
A burst of fire rose into the sky along with a violent explosion, completely enveloping the mansion in Lazakdo.

Chu Nan flew out of mid-air and looked down at the vast luxury manor below, which was completely covered by the fire, and couldn't help but shook the head.

"Hey, this Lazakdo is really good."

He didn't set the fire.

Actually, after Chu Nan's request, Lazakdo's reaction was completely unexpected by Chu Nan.

He not only did not reject Chu Nan's request, but agreed, and actively provided Chu Nan with all the information he had.

And after that, he even set fire to the whole manor.

Now that the fire below is so fierce, Lazakdo still stayed in the manor and did not escape at all. It seemed that he was about to die in the fire sea.

Chu Nan certainly doesn't believe that Lazakdo would suddenly go crazy and want to commit suicide. He must have other intentions for doing so, but Chu Nan also doesn't understand why he did it.

But Chu Nan doesn't need to figure it out, he just needs to know that he has the information he wants.

I saw a number of rays of light approaching rapidly in the night sky from a distance. It seemed that a rescue low-altitude shuttle was coming. Chu Nan was shocked and continued to pull up. At the same time, he opened his personal terminal and called up a data to come.

This information is part of the information about the Tag Life Science Trading Company just obtained from Lazakdo, which shows that on the Eaton star, the Tag Life Science Trading Club also has a base.

According to the map in the data, the base is about 1,300 kilometers away from here.

This distance is of course not a problem for Chu Nan. After he determined the position, his body immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Five minutes later, Chu Nan had already crossed a distance of 1,300 kilometers and stopped over a huge grassland.

Looking down, you can see that there is a vast building community on the grassland below, which has been covered by the light of the morning sun.

According to the information on the map, this should be the base of Taggar Life Science Trading Company on Eaton.

Chu Nan glanced left and right, the body flashed, and it had landed on the ground, just in the shadow of a building somewhere outside the base.

This base seems to be extremely well-defended. From time to time, you can see a group of fully armed guards passing by, and the staff in it are all serious and in a hurry. Tense atmosphere.

"hmph, the guard is so strict, there must be ghosts."

Chu Nan sneered, narrowed his eyes, took all the surrounding situations into his eyes, and at the same time divided part of his attention on On the ear, all the surrounding movements are included in the ear, and in an instant, he has a clear understanding of the surrounding situation with his super vision and hearing.

Then he used his lightbrain-like brain to combine the information and data in his mind, and quickly formed a complete three-dimensional view of the surrounding environment.

After meditating for a while, Chu Nan swooped out of his hiding place, just behind a staff member who hurried past, his hands rose and fell, knocking the staff member unconscious, and then Sandwich him back to the shadow of hiding.

All these actions were in his perfect calculation, just avoiding everyone else's sight, without causing any unexpected alarm.

Chu Nan pulled the staff member's sleeves away, and saw that he had a personal terminal on his left wrist, then opened his personal terminal and posted it, and activated the personal terminal. That extremely special program in the terminal.

A moment later, the personal terminal on Chu Nan's wrist lit up with a faint purple light and connected to the staff member's personal terminal.

This sign indicates that the program on Chu Nan's personal terminal is cracking the other's personal terminal.

Perhaps it was because the staff member's personal terminal protection measures were not strict, or the program that Dong Fang helped Chu Nan implanted was too powerful. The crack was successful.

Chu Nan quickly invaded the other party's personal terminal and started to read, and soon found the target he needed - the location of the base data center from the vast amount of information in the staff member's personal terminal.

After observing the map shown in the data, Chu Nan simply flew again, and re-viewed the entire base from a high altitude, then checked the map, and quickly determined the location of the data center , and then headed down.

However, just as he flew close to the base, this time he suddenly felt that he had hit a transparent wall and bounced back.

The shock was so strong that Chu Nan's body bounced several meters involuntarily.

Chu Nan was not surprised but delighted.

Judging from the strength of the shock on this transparent Energy Shield and the frequency of energy fluctuations, it is clearly the same as the Energy Shield data that Ziggs used to capture him before!

From this point of view, Lazakdo did not provide him with false information, and he obviously went to the right place.

Chu Nan flashed in his mind the data related to the Energy Shield he had previously broken when Ziggs blocked him. The nebula flowed and shot out with one palm, causing the surrounding space energy to vibrate at a high frequency, and then looked at it with one palm. It seemed to be hitting the void, but it was actually hitting the Energy Shield.

The originally transparent Energy Shield immediately flashed a multi-colored light, and then disappeared like a broken bubble. Chu Nan immediately passed through it and dived straight towards the base data center.

The two silhouettes below suddenly rose into the sky and flew over in response to Chu Nan.

Before he flew close, Chu Nan could already feel a strange surge of energy in the space ahead. The two silhouettes flashed with red and blue light, showing that these two people have good strength, and the lowest level is also good. Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist of cultivation technique.

However, with Chu Nan's current strength, how could the two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in trifling stop him.

Chu Nan dantian's breath flows out, which will quickly make the Inner Breath enter a three-turn amplification state, urging the nebula to enter a high turn, and shoot it out with one palm, turning it into thousands of palm shadows, and at the same time driving the whole body space The energy is fully integrated and changes are endless. It is Chu Nan's cloudless palm after combining the use of space energy.

The two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists are far inferior to Chu Nan in terms of the intensity of the Inner Breath, the magnitude of the space energy they manipulate, and the subtle manipulation of space energy, and they are more impossible to penetrate the clouds in a short time. The subtlety of the A-Rank cultivation technique of Wudingzhang was directly slapped by each of Chu Nan's palms, his body fell, and he no longer had any combat capability.

After solving these two little troubles, Chu Nan completely ignored the laser beam attacks made by other bodyguards in the base and invaded the base data center unstoppably.

As soon as she rushed through the door, a silhouette with her back to Chu Nan turned around slowly and smiled slightly towards Chu Nan.

"You really came."

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