In the boundless space, a ripple caused by a space shock suddenly appeared, a silhouette appeared out of thin air, but disappeared after a while.

Not long after that, another ripple from a space shock appeared in the cosmic space about three light minutes away, and the silhouette appeared again.

This time, the silhouette did not disappear immediately, but stopped temporarily.

Chu Nan looked left and right, made a precise comparison in his mind between the starry sky he saw and the starry sky he saw before, and quickly calculated the distance and bearing of his two locations. Then it came into my mind, the nebula in the body circulated, the space energy around the body fluctuated strangely, and the silhouette disappeared again in the positive space universe.

It didn't take long for Chu Nan, who had been flying in the different space for ten seconds, to break through the wall of space again and return to the positive space universe.

After taking about half a second to get used to the difference between the two spaces, Chu Nan's eyes first fell on a blue planet that looked like a marble in the far lower left. That planet should be the one that he took Thiago and the others to before.

After confirming the location of this planet, Chu Nan turned around and took in the sight of the all around starry sky, and then brought this Starry Sky Chart into his mind, along with the three hundred and seven pictures he had deposited before. Starry Sky Chart for detailed comparison.

With his lightbrain-like brain, he quickly included the starry sky that he had explored so far through the total of 308 Starry Sky Charts, forming a completed three-dimensional Starry Sky Chart.

What he is doing now is simply exploring the map.

If you want to use the clues brought by the spaceship to find the planet or stargate that may exist in another interstellar civilization country nearby, flying in the positive space universe is definitely not enough.

Even if Chu Nan travels at the speed of light in the positive space universe, it will take an extremely long time for him to explore an entire star system.

So the 308 consecutive experiments that Chu Nan has done before, is to continuously pass through the walls of space, travel in different spaces, and perform non-stop Space Jump to achieve the real fleshy body Traversing - in fact, not getting lost in the stars.

The reason why those cosmic spaceships can guarantee not to get lost and arrive at their destination accurately when they travel through the starry sky is because they mainly conduct Space Jump through fixed star gates, and secondly, they have complete starry sky data Figure, always able to determine their position.

Chu Nan certainly doesn't have such conditions, and he's not a real Star Level Martial Artist, he has mastered the method of crossing the walls of space not long ago, so in fact he simply doesn't know about those Star Level martial artists In the end is how to complete the space travel through the different space.

Now he is also impossible to find a Star Level Martial Artist to teach him how to do it, so he can only take this stupid way - by constantly traveling short distances in different spaces to jump between the stars in the same short distance, so as to Build a complete star map little by little.

After passing these as many as 308 trials, Chu Nan now not only completely masters the star Starry Sky with Thiago and the others as the center point and the radius of five light minutes. Chart , but also became more proficient at interstellar jumping through different spaces.

Having these conditions means that he has the possibility to explore deeper into the starry sky.

After confirming another target, and after arriving accurately through the travel of the different space, Chu Nan calmed down and returned to the planet.

Just after falling from the sky, I heard a few loud noises from below. The waves on the sea were rolling, and a few silhouettes and a huge black shadow shuttled back and forth in the waves, and the momentum was amazing.

Chu Nan was slightly startled, and he accelerated his descent, and saw that the huge black shadow had fallen heavily on the sea, smashing a huge wave, and then dyeing a piece of Sea Territory bright red, impossible to move even a little bit.

"What's the matter?" Chu Nan asked as he landed next to Thiago, who was floating in the air.

"Oh? Chu Nan, how are you back? Are there any clues?" Thiago asked without answering.

"Not yet, but I left a personal terminal on the interstellar channel that the spaceship flew over. If there are other spaceships passing by, I will be notified." Chu Nan shook his head. , then pointed to a few people who were busy on the sea in the distance and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just killing a rare beast in the sea. It looks like we will be here. A planet is forced to stay for a while, first of all, we have to solve basic life problems." At this point, Thiago frowned slightly. "But I found a problem, we just wanted to catch a few fish in the sea to eat, but we didn't find any ordinary sea fish at all, and hit this Sea Beast with one head. Think of the huge rare beast you killed before. , I suspect... this Sea Territory might be full of such fierce rare beasts."

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards the direction of the island.

Before the rare beast was torn two huge wounds on his body by him. Although he wanted to escape, he finally failed to fall down. Now its huge body is entrenched in the center of the island. However, No one, including Thiago, considered treating it as food.

"Well... Anyway, with your strength, it should be no problem to live here, right?" Chu Nan asked.

"Hey, Chu Nan, do you despise us so much?"

Thiago didn't have time to answer, a young man who had just hunted the huge Sea Beast flew away When I came over, I just heard Chu Nan's question, so I couldn't help but retorted loudly.

Chu Nan shrugged: "Hey, Pinto, I don't mean to look down on you, but since you can survive here, then I can explore further afield. If I can find There might be a planet or a star gate, and we might have a way to go back."

The young man known as Pinto is a Martial Artist of the Vig Republic on the Orion Arm, although this year According to Earth's time, he is less than 20 years old, but he has a strong Great Influence of the fourth rank Voidbreak Grade, and is an extremely famous genius Martial Artist in the Republic of Vig.

This time he was easily caught in an unfathomable mystery, which made him very frustrated, but in front of Chu Nan, he was always a little unconvinced.

Hearing Chu Nan's answer, he coldly snorted: "Chu Nan, although you can fly in space, how far can you fly? I hope you find another planet or star gate, then When do we have to go? In my opinion, we should explore this planet carefully, maybe we can find some clues. This planet is so suitable for human habitation, I don’t believe that these countries on the Perseus spiral arm will easily let go past it."

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