(Found a bug, in chapter 839, Chu Nan's opponent was from the Fige Empire, and it was written as from the Declan Empire. It is not easy to change now, please forgive me. Hey, during the Chinese New Year period The code word is distracting, and sure enough the errors keep coming...)


Chu Nan stared blankly at the disappearance of Quediro Venerable For a while, I didn't know how to react.

This guy was so domineering and arrogant when he appeared. Now I have tossed with him for a long time, and I finally got the opportunity to communicate with him on an equal basis. When I finally got the right question, I didn't expect That's how he reacted!

"Damn, you are a Star Level Martial Artist, why are you so shy?" Chu Nan couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and then he had doubts.

Look at Quediro Venerable's reaction, what he wants to do for himself is related to the garden hunting party, isn't he like other people when he is looking for him for the garden hunting party Declan Empire Imperial Family Finally Those rewards given, but some people?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help but think about it.

But before he thought about it for long, he felt two abnormal space energy vibrations and fluctuations in the nearby space, and two silhouettes suddenly appeared.

Able to use Space Jump to appear directly, proving that these two people are both Star Level Martial Artists!

Chu Nan turned around and saw that one of them was Venerable.

As for the other Star Level Martial Artist, he has neither seen nor recognized it.

Man Luoyin Venerable immediately showed a surprised expression when she saw Chu Nan. She glanced around, flew to Chu Nan, frowned and asked, "Why are you the only one? Who is that person?"

"Let's go." Chu Nan shrugged, pointed to where Quediro Venerable was just now and replied.

"Go?" Man Luoyin Venerable was stunned. "He... actually just let you go like that?"

Chu Nan glanced at Venerable and another Star Level Martial Artist with a surprised expression, smiled and said: "Manluo . Yin Venerable, you must have misunderstood. In fact, that Venerable just asked me to do him a small favor, nothing else."

"Really?" The Star Level Martial Artist obviously didn't believe it either.

But Chu Nan's face was sincere and solemnly vowed, and the two of them couldn't say much.

"Since you're all right, let's go back first." Man Luoyin Venerable said to Chu Nan, "You were suddenly taken away, but the arena has already been messed up."


Seeing the wry smile on Venerable's face, Chu Nan nodded.

He could probably guess what kind of trouble he would cause by disappearing like this, but the fact that Man Luoyin Venerable and another Star Level Martial Artist have come out to look for him at the same time has proved that the seriousness of this matter.

Seeing that Chu Nan's eyes fell on the other Star Level Martial Artist, Venerable introduced to Chu Nan: "This is Kasuri from the Republic of Turado."

Chu Nan hurriedly saluted.

"Hello Kasuri Venerable."

Kashuri Venerable nods to Chu Nan, looking towards Chu Nan full of curiosity and scrutiny.

"Chu Nan, the guy who took you is obviously trying to take you as an apprentice, didn't you agree to him?"

"Yes." Chu Nan thought for a while Thinking about it, he felt that there was no need to hide this, so he answered honestly: "He did want to accept Junior as his apprentice, but Junior refused."

"oh?" Kasuri Venerable suddenly looked surprised. "Why did you refuse? That's the Star Level Martial Artist, and you don't even want to take him as your teacher?"

"This..." Chu Nan glanced at Venerable, who was next to him, laughed. Deliberately not answering.

Sure enough, Man Luoyin, Venerable sighed, rushed to answer for Chu Nan: "Kashuri, do you think that with an innate talent like Chu Nan, those guys in the Earth Federation are blind and can't see it. Didn't I say it before, if it wasn't for this kid already seen, I would have grabbed it myself."

"so that's how it is." Kasuri Venerable understood immediately Come over, then shook his head and sighed. "It's a pity. Otherwise, with your innate talent, Chu Nan, even the old man couldn't help but want to accept another dísciple."

Chu Nan could only laugh.

“Many thanks Venerable, Junior is grateful.”

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while, and then flew to the field together under the urging of Man Luoyin Venerable.

Although Chu Nan can hide his ability to have Space Jump, with his current strength, even in the positive space universe, the speed of flying is extremely amazing. It took less than ten minutes for the three of Shuri Venerable to fly across the ocean and half of the continent and return to the competition venue of the Martial Artist Academy league tournament.

Although Chu Nan and Quediro Venerable traveled back and forth for more than hundreds of thousands of kilometers, it didn't actually take much time.

When Man Luoyin Venerable and Kasuri Venerable brought Chu Nan back to the arena, it was actually less than an hour after he was captured by Quediro Venerable.

Although this sudden change was very surprising, the organizing committee managed to control the tense, and the other competitions continued.

Of course, because there are so many spectators paying attention to Chu Nan, and this incident is so noisy, there are actually not many spectators who pay attention to other games now...

As the Star Level Martial Artist of the host country, when Venerable brought Chu Nan back to the arena, it immediately caused a great sensation.

Everyone watched as Chu Nan was taken away by a Star Level Martial Artist. In everyone's eyes, Chu Nan had no hope of escaping.

However, now he came back safe and sound!

For those viewers who didn't know the inside story, they naturally thought that it must be Man Luoyin Venerable who rescued Chu Nan, plus this was originally from the United States of Meletta. At home, there were bursts of cheers for Man Luo Yin Venerable around the arena.

Hearing these cheers, Man Luoyin Venerable looked a little embarrassed, but it was inconvenient to say more at this time. She could only pretend that nothing happened, and took Chu Nan to the place where he played before. that arena.

In the arena, the opponent from the Feige Empire named Weilang was still standing on the arena with a dazed expression, as if he had not been able to get out of the Star Level where Chu Nan suddenly appeared. recovered from the fact that Martial Artist took away.

Seeing him from a distance, Man Luoyin Venerable suddenly stopped and looked towards Chu Nan with a rather embarrassed expression.

“Chu Nan, although you were held hostage and forced to leave the field, according to the rules of the game, since you left the field first, you will be automatically judged to lose. So in this game… in fact, you Already lost..."

Chu Nan immediately started.

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