Sensing the faint fluctuations of spatial energy from the lake, Chu Nan did not dare to take any contempt, and immediately activated his brain with all his strength. The moment he sensed the spatial energy fluctuations driven by these sounds Just calculate all the relevant data, and then let these spatial energy fluctuations penetrate the lake water all the way down. When the fluctuations approached the water polo that enveloped him and Weilang, Chu Nan took back Goddess's hymn cultivation technique and concentrated all his energy on it. Manipulate the space energy in the space around you.

Under his lightbrain-like powerful brain calculations and his extremely precise control of space energy, the space energy around his body perfectly replicates the space energy fluctuations driven by this sound vibration, which directly penetrates him. The fleshy bodies of Weilang and Weilang penetrated into the deep silt at the bottom of the lake.

So in Ottofo Venerable's induction, there is still nothing unusual in the surrounding space, not to mention the hidden powerful Martial Artist, even the normal fleshy body can't sense it.

Ottopher Venerable complexion sank.

"My friend, if you're not willing to come out, then don't blame me for being impolite."

The space energy vibration driven by this sound wave vibration was once again caused by Chu Nan In the past, Ottofo Venerable still did not notice.

Ottopher Venerable coldly snorted, slightly angry in his heart.

This guy is an unfathomable mystery!

Since he is already a powerful Star Level Martial Artist who can forcibly open the wall of space and is qualified to avoid his own detection, why is he acting so sneakily?

Not only did I sneak into the headquarters of the Tagg Life Science Trading Company to do some things that limit the dog and steal chicken, but now I have to hide like a hateful mouse, where is there a little bit of Star Level Martial Artist? Some style?

After waiting for a while and still no movement, Ottopher Venerable lost his patience, raised his right hand, and pressed it down lightly, seemingly casually.


The entire space seemed to be crushed. First, the entire sky shattered, and countless space cracks appeared, revealing the terrifying space energy that was mad and rampant. Then the highest mountain below suffered the first disaster. It collapsed from the top, and all the vegetation, soil, and even the deep stone layers were turned into powder.

The entire mountain was leveled in an instant, and the land under the mountainside was also opened up layer by layer. All the vegetation was mixed with the soil, and it was completely sunk in.

The originally calm surface of the lake seemed to be suddenly boiled, and all the lake water evaporated in an instant, turning all of it into steam, revealing the deepest silt at the bottom of the lake.

And the silt also tumbled violently, the water inside was turned into steam, the silt turned into mud, and then it was pressed so hard that it was almost like a stone.

In the blink of an eye, all objects in a large area suffered the deepest destruction. The original hills, green trees, green grass, small lakes, etc., were all crushed into The tiniest particles were randomly mixed together, and after rolling for an unknown number of laps, they finally turned into a layer of things that could not be seen at all, nor did they know what they were, and re-covered the ground.

And outside this area, mountains are still mountains, trees are still trees, grass is still grass, and water is still water...

Ottopher Venerable looked down After a while, shook the head, Voidbreak the wall of space again, and fled away.

After he left, the area was left undisturbed, and the stars were still circulating. After the stars had rotated three cycles in the sky, they were condensed into a flat layer of soil and suddenly there was a slight movement, a human head. Drilled out of it.

Chu Nan raised his head, looked at the bright starry sky above, and put out a breath for a long time.

"Damn it, Star Level Martial Artist too terrifying."

As Ottopher Venerable delivered that blow, Chu Nan immediately sensed a strong danger.

However, at this time, he was not only unavoidable, but also did not dare to make any abnormal movements for Ottofo Venerable to discover, so he could only forcibly wait until the attack spread to the bottom of the lake, and then dived into the mud at the bottom of the lake. Among them, and then all the way into the soil layer below the silt with the powerful shocks and fluctuations caused by the attack.

If it weren't for the special high-level Earth Element power cultivation technique, if it weren't for his lightbrain-like powerful brain, he could completely master the smallest changes in the surrounding space, if it weren't for his understanding of space. Energy has extremely precise control. He doesn't want to say that he can keep Wei Lang in this situation, I'm afraid he can't even hide himself.

Fortunately, Ottofo Venerable did not confirm that Chu Nan and the others were hiding here at the time. This blow was more used for testing and intimidation. When the unfathomable mystery Star Level Martial Artist really got away using a special cultivation technique, it would simply pull away as well.

Otherwise, if he made a few more attempts, Chu Nan would definitely not be able to escape even if he hid in the depths of the soil.

After listening to the surrounding environment for a while, and at the same time carefully sensing the situation in the surrounding space, after confirming that no one else exists in this area, Chu Nan pulled Wei Lang from the soil with a little force. came out.

Willon still hasn't woken up yet.

In order to avoid being discovered, even in the past few days when he was buried in the ground, Chu Nan was just using Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to barely maintain Weilang's most basic life force, so he is now and It wasn't much better than when he was rescued by Chu Nan.

But Chu Nan is not too impatient. Anyway, as long as Weilang is not dead, he has the confidence to come back to life.

After carefully pulling Willang away from the soil, Chu Nan thought for a while, patted his palm downwards, and re-filled the hole created after the two of them escaped, so that the surface was completely restored to its original state. Couldn't see anything the same, so he hugged Willand and flew into the distance.

After flying more than 200 kilometers, Chu Nan landed in a forest. He first chose a river in the forest to wash himself and Weilang clean, and then started to treat Weilang again.

There is no one to disturb now, Chu Nan can concentrate on the treatment, the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique are activated, and Veran's condition improves immediately.

After a while, Wei Lang's face returned to normal ruddy spirit again, his lips moved, and he opened his eyes and woke up.

Chu Nan was overjoyed and confirmed that Wei Lang's body had returned to normal, so he retracted his hand, looked at Wei Lang, and waited for him to regain his sanity.

Veland, who had just woken up, obviously didn't understand the situation, and looked dazed.

He looked at the night sky above his head for a while, then turned his head to look left and right, only to notice Chu Nan squatting in front of him.

Seeing his eyes turned, Chu Nan immediately smiled.

"Hey Willam, you're finally awake. How are you? How much do you know about your current situation? Do you remember how you got caught?"

Wei Lang stared blankly at Chu Nan, his eyes gradually regained focus, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he was recalling something.

Seeing his situation, Chu Nan was a little worried.

Maybe Weilang was the same as when he, Thiago and the others were arrested. During this period, they didn't know anything, so they were directly caught here by Tag Life Science Trading Company. And then sent to the survival capsule has been closed.

If that's the case, it would be wishful thinking to get some valuable information from him.

Willon moved suddenly, expression congeals.

Seeing his eyes recovered, Chu Nan asked happily, "Hey, Weilang, do you remember anything?"

Willon stared at Chu Nan, suddenly a Punch came.

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