Nothing happened that night. The next morning,

Lin Kun got up early. He was going to go out to sea again today and would not be back at noon. He would go off the air around 3 o'clock and meet the agent who was newly assigned to him by the platform.

After getting on the fishing boat, Lin Kun put on the live broadcast equipment and started the live broadcast.

As soon as the broadcast started, within a minute, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to become lively.

"Last night I dreamed that I became a Kunzi, so cool!"

"Finally, Brother Kun started broadcasting. As a poor college student, I got through my morning routine relying on Brother Kun!"

"Kunzi made two to three thousand w in the past two days. I wonder what big goods he will be able to get today!"

"I originally wanted to say that Kunzi’s luck had run out in the past two days, but when I thought about what Kunzi did yesterday, I decided to shut up!"

"I'm already hiding in the dark, ready to snipe Kunzi offline at any time!"

"Tsk, Brother Kun can control killer whales. If they meet offline, who knows who will snipe whom!"

At this time, the heat in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room shows that the heat of his live broadcast room has reached 510w.

510w just after the broadcast, it can be seen how popular Lin Kun is now

""Gude Maoning family, no more nonsense, we must catch a big cargo today! Let's go!"

Lin Kun said his signature line, then started the fishing boat and headed in another new direction.

As soon as he left the shore, Lin Kun howled directly at the sea.


The rough voice instantly spread to the sea in all directions.

After he howled, a black dorsal fin appeared on the sea in the distance, and it was moving very quickly towards the fishing boat.

A moment later, Erha jumped up from the sea, and its huge black and white body slammed heavily on the water, stirring up a large splash!

Seeing that Lin Kun called Erha out with one shout, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all in an uproar.

"What a pity! Brother Kun called Erha, why does it sound like he was calling a dog? The key is that Erha can understand it?!"

"Research has shown that killer whales have a high IQ. What we are saying is that some of the little black guys in the live broadcast room may not be as smart as the Husky!"

"I guess he was defeated by Brother Kun yesterday. Creatures like killer whales, which stand at the top of the ocean food chain, basically have a sense of admiration for the strong and like to submit to stronger beings!"

"Putting aside the facts, is it possible that Brother Kun is the Third Prince of the East China Sea?"

The comments in the live broadcast room gradually deviated from the analysis of animal psychology and jumped directly to myths and legends.

"Family members, since everyone has discovered me, Brother Kun will not pretend anymore. I will tell you the truth. I am actually the Dragon King of the Sea!"

Following the teasing in the live broadcast room, Lin Kun also interacted with them.

As the boat sailed to a new sea area, Lin Kun stopped the fishing boat.

He stared at the bottom, and a golden light flashed, activating the treasure-hunting pupil.

In a moment, a magnificent scene appeared in Lin Kun's eyes.

Just below the northeast corner of this sea area, there is a circular area with golden lights of varying sizes scattered in it.

In the center of the circle, a group or many groups of golden lights mixed together made Lin Kun feel a little dazzling!

However, the golden lights scattered in the circular area were all in a static state, and they should not be creatures in the sea.

As for other sea areas within a radius of 4,000, there were also some faint light spots that were cruising sporadically.

Those should be creatures in the ocean, and their value is not very high.

So what Lin Kun has to do now is naturally to go to that circular area first to see what is emitting those golden lights.

"Brothers, let's go for it today!"

After Lin Kun finished speaking, he grinned at the camera, then flipped over and jumped directly into the sea. After entering the water, Lin Kun rode the killer whale Erha and ran towards the nearest golden light on the seabed.

"Master, there don’t seem to be many fish and shrimps here!"

"And I feel that there is an uncomfortable sound here."

After diving into the seabed, Erha's voice echoed in Lin Kun's mind.

Hearing Erha say this, he was also slightly stunned.

Sounds that sound uncomfortable? Lin Kun didn't hear anything. It might be because the frequency of sound waves that killer whales and humans can hear is different.

"If it makes you feel uncomfortable, go somewhere else and play for a while. I'll call you if I need you."

Lin Kun thought to himself.

But Erha rubbed Lin Kun's belly and said calmly.

"The sound waves are intermittent and not very strong, it doesn’t matter!"

"Brave Erha, not afraid of difficulties!"

Listening to Erha's silly response, Lin Kun felt warm in his heart, then patted its head and started digging. After a few shovels, Lin Kun's shovel hit a hard object. After digging it out, it turned out to be a purple-black stone with a bumpy surface.

The golden light here was emitted from it.

The treasure-hunting eye gave the item information

【Wisdom pills, when given to non-human creatures, can improve their intelligence! 】

New item!

According to the introduction, it should be a treasure that improves the ability of pets.

Lin Kun looked at the killer whale Erha and threw the wisdom pill to it, while giving instructions in his mind

"Eat this stuff."

Erha swallowed the pill without hesitation.

After a moment, Erha's silly voice sounded in Lin Kun's mind.

"Awooo, this thing the master gave me is quite delicious!"

"I just feel a little itchy in my head, I wonder if I need to grow a brain!"

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