Lin Kun almost choked after hearing Erha's silly speech. He must have grown his brain. It seems that this smart pill is still effective!

"Brother Kun, stop it! Did you feed Erha a stone?"

"It also seemed to me that Kunzi might have taken out his anger on Erha because he didn't dig up anything good!"

"It shouldn't be a stone, it should be some hard-shelled creature, otherwise why would the Husky be smacking his lips now?!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Erha's gluttony is confirmed!"

At first, the viewers in the live broadcast room thought that Lin Kun had dug up a stone and then threw it to Erha to eat.

But Erha's expression of enjoyment did not seem like he had eaten a stone, but rather like he had eaten some delicious food.

Next, Lin Kun continued to swim towards the next golden light. The second golden light was about twenty meters away from them, and it didn't take long for them to reach the location of the shining golden light.

As usual, he waved a shovel and began to dig under the seabed of more than 100 meters.

One shovel after another, after digging about a dozen shovels, Lin Kun did not dig up anything, except for sea mud, some broken stones or shells.

It is certain that the golden light is emitted from below, but it is unknown how deep it is buried.

Lin Kun continued to dig down.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes...

Until forty-five minutes passed, Lin Kun did not even see a decent stone.

At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room also began to make fun of him.

"It's rare, Kunzi actually flipped over"

"At this time two days ago, the knowledgeable people in the live broadcast room had generally begun to analyze the value of the treasures dug up by Kun Kun! What happened today?!"

"Well, I guess Kunzi has used up all his luck in the past two days."

"Brothers, I finally feel a little more balanced. Otherwise, who could bear to earn one or two thousand yuan a day?"

"Delivered by plane! Just consider it a consolation prize for Kunzi!"

The bullet screen area was like the New Year's Eve, and netizens began to tease Lin Kun for not digging anything out in 45 minutes.

There were even some netizens who posted the live screen recording of this scene on Weibo.

#Finally! Kun Kun's treasure hunt live broadcast went wrong, and he didn't find any treasures for nearly an hour! #WhoKnows

This trending search not only did not reduce the popularity of Lin Kun's live broadcast room, but instead made it break through 6 million!

Below the comment area of the hot search terms, all netizens were gloating

"Haha, I finally caught this guy falling over. Hurry, let me go and see how unlucky Kunzi is!"

"Brother Kun actually had a car accident? I am so happy. I can only say that I feel mentally balanced!"

"I'm going to do some paid S now, and by the way, take a look at Brother Kun's live broadcast crash!"


At the same time, at a depth of one hundred meters on the seabed, Lin Kun was also muttering in his heart.

He had been digging for nearly an hour, and he had dug a large pit of more than ten meters on the seabed. However, he could still see the golden light, but no items appeared!

This meant that the treasure might be buried under a deeper layer of soil! It seemed that his military shovel was not enough, and he had to change to a bigger one!

Fortunately, Lin Kun had already made preparations. There were still a lot of tools on the fishing boat, all of which he brought from home.

It happened that there was not much oxygen in his lungs now, so he decided to return to the fishing boat first, change tools and then dig again!

He was fighting with this thing today. If he didn't dig it out, he would not end the live broadcast today!

Riding on the back of the killer whale, he swam towards the surface of the sea!

After returning to the sea, Lin Kun glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile on his face.

"Brothers, I miscalculated, but my sixth sense as a man tells me that there must be a big treasure underneath!"

"If you don't win anything today, I'll draw ten of you in the live broadcast room and give each of you a cash red envelope of 100,000 yuan!"

The live broadcast room, which was originally full of ridicule, heard that Lin Kun was offering ten cash red envelopes of 100,000 yuan, and the tone of the conversation changed 180 degrees!

"Damn it! Daddy Kun!"

"Just to make myself familiar to the public, my roommate will be single for the rest of his life in exchange for me getting selected!"

"This is probably the closest I’ve ever been to becoming rich!"

"Woo woo woo, you are not allowed to watch Brother Kun’s live broadcast anymore, the 10w is mine!"

"For the first time, I hope there are fewer people in Kunzi’s live broadcast room. The more denominators there are, the smaller the chances of him getting rich!"

"Brothers, I heard that giving gifts can increase the chance of winning, so I’ll give two planes a try!"

The popularity of the live broadcast room soared to nearly seven million because of Lin Kun's words!

Dousha Live Operation Department seized this point and immediately led the rhythm in Weibo Super Topic. A hot search about Lin Kun instantly rushed into the top three of the hot search list.

#Kun Kun's treasure hunting live broadcast room set a flag, if no treasure is found, a cash red envelope of 1 million yuan will be issued! #As soon as this hot search appeared, even though it was a weekday, many people began to flock to Lin Kun's live broadcast room.

After all, 1 million is an astronomical figure for ordinary people!

Lin Kun took the shovel from the fishing boat and found that in just a turn, the popularity of the live broadcast room had soared to 701w!

He was delighted and then said to the camera

"Brothers, just charge!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped into the sea!

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