"What are you doing?"

Chu Nan startled, quickly reached out to block it, but was surprised to find that Weilang's fist, although it just woke up, didn't seem very organized , but the power from his fist was significantly stronger than when he faced him in the Martial Artist Academy league tournament before.

If Veron's previous performance on the tournament was probably at the level of fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, now this fist has approached the level of fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

"Hey, I'm Chu Nan, you don't know me anymore?" Chu Nan asked loudly while taking Willang's attack.

Although it has been more than 8 Earth months since he fought Veran on the Martial Artist Academy league tournament, Chu Nan does not believe Veran will forget himself so soon.

That battle left a deep impression on Willam, and for Willam, of course, Chu Nan should have left a deep impression on him as well.

However, Willon ignored Chu Nan's question at all and continued to punch Chu Nan with punch after punch.

After blocking a few more punches, Chu Nan found that not only did Veran's formidable power on his punches become significantly stronger, but his punches were heavier than each punch.

The punch from the very beginning was already approaching the level of fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and the formidable power soared all the way later, and it has faintly exceeded the scope of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

What surprised Chu Nan even more was that Wei Lang seemed to have no life at all, not only ignoring Chu Nan's possible counterattack, but also opening the door wide, with a lot of weak spots, and every Boxing seems to have to completely squeeze out the potential of his whole body, trying his best to bring out all his abilities.

This made the formidable power on his fist stronger, but it actually caused a great burden on him.

Chu Nan could even clearly see that every part of Weilang's body was slightly cracked, and bloodshots stretched out all over the body. Ability, has made his meridian show signs of being unable to support.

"Is this guy driven crazy by Tag Life Science Trading Company?"

Chu Nan wondered in his heart. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards.


Chu Nan let Weilang fall to the ground so hard, and after a while, Weilang still didn't get up, frowned over, squatted down and reached out. Go out and put an Inner Breath into Willang's body.

"This is crazy!"

Chu Nan startled with the situation in Veran's body.

Not only is the naked eye visible because the capillary blood vessels under the surface skin are broken, but all meridians in the body have been seriously damaged in the desperate battle just now, and what is even more amazing is that even his dantian It was also extremely traumatized and looked precarious, as if it would collapse at any time.

And when Chu Nan rescued him from the life-saving capsule, although his physical condition was a little weak, it would never be as if his entire body was devastated as he is now. .

This situation, combined with Weilang's actions just now, is like his cultivation deviation and loss of mind.

"What the hell did this Tag Life Science Trading Company catch these people doing?"

Chu Nan muttered in his heart, squatted down and put his hand on Weilang's chest again, his life The Flames and Goddess' Anthem are activated.

Velang's serious injuries in his body may not survive even a few minutes if he is not treated, but of course it is not a big problem for Chu Nan.

It didn't take much effort for Willon to recover from his internal injuries.

However, this time, after he recovered from his injuries and regained consciousness, he once again started a frantic attack on Chu Nan without saying a word.

Chu Nan was afraid that his own counterattack would cause his injury to worsen, so he had no choice but to let Wei Lang vent, and finally fell to the ground again.

This time Chu Nan was not in a hurry to help him recover immediately. Instead, he deliberately slowed down to help Weilang recover while carefully checking the situation in Weilang's body.

Wee Lang is obviously in an extremely abnormal situation right now. If the reason cannot be found, then saving him would be in vain.

However, Chu Nan didn't pay much attention to the first time he helped Weilang's treatment and recovery, so now he can't observe the difference from before.

So he can only record the data of all the small parts of Willam's body now, and then help him fully recover.

Unsurprisingly, Weilang, who woke up after the reply, once again launched a frantic attack directly on Chu Nan.

Chu Nan still allowed Weilang to attack this time, until he passed out again because his body couldn't support the overdraft consumption, and he was carefully checked again.

This time, Chu Nan finally found a clue.

As Chu Nan uses the Fire of Life and Goddess hymn cultivation technique to help Willang recover from treatment, it can be clearly felt from every part of his body as he gradually recovers. All began to automatically generate a very strange energy fluctuation.

This energy fluctuation is not caused by external influences, but simply generated automatically like Veran's flesh.

And as Weilang's physical condition gradually recovered under Chu Nan's treatment, the energy fluctuations, which were originally extremely weak, gradually became stronger.

At the beginning, it was still insignificant. After a while, this energy wave has swept through every cell in Weilang's body, and then it circulates automatically in Weilang's body like an Inner Breath. Even a part of it flowed into Weilang's brain, which directly affected his brain.

"Perhaps this is what makes Weilang mad?" Chu Nan moved in his heart, carefully calculated the situation of this special energy fluctuation, and then injected an Inner Breath into Weilang's body, while mixing a little Space energy, keep up with this special energy fluctuation.

Through the feedback data obtained from the constant contact of Inner Breath and space energy with this special energy fluctuation, Chu Nan probably grasped its characteristics.

If the Inner Breath is a kind of special energy that a Martial Artist stimulates himself through the cultivation technique and is generated from the depths of the dantian, the space energy is everywhere in the whole universe, and only Inner Breath cultivation reaches a certain level Another kind of external special energy that can only be sensed by the Martial Artist, then this special energy in Weilang’s body seems to mind the difference between the two. Although it is naturally generated in Weilang’s body, it is derived from energy mode It is closer to space energy.

Or to be more precise, Willam now seems to have an incomplete nebula naturally generated in his body, forcibly converting his Inner Breath into space energy.

"Maybe this is the experiment done by Tag Life Science Trading Company on Valeant?"

Chu Nan guessed in his heart, but his subordinates kept increasing the injection of Inner into Valeant's body. Breath and space energy, intend to directly suppress this special energy fluctuation in Weilang's body and let him return to his original state.

However, after trying this for a while, Chu Nan found a problem.

This special energy fluctuation is entirely naturally generated by Weilang's body, and the source comes from every cell in his body.

Although Chu Nan can forcibly eliminate the energy that has already been generated, it can always be generated again, and it cannot be completely eliminated at one time.

If Chu Nan wants to completely eliminate this special energy fluctuation, he will not have to let Weilang's entire fleshly body be completely abolished.

"Damn it! This damn Tag Life Science Trading Company dares to do such a thing. It's clearly causing a problem for me."

After Chu Nan cursed, his eyes rolled. , sneered.

"hmph, do you really think I can't do it? I can't, at worst give Willand a new body!"

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