After reading all the information about this cultivation technique in the database carefully, Chu Nan shared the situation when he tried to use this cultivation technique for the first time just now—— In particular, a comparison was made with the spatial energy changes during use, and a problem was found.

This nebula explosion is worthy of an A-Rank cultivation technique. When used, it can use the Martial Artist's own a little bit of space energy to trigger a huge space energy chain explosion. Although the formidable power is extremely large, The pressure and burden on the Martial Artist itself is not great, because what the Martial Artist using this cultivation technique does is just like lighting a fuse, and the rest can be completely left to the space energy. Self-chain reaction solving.

If you look at it this way, this cultivation technique not only has high formidable power, but also consumes less energy. Although it has a must for the spatial energy manipulation ability of Martial Artist, it has not reached a particularly strong level, so It can be said that it is a very powerful cultivation technique with high cost performance.

However, in Chu Nan's view, the idea of this cultivation technique is good, and the actual use is indeed good formidable power, but it has a serious disadvantage, that is, it does not achieve the ultimate.

Because if the theory of formidable power is used alone, the space energy that this cultivation technique can detonate is limited.

No matter how the space energy is detonated, because the space of the positive space universe always tends to be stable, the detonated space energy will eventually be consumed by the entire space and become calm.

This is the iron rule of the positive space universe, any cultivation technique is impossible to break, and of course Chu Nan cannot.

But Chu Nan can think of a way to improve the formidable power of this cultivation technique.

But this brings up a problem.

The dormitory was messed up just after just one attempt. If I did another experiment to improve the formidable power, wouldn't it blow up the entire dormitory?

Chu Nan looked left and right, thought for a moment, got up and flew directly out of the dormitory window, then increased his speed, and after a while, he flew out of the area where Nebula Academy is located, and came to a place further west. .

Before entering the Interstellar Era, this place was a huge desert, but after entering the Interstellar Era, with the help of the efficient environmental improvement technology brought by the Chamber of Commerce, the desert is now Has become a Yinyin grassland.

Just because of tradition, there are still no who live in this place.

Chu Nan randomly found an empty place, looked left and right to make sure there was no one, and then stretched out a finger, the dantian ** flowed, the nebula in the body revolved, and the energy in the space was surging wildly, for a moment After the nebula burst into action, a little red light lit up again.





This time, because Chu Nan is not in the dormitory, Chu Nan does not need to deliberately suppress the formidable power of Nebula's serial explosions, and at the same time, he also fully promotes the influx of space energy, which makes the continuous explosion of Nebula's formidable power even more. become extremely exaggerated.

In the beginning, just a little red light exploded, but in the breath, you can already see countless huge light clusters explode in series in Chu Nan all directions, a series of violent explosions that swayed the entire space Not only was Chu Nan's ears buzzing, but the entire space seemed to be burst open at the same time.

Originally, when using the Nebula Chain Explosion, the Martial Artist who used this cultivation technique only needs to detonate it and then retreat.

But this time, in order to test the ultimate formidable power of this cultivation technique, Chu Nan never gave up. Instead, he kept pointing and inspiring space energy. Following the instructions of the nebula series explosion cultivation technique, he continued continuously. Detonate the energy of space around you.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

At the beginning, Chu Nan was flying in the air, and the explosion just spread around his body, but it continued to spread out, and finally It spread all the way to the ground 300 meters away below.

The large tract of grassland seemed to be suddenly dropped by countless bombs. With the sound of countless explosions, countless grass roots and soil flew up, and the scene looked extremely exciting.

Chu Nan didn't care about the situation in the grassland below. At this moment, he only focused on detecting the surrounding situation to avoid accidentally hurting others. The rest was mostly focused on the space energy in the nebula explosion. changes.

In fact, Chu Nan is now completely different from other Martial Artists in terms of learning and mastering the cultivation technique.

Originally, Chu Nan had strong data ability, so when he learned to master the cultivation technique, he paid more attention to the influence of his own adjustment of the Inner Breath and the control of the space energy on the effect of the cultivation technique. Get up faster and go deeper.

Later, in the process of condensing the nebula, Chu Nan's understanding of space energy was deeper, to the point of focusing on the structure of space energy.

So when he is now learning to master a new cultivation technique, he will pay attention to the changes in the space energy structure caused by this new cultivation technique in actual combat.

Compared with other Martial Artists, Chu Nan's study can be said to have reached the deepest level, and naturally it is easier to find possible problems in the cultivation technique, and of course it is easier to make improvements.

It's just that Chu Nan didn't try to improve the A-Rank cultivation technique before. Now, when observing the nebula explosion, Chu Nan quickly discovered more problems.

First of all, Nebula Serial Explosion is worthy of being an A-Rank cultivation technique. Although it only plays a role in detonation, when detonating, this cultivation technique is very delicate in mobilizing space energy, which makes Martial Artist It can directly affect the original stable space energy structure of the surrounding space in the smallest extent, and then stealth away, completely destroying this structure, forming the so-called "space energy explosion".

Secondly, the collapse of the space energy structure caused by this explosion will still be "contagious"!

I don't know how the Martial Artist who created this cultivation technique came up with the idea. In short, after the Nebula burst, although at first only detonated the space energy in a very small space, However, this reaction can be extended rapidly, so that the space energy in the nearby space is also affected by the explosion and rapidly becomes unstable, resulting in a chain explosion, which eventually forms a large nebula chain explosion.

Chu Nan researched for a while, and finally found that the reason why this phenomenon is caused is that the nebula serial explosions destroy the basic stable structure of space energy in the positive space universe, and at the same time, it also makes changes to the space energy structure. A small adjustment was made, so that the space energy structure in the nearby space was also affected by the vibrational fluctuation of the space energy of the explosion and resonated, and was excited to a special oscillation frequency, which would explode like a domino Bone Token. .

Chu Nan doesn't know whether the Martial Artist who created this cultivation technique discovered this by accident or deliberately adjusted it, but after discovering this, it made him feel more about Nebula Serial Explosion. Deep understanding, and for the first time, I found out where I can improve.

The reason why the formidable power of this cultivation technique is different after use is the oscillation frequency.

It is not difficult for Chu Nan to find out which frequency is most suitable for improving the cultivation technique formidable power.

The difficulty lies only in how he should express this question. After all, no other person can have such a powerful lightbrain brain as he is sensitive to data.

"Hey, the biggest problem is not figuring out the cultivation technique, but writing the essay..." Chu Nan scratched his head irritably. "I knew I would have taken Chinese lessons when I was a child..."

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