Pinto's point of view has also been endorsed by many of these people, because theoretically, such a planet with such an excellent natural environment should not be like this. To be abandoned by those interstellar civilizations.

It would be fine if it was an undiscovered planet, but there are clearly interstellar channels near this planet.

But Chu Nan snort disdainfully on this idea, because he had spent an hour exploring the entire planet when he went back to get those personal terminals, and determined that there was no such thing on the planet. There are no traces of who kind of civilization, and there is no trace of high-tech civilization, so I have long known that it is basically impossible to rely on the power of this planet to get out of trouble.

But he didn't bother to refute Pinto's statement, because he knew very well that these guys are all talented Martial Artists from various countries on Orion's spiral arm, and they can have such a powerful strength at such a young age , each of them is very assertive and individual, and has enough self-confidence in themselves, it is difficult to persuade them with words alone.

Chu Nan didn't expect these guys to listen to his own words, just like the guy who left before, he would find a way if he didn't want to. His, he's also disinclined to pay attention to.

Nodded to Thiago, after a wink, Chu Nan turned and flew back to the island.

At this time, Urquia and several other girls have already built a simple camp on the island using twigs and other materials, and they have set up a fire. It seems that they are ready to camp here.

Seeing Chu Nan flying over, Urquia happily greeted him.

"Hey, Chu Nan, have you found a way to go back?"

"It's so easy." Chu Nan shook his head, glanced at the surroundings, and found that even if it was just that More than 20 people, but it has obviously been divided into several groups.

Thiago and the girl named Sang Shan, whom he rescued from rare beast, are now together, while the rest are in small groups, or simply There is only one person alone in one place, so they are separated from each other, and it is obvious that there is no idea of everyone's division of labor and cooperation.

Seeing this situation, Chu Nan shook the head.

These guys, under such circumstances, are still unwilling to cooperate fully, do they really think that they are all genius Martial Artists, not afraid of everything?

He turned his head and looked towards Urchia, said resolutely: "Erchia, do you believe me?"

Erchia was stunned, her eyes rolled, and her eyes swept across Passing the others on the beach, taking another look at Pinto and the others in the distance who were struggling to drag the huge Sea Beast back, Chu Nan gave Chu Nan a big smile.

"Well, you were the first person who rescued me, of course I believe in you."

"Well, if you believe me, it's best not to run around, This planet is a little weird, and there may be a lot of danger lurking here, just wait patiently for my news here."

"Okay, no problem." Urquia agreed readily nodded. "But how long will it take for you to come back?"

"Not sure, if there are clues in this star system, I can bring back good news in as little as three days. But if not... well , even if not, I will come back in three days to tell you the next progress." Chu Nan said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Urquia's personality was as bright as her appearance, and she answered very neatly, which surprised Chu Nan.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who trust me so much, which is really surprising.

He turned his head and glanced at Pinto and the others, frowned, opened his mouth to warn him again, but didn't say it, just patted Urchia's shoulder lightly, a little under his feet, and it was already again. Flying high into the sky, after a while, it completely disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Seeing Chu Nan flying away again, Pinto flew over and asked Urquia, "What did that kid say to you?"

Erkia glared back. He glanced at him: "none of your business?"

Pinto raised his eyebrows and wanted to get angry, but found that Thiago also flew over, so he coldly snorted and left.

Tiago landed beside Urquia, frowned and glanced at Pinto's leaving back, then looked up at the direction where Chu Nan disappeared in the sky, with a worried expression.

Chu Nan was full of confidence when he told himself about his plans before, but even if he is now a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, the most powerful one in the group, But in the vast Universe Starry Sky, what can he do?


Chu Nan reappears in Universe Starry Sky.

Different from exploring the star map through the short-distance Space Jump before, this time he just flew out of the atmosphere, he directly opened the wall of space, entered the different space and flew out.

After flying in the different space for less than one minute, when he crossed the wall of space and returned to the universe of positive space, he had already arrived at a position five light minutes away from the previous planet.

According to the three-dimensional star map previously generated in his mind, his current position should be exactly in the most peripheral zone of the star map, but it is far from the direction of the stars, and at the same time, it is still in the previous spaceship of Giggs' cosmic spaceship. Not far from the interstellar waterway.

During the previous exploration of the starry sky, Chu Nan had basically determined that there should not be another so-called civilization planet in this star system, because if this is the case, the Giggs ship The cosmic spaceship may have already arrived, and the people behind Giggs will not be so slow to respond to the spaceship of Chu Nan. At least Chu Nan can now occasionally find fragments left by the previous cosmic spaceship in the starry sky.

In this way, there is only one possibility left, that is, the cosmic spaceship of Giggs just passed through this star system and planned to jump to another place through the star gate.

As for where this star gate is...

Chu Nan looked towards the starry sky somewhere in the middle of the two more obvious planets in the starry sky at the front left.

Because the stargate is actually forcibly opening the wall of space, and has always maintained a "gate" connecting the positive space universe and the different space, so the setting of the stargate has strict requirements, and it is not a random choice. Set it up in one place.

According to Chu Nan's general understanding of the stargate, and according to his detection of this star system, if there is a stargate in this star system, it is most likely the one he is focusing on now. Location.

Chu Nan hesitated for a moment, the nebula in his body circulated, and the energy in the space around his body fluctuated. In an instant, he was extremely skillful in opening the wall of space and entering another dimension again.

This time, he didn't fly in the alien space for a long time, and the speed was not fast. When he reappeared in the positive space universe, he actually didn't fly too far.

The main reason for doing this is to make sure that you are flying in the right direction, so as not to get lost in the starry sky.

In this way, adjusting the position while performing Space Jump. After repeating several times, Chu Nan jumped out of the different space again and found that he had reached the target Star Domain.

Looking up and looking forward, Chu Nan was instantly overjoyed.

The space energy in the starry sky in front shows obvious and abnormal fluctuations, but the entire space remains stable.

Such a strange phenomenon occurs only near the star gate.

Chu Nan flew towards the direction of the abnormal fluctuation of space energy at full speed, but seven minutes later, he saw a huge star gate in the starry sky appearing ahead.

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