Chu Nan's body immediately froze in place like an arrow shot into the ground.

The momentary change from extreme speed to stillness did not make his strong fleshy body feel any discomfort, but looking at the seemingly ordinary man in front of him, a strong danger emerged in his heart. Feel.

This man just stood there, seemingly without any movement, but one could clearly feel the terrifying aura from him, and even the surrounding space seemed to be completely centered on him , all the space energy in the space is naturally circulating around him, and even the space energy contained in Chu Nan's body seems to want to involuntarily get out of the body and rush towards the other side.

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes and stared at the man.

Star Level Martial Artist?


Chu Nan gently shock the head.

No, this man shouldn't be a Star Level Martial Artist.

Ordinary people or common martial artists may never see a Star Level Martial Artist in person, but in less than two and a half Earth years, Chu Nan has seen a Star Level Martial Artist in person. There are already more than ten Martial Artists, and they are in close contact with every Star Level Martial Artist.

Although each Star Level Martial Artist has different characteristics, different cultivation techniques, and different feelings, except for Rashi, who "perished together" with Overi Venerable before. One thing that all other Star Level Martial Artists apart from Venerable have in common is that when Chu Nan first met him, it didn't give him such a startling sense of danger.

This does not mean that the man in front of him is more dangerous than those Star Level Martial Artists, on the contrary, in Chu Nan's view, this is precisely where this man is inferior to those Star Level Martial Artists.

Obviously, he is now deliberately showing his strong aura, and he is afraid that Chu Nan will be shocked if he tries to come up.

However, in Chu Nan's eyes, the opponent's actions are undoubtedly inferior.

Unless Rachel Venerable encounters a powerful Star Level Martial Artist of the same level as Overi Venerable, no Star Level Martial Artist will come forward when facing an opponent who is not as good as him. "Full fire", trying to directly overwhelm the opponent in an imposing manner.

But... this also doesn't mean that the man on the opposite side is weak.

Judging from the breath he exudes, the degree and magnitude of his manipulation of space energy is obviously far beyond Chu Nan, even if it does not reach the level of terrifying as Star Level Martial Artist, but it is absolutely amazing. Not Chu Nan can mention on equal terms.


The thought flashed through Chu Nan's mind, but he saw the lightbrain virtual screen showing complicated information just behind the man , Chu Nan gave up this idea, but put on a stance, showing a powerful fighting intent in his eyes.

As long as the opponent is not a Star Level Martial Artist, then Chu Nan will not have any fear even if he may not be able to match.

Even if he can't beat him, at worst he can escape.

Seeing Chu Nan posing for a fight, the man opposite seemed a little surprised, and immediately laughed.

"Ha, you really are the most daring young Martial Artist I've ever seen. It's pretty good if you don't lose your legs in front of me, and you dare to fight me head-on. Not bad, if All the young martial artists on Orion's Arm have courage and innate talent like you, so I really have to worry about the future of our Perseus Arm."

Chu Nan brows frowned, Ren Don't stop hooking the head.

This guy speaks aloof and remote, old-fashioned, which is really annoying.

He is at most a fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, not even a Star Level Martial Artist, so why worry about the future of the Perseus spiral arm?

It's just boiled shamelessly.

Chu Nan sneered in his heart, giving birth to disdain for the other party, and immediately felt that the pressure brought by the other party to himself had also abated a lot, snorted, took a step forward, and punched him unceremoniously. past.

The man let out a snort. He didn't seem to think that Chu Nan would dare to attack him first, but facing Chu Nan this fist, he didn't show any panic, just smiled lightly, and his backhand fluttered. A palm shot out.

Chu Nan immediately felt the space energy in the surrounding space suddenly collapse towards the opponent. He was originally controlled by him in the palm, and the huge space energy blasted with his fist was also immediately pulled by him, and his body was also involuntarily. The ground fell to the other side, this fist naturally no longer has any formidable power to speak of.

As the opponent slapped this palm, the huge space energy that had collapsed towards him was instantly drawn again and accumulated into a stream, which seemed to be soft, but in fact it was like a raging, maddened wave. The gushing flow, like a flood, poured down on Chu Nan in an instant.


Chu Nan felt that his whole body was being directly impacted by an unparalleled huge force, and his whole body fell involuntarily like a bouncing stone. It flew out and collided with the transparent Energy Shield at the back. After inspiring the shield to sparkle with colorful lights, it fell down.

However, Chu Nan did not appear to be in a free fall, but just hit the Energy Shield, and he has already re-adjusted his breath. The moment his body fell, he has completely recovered. When his waist twisted, he turned back like that, look. At the entrance of the base data center, he was fully alert.

The expected attack did not arrive. At the entrance of the data center, the man floated out and saw Chu Nan standing well on the ground, with an even more surprised expression on his face.

"It's really amazing to be hit in the front and still not be seriously injured. Youngster, I admire you very much, and I don't want a genius with innate talent like you to die halfway. As long as you are willing to kneel now Please forgive me, I can spare you."

"Forgive your sister!" Chu Nan couldn't help but cursed.

This guy is strong enough. What really makes Chu Nan unbearable is why he always pretends to be aloof and remote, as if he is the most powerful in this world.

Chu Nan has seen so many powerful Star Level Martial Artists, but there is really no one like him.

The man's expression changed slightly when he heard Chu Nan's scolding.

“youngster, I only give you a special gift because of your outstanding innate talent. If you don’t know how to cherish this opportunity, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Chu Nan curl one's lip, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, the nebula in his body circulated, and he punched him again.

The man shook the head with a look of regret.

"Ai, I didn't want to see you become a walking corpse like those guys. I wanted to give you a chance, but didn't expect..."

Then, the man waved a palm again.

I felt that the energy in the surrounding space was once again attracted by some powerful force and rushed towards the man. Chu Nan sneered, dantian breath quickly circulated in the body for four cycles, completing the four cycles of Inner Breath After that, within ten thousandths of a second, Nebula was also driven to a high rotation state, and he immediately found that he had greatly strengthened the control of space energy in the surrounding space.

Half a year ago, when he pushed Nebula into the seventh-turn state, he was enough to compete head-to-head with the two third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists, Rowe and Uncle.

Now, after half a year of cultivation, Chu Nan's strength has been greatly improved. Not only has the Inner Breath improved, but also the control of space energy has also been greatly improved. more handy.

As of now, his strength in maintaining the Nebula 4-turn state is enough to mention on equal terms with the third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, and the most important thing is that he is still in this state. It can maintain the extremely fine and precise manipulation of space energy as it is in a normal state.

So after pushing the nebula into the four-turn state, Chu Nan felt the changes in the space energy in his body, felt that he had regained the ability to control the space energy in his body, and immediately re-mobilized the space energy to condense his fists. , punch towards the center of the surrounding space energy vortex.

At the same time as the strikes, Chu Nan has adjusted the Inner Breath to a special high-frequency vibration state, and at the same time urges the nebula to enter a very special high-frequency vibration but can still maintain its complete operation. wonderful state.

In this way, his control over the energy of the space around him becomes even more amazing.

throws a punch, the black space crack in front of the fist seems to swallow all the light, and the vortex that the man controls the space energy generation immediately becomes unsustainable.


It exploded with a muffled sound out of thin air, and the man took two steps backwards, a blush on his face, his Adam's apple moved, and the corner of his mouth was involuntarily. A trace of blood oozes out.

The man stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth with a look of astonishment. When he saw the bright red stain on his fingers, he suddenly let out a scream.

"My God! It's blood! You bloody bastard! You just made me bleed! I must kill you!"

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