Zhou Tong was standing behind Lin Mingdao's desk, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Lord Dean, look at this..."

Lin Mingdao put down the paper report Zhou Tongzheng had just handed in, looked up towards Zhou Tongzheng, slightly frowned.

"To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with this."

"No problem?" Zhou Tongzheng couldn't help raising his voice, he immediately reacted, and hurriedly lowered his voice again , said with a bitter smile: "Lord Dean, is this still a problem? You see, according to the speed at which Chu Nan gets points now, maybe he will break through 100,000 points in two days, which can be exchanged for Arhat Tyrant Body Grade gold. I'm dead!"

"Then what? Is there any problem?" Lin Mingdao asked rhetorically. "He has enough authority and enough points. Of course, he can exchange for the martial skill he is willing to exchange. This is the rule of the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database. What's the problem?"

The wry smile on Zhou Tongzheng's face was even more serious thick.

"This... Dean... You know, it's only been less than two months since he returned to the Academy. And his temporary S-Rank student authority is still enough. 6 months! I suspect...after 8 months, he might be able to redeem all the S-Rank martial skills in the martial skill database!"

"Oh What's wrong with this?" Lin Mingdao asked back with an expression of incomprehension. "If he really has this ability, let him exchange it."

"How about that!" Zhou Tongzheng immediately retorted loudly. "At present, there are only Six Sect S-Rank martial skills in our Martial Artist branch's martial skill database. If they are all exchanged by him, what will other students think?"

"What do you think? I don't understand what you mean." Lin Mingdao called the head, frowning again. "Could it be that the policy of the Martial Artist branch is that each martial skill can only be redeemed by one student?"

"No, of course not. It's just...just..." Zhou Tongzheng couldn't help scratching his head. He scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing him like this, Lin Mingdao's expression became serious.

"President Zhou, I remind you that the rules of the Martial Artist branch are made by you, neither I nor the Academy have any interference or reason for interfering. Now you have decided to follow the rules. The branch's rules deal with matters concerning Chu Nan, are you breaking this rule before and after yourself?"

Hearing a trace of anger in Lin Mingdao's tone, Zhou Tongzheng immediately started.

He quickly waved his hand in denial.

"No, Dean, of course the branch doesn't mean that. This report is just my personal concern."

"Oh? What are you worried about?" Lin Mingdao asked again.

"This...my concern is...you see, Chu Nan's innate talent has been fully proven, even far beyond our estimates, we thought we would give him 8 months The time is very short, and he may not be able to accumulate enough points to exchange for the Arhat Tyrant Body, the S-Rank cultivation technique he has always wanted. For this reason, we even specially prepared some extra points. A student activity that gets rewarded with points, so as to help him get points faster when necessary, but didn't expect..."

"didn't expect this kid's ability is stronger than you think How much more, can you even save so many points in less than two months?" Lin Mingdao asked with some humor.

"Yes..." Zhou Tongzheng admitted in frustration. "No one would have thought that Chu Nan's research ability on martial skills would be so strong. In less than two months, 17 D-Rank martial skills were included in the martial skill database after his improvement. , 98 C-Rank martial skills, 31 B-Rank martial skills, and even...even A-Rank martial skills as many as 7! Just yesterday, he exchanged another A-Rank martial skill. If He has also successfully improved this A-Rank martial skill and obtained the recognition of the martial skill database, then he will get 8000 points reward. With his current 95712 points, it is enough to exchange for the Arhat Tyrant Body. ."

"Hmm...he can improve so many martial skills in less than two months, this kid's innate talent is indeed too terrifying..." Lin Mingdao couldn't help it. gently nod.

"So, Mr. Dean, if it continues like this, he will be able to exchange all the remaining S-Rank cultivation techniques in half a year, and maybe even all the A-Ranks. All martial skills are redeemed!"

"And then what?" Lin Mingdao looked at him. "So you talked for a long time, but I still don't understand what you are worrying about. Even if he exchanged all the martial skills in the martial skill database, it is still his ability, and it is not a mistake. And compared to what he exchanged so much So many martial skills, isn't that a good thing for the martial skill library and the entire Martial Artist branch?"

"No, Lord Dean, I'm not worried about this aspect." Zhou Tongzheng shook his head with a bitter face. "I'm worried about Chu Nan."

"What are you worried about him?" Lin Mingdao was still puzzled. "Is there any concern that he has learned too many martial skills and won't be able to learn them? Or is there a danger of cultivation deviation?"

"No, I'm not worried about that. This kid's innate talent is terrifying, I I don't see any problem with him at all. What I'm worried about is... After he has redeemed all the S-Rank martial skills and even A-Rank martial skills in the martial skill database, the martial skill database will not give him any If there is no attraction, the entire Martial Artist branch will have no attraction to him, he..."

Here, Zhou Tongzheng paused for a while, and then it seemed to be very difficult to say the following words .

"I'm worried...he...may drop out of school..."


Lin Mingdao was startled and said to Zhou Tongzheng The word is surprising.

He frowned and thought about it seriously, and suddenly realized that Zhou Tongzheng's concern was really justified.

Yes, for the overwhelming majority of young Martial Artists in the Earth Federation, the reason why the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch can attract students to apply for the exam is because they can learn more powerful martial skills and improve their skills. own strength.

This is very important for many young Martial Artists who are not from the martial arts Aristocratic Family and do not have a good teacher, because only here can they find a strong enough martial arts teacher and a wealth of martial arts teachers skill.

But for super genius Martial Artists like Feng Mingxi and An Qibeili who have strong Masters, the attraction of the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch is not enough.

For them, perhaps only the Six Sect S-Rank martial skill from the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database has some appeal.

Chu Nan was originally a young Martial Artist belonging to the former category, so he came to Nebula Academy to study as a good opportunity for him.

But then Chu Nan's strength increased extremely rapidly. According to the information uploaded from the Martial Artist Academy alliance tournament, he is now even a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse that has been successfully condensed by Nebula!

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