As the platform lottery system began to operate, the list of winners began to pop up in the live broadcast room.

The fans who were drawn started to show off in the live broadcast room, and some even gave Lin Kun several planes to show their gratitude!

With their interaction, the live broadcast room became more and more lively.

At the same time.

All major social platforms also exploded, because the hot search in one day occupied the first place in the social hot search list!

#Anchor Kun Kun came to hunt for treasures and dug up several meteorites in one day, with a total value of more than 8000w! #In the comment area under the hot search, nearly one million comments appeared within ten minutes.

"[Picture] Brothers, the cash red envelope in Brother Kun’s live broadcast room has arrived, 10w!"

"Oh my god! He actually gave it to me. I thought he was just talking casually!"

"There is nothing to say about Kunzi's character, but he earned more than 8,000w today, which is boring for his brothers to see. I have prepared the pink sack and am ready to block Kunzi!"

"This isn't some treasure-hunting anchor at all, he's definitely a get-rich-quick anchor. The value of the treasures he digs out in one day is equivalent to what I would work for more than ten lifetimes!"

"8000w, what does that mean? If it were paper money, it would probably hit me to death!"

"Damn, I'm not going to work anymore. Tomorrow I'll go find out where the anchor is digging for treasures. I'll go too! If I pick up some of what the anchor left behind, I'll probably be able to lie down for the rest of my life!"

With the hot searches on major social platforms fermenting, the popularity of Lin Kun's live broadcast room naturally broke through the 1000w mark!

Half an hour later.

In the downtown area of Haizui, in Baoyou Antique Shop.

Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing walked in together. Seeing them coming, Xu Hui and Sun Debiao stood up and greeted them.

"Oh my, I am so envious of Brother Lin’s luck!"

"Mr. Xu has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Sun Debiao greeted Lin Kun with a smile, and when his eyes fell on Su Xiaoqing, there was a little surprise in his eyes!

Lin Kun nodded, then took out a package and placed it on the counter in Sun Debiao's store.

""Mr. Xu, I have brought all the things. Can you check them?"

Xu Hui had been waiting for a long time, so after he put down the meteorite gold, he walked over without hesitation, holding a small purple lamp in his hand to illuminate the

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

"I don’t know what to say about Brother Lin’s luck. The only way to describe it is incredible!"

"No problem, the items are all good, I can give you a total of 8150w if you put them together!"

"Brother Lin, look at this price……"

Xu Hui's eyes fell on Lin Kun, waiting for his answer.

"Deal, that's the price!"

As soon as Lin Kun finished answering, the viewers in the live broadcast room started to send envious emojis one by one!

"Oh my god, 81.5 million, is this the world of the rich?"

"Kunzi is so good to us. At least he lets us experience for ourselves what it feels like to earn more than 8,000w a day!"

"I won’t say any more. Tomorrow I will get fired from my boss because of that. I will become a treasure hunting host like Brother Kun!"

"I have witnessed Kunzi's growth step by step to where he is today, and I feel so gratified!"

"No, I was worried that Kunzi couldn't hold on for half a year, but now, I feel that luck is too mysterious!

Compared with the crazy comments, Lin Kun was very calm. He then spoke to Xu Hui,

"But Mr. Xu, are you going to the testing center? Can you take me with you? I have a piece of meteorite gold that I want to process and give away~"

Lin Kun took out the pink meteorite gold from his arms and handed it to him.

He was going to make a pendant for his mother, so he wanted Xu Hui to help him test whether the meteorite gold had any radiation or something.

"If this piece of meteorite gold could be made into jewelry, carved into a pendant and given to ladies, it would be perfect!"

"Could it be that Brother Lin wants to give this meteorite gold to his beloved?"

When saying this, Xu Hui naturally looked at Su Xiaoqing.

Lin Kun smiled and said

"Hi, what is the ideal person? It's for my mom."

Su Xiaoqing listened to the conversation between the two and muttered to herself, it seems that Lin Kun is quite filial! He is indeed the anchor chosen by the company and herself, and he has good character!

Maybe she can grasp this point and optimize the character setting!

However, she still needs to think about this matter in detail. After all, when it comes to creating a character setting, you can't be careless at all, it has to be just right!

""Okay, you can come with me later!"

After Xu Hui finished speaking, he began to arrange for the finance department to transfer money to Lin Kun.

8150w did not seem to hesitate at all for Xu Hui, which made Lin Kun think to himself, this Mr. Xu's net worth must be more than 10 billion?! While he was thinking about it secretly, a text message from the bank came to remind him that the account had arrived. He took out his mobile phone and saw it. Lin Kun showed the text message in front of the live camera.

"Brothers, 81.5 million has arrived!"

"Okay, that’s all for today’s live broadcast. Ms. Xiaoqing and I will see you all at the same time tomorrow!"

"A preview: tomorrow the host may give brothers a big surprise, so look forward to it.~"


After saying that, Lin Kun disconnected the live broadcast signal.

But even though he had already gone off the air, the bullet screen area in the live broadcast room was still discussing crazily!

"I just counted it, and Brother Kun's current deposit has exceeded 100 million, and it's only been a few days?! It's incredible!"

"Although I have watched Kunzi rise little by little, why does my heart feel so sad?"

"I am not afraid that my brothers are suffering, I am just afraid that my brothers are driving a Land Rover. With Kunzi's current income of 80 million yuan, I guess he will not drive a Land Rover, but will directly arrange for Niu Malun!"

"Thinking that Kunzi could drive a Niumalun, I felt even more upset!"

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