other side


Lin Xuan stepped on the head of the last wild horse and jumped down from the air. His feet stood firmly on the ground, and there was a steady sound of landing.

Five meters ahead was the fiery red horse king.

At this time, Lin Xuan and it were facing each other, looking at each other.

Observing closely, Lin Xuan couldn't help but nodded secretly. This horse king was tall, strong, and majestic. His red hair was like a raging fire, bright and heroic! He exuded a sharp and majestic aura.

It is worthy of being the horse king, and it is really very temperamental!

Lin Xuan kept nodding, and was very satisfied.

If he could tame this one as a mount, it would be a very good thing.

Lin Xuan rushed up directly.


Lin Xuan's speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed in front of the horse king.

Then, Lin Xuan jumped directly, trying to jump onto the back of the horse king.


The horse king was furious when he saw someone rushing towards him. He turned around suddenly and kicked Lin Xuan fiercely with his two slender and powerful hooves.


The two horse hooves were so powerful that they struck like bayonets with a sound of breaking through the air.

If you were kicked by a horse hoof, you would definitely fly backwards.

Lin Xuan saw the horse hooves rushing towards him swiftly, and his pupils shrank slightly. He quickly dodged sideways and jumped back several meters away.


The horse's hoof kicked past the side of his body, making the air explode.

The strength of this horse king was so terrifying that it amazed people.

"Not bad, not bad, you have quite a lot of strength."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but nod and praise

"The stronger the horse is, the more powerful it is to ride."

Lin Xuan smiled. He looked at the strong and powerful hooves of the horse king and could not help but nod his head in praise. With such a strong leg, it must be able to travel a thousand miles a day. This is a veritable thousand-mile horse. Seeing this, netizens were also surprised.

"Damn, this horse king’s hooves are so sharp!"

"My God, it’s worthy of being the horse king. If I kick it out with this kick, I will definitely be kicked over!"

"The anchor's dodging speed is amazing, so amazing!"

In the live broadcast room, countless comments were posted, and netizens were shocked by the powerful strength of the horse king. At the same time, they were very much looking forward to the scene of Lin Xuan conquering it.

"Host, quickly conquer it with your powerful strength and make it kneel down and call me daddy!"

"Hahaha, that's right, the host is about to conquer this horse king"

"What a strong horse king! Host, let’s get him!"

""Host, get this horse king quickly, you can do it!"

Netizens sent comments one after another, urging Lin Xuan to conquer this wild horse.

Lin Xuan was also eager to try, he smiled and nodded, saying:"No problem."

However, at this time, some netizens also raised doubts.

"Host, the horse king has such a hot temper and kicks people if he disagrees with you. How do you want to tame it?"

"Yes, I think this horse king doesn't listen to taming at all, I guess there is no way to tame it"


In response, Lin Xuan smiled calmly and said,"Don't worry, this horse king is actually not difficult to conquer. To conquer a fierce horse, we must first suppress it with force and make it have a mentality of submission."

"Now, let's suppress it with force!"

"Everyone, look at me."

Lin Xuan smiled calmly, then he walked over and approached the horse king.


Seeing this man dare to come over, the horse king yelled angrily, then turned around and aimed his butt at Lin Xuan. His two slender and powerful hooves accumulated huge power and continued to kick him fiercely.


The two horse hooves rushed towards Lin Xuan like iron spears.


The horse's hoof cut through the air, and a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard.

In the blink of an eye, the horse's hoof kicked Lin���in front of the horse's chest.

The scene was extremely shocking.

In the live broadcast room, netizens saw this scene and were so scared that they couldn't help but scream.

They didn't expect that this horse king would launch a sudden attack. This time it was too sudden. They could predict that Lin Xuan would definitely not have time to dodge.

Because Lin Xuan was very close to the horse king, only about one meter away.

With such a short distance, there was no way to dodge!

And at this moment, it was seen that Lin Xuan had no intention of dodging at all. He suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed forward suddenly, and grabbed the two hooves of the horse king.

He clamped the two hind legs of the horse king with both hands, like iron pliers, strong and solid, and unable to break free.

"hiss hiss~~"

The horse king was stunned. He felt something grabbing his legs. He kicked so hard, but it was grabbed!

He was stunned.

Netizens were also shocked when they saw this scene.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"


After they reacted, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

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