Two hours later.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky in Haizui City began to gradually darken.

Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing walked out of the gate of the Haizui City Precious Metals Research Center.

"Ms. Xiaoqing, please appreciate this pendant from a female perspective. How is it? Will my mother like it?"

As soon as he walked out of the door, Lin Kun handed Su Xiaoqing the pendant that had been carved into a Guanyin statue.

Su Xiaoqing took the pendant and observed it carefully.

"Well, the carving is very good, and the color is also very noble. Auntie will definitely like it!"

"Host Lin is really thoughtful~"

Su Xiaoqing looked at Lin Kun with great approval and returned the pendant to him.

"Of course, my mother has worked hard for half her life. Our family was poor before and she couldn’t afford to buy any jewelry!"

"Now that I can make money, I must honor them well!"

Lin Kun said with a smile after putting away the pendant.

To be honest, Su Xiaoqing's family background is not simple, but she rarely sees jewelry of such high value. The raw materials of this pendant alone are worth more than one million. If the carving is included, the price may be in the 2 million range!

Even for her, it is quite expensive, so there is a little more praise in her eyes when she looks at Lin Kun!

After the two left the appraisal center, they took a taxi to the hotel that Lin Kun booked for his parents.

Since they are in the city, how could Lin Kun not go to see his parents? It's a good opportunity to ask them how they like the house!

When he arrived downstairs of the hotel, Lin Kun called the two elders. He had agreed with his parents to have dinner together in the evening before he came.

Originally, he heard his son say that he was going out. When it came to eating, the old couple said they didn’t want to waste the money.

But when they heard that Lin Kun was bringing Su Xiaoqing along, they agreed without hesitation.

Since the restaurant of the hotel where his parents were staying was also a high-end restaurant with the Black Pearl three-star certification.

So Lin Kun was too lazy to find a place to eat and just booked it here.

Since he was a big customer who had booked the presidential suite for half a year in one go, the hotel sent someone to greet them at the door after learning that he was coming to dine.

Led by the beautiful waitress, Lin Kun led Su Xiaoqing and followed his parents into a private room.

Compared to the reservedness of Lin Kun’s parents who had never been to such a high-end place, Su Xiaoqing seemed very familiar.

She was in charge of ordering food and everything!

After the waiter left respectfully with the menu, Lin Kun asked

"Mom and Dad, how are your houses? If you find a suitable one, just decide on it!"

Lin Dashan and his wife looked at each other, then smiled and waved his hand and said

"Don't worry, don't worry, your mom and I will take a look. We looked at a few houses in the suburbs today, but I feel that the feng shui is not good."

"There is no rush to choose a house~"

Hearing his father say this, Lin Kun knew that he still wanted to save money for himself.

In the past, he naturally had nothing to say, but now, he has the ability to let his parents live a life of luxury, so there is no need to think too much about money.

So he took out his mobile phone and transferred 10 million yuan to his father's account on the online bank.

"Dad, I just transferred some money to you. You and mom can go and see it without worrying about whether it’s in the suburbs or the city. As long as you think it’s good, it’s fine."

Listening to his son’s words, Lin Dashan frowned and looked at his phone. When he saw the long string of zeros after the 1, he almost threw the phone away.


"Ah Kun, why did you transfer so much money to me?! You gave us the money, what will you do?"

"Now that your business is just starting, there should be many places where you need money, right? It's okay as long as the house is liveable.……"

He wanted to say something, but Lin Kun winked at Su Xiaoqing and asked her to help him say something.

Su Xiaoqing understood and said to Lin's father and mother in a delicate voice:

"Uncle and aunt, since it is the money given to you by Lin Kun, you should keep it. Today, Lin Kun’s daily income has reached more than 8000w!"

"1000w is like 100 yuan to him now."

"Besides, if you buy a better and bigger house, won't it be more comfortable for Lin Kun to live here when he gets married and brings his children and wife here?"

It must be said that Su Xiaoqing still knows how to get along with the elders. With just a few words, Lin's father and mother happily accepted the money transferred by Lin Kun.

Seeing this, Lin Kun couldn't help but give Su Xiaoqing a thumbs up!

Taking this opportunity, Lin Kun gave the meteorite gold pendant to his mother.

"Mom, this is a piece of gold I dug up today. I carved a Guanyin statue for you!"

Chen Xiumei looked at the Guanyin statue carved from the meteorite gold handed to her by her son, and her smile became even brighter. She nodded repeatedly and said

"OK, OK! Mom will wear it every day from now on. It’s a token of my son’s love. I will treasure anything he gives me!"

"But A-Kun, you should also pay more attention to your lifelong affairs. You are not young anymore, so you can pay more attention to the people around you!"

Chen Xiumei said, and her eyes occasionally glanced at Su Xiaoqing who was looking at her phone.

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