

Two silhouettes flew out of the sea like cannonballs, and then hovered on the sea in an instant above.

Chu Nan looked at Quediro Venerable, who was just 100 meters away from him, and calculated silently in his heart, confirming that he had the ability to successfully escape into the different space before the opponent did, looked towards Creed Luo Venerable showed a sunny smile.

"Venerable, wouldn't it be better to discuss it? Why do you have to do it?"

When he was seabed just now, in fact, he had used his precise control of the space energy around him to avoid it. Quediro Venerable's exploration, originally he only needed to wait quietly, waiting for Quediro Venerable to leave to regain safety, but at the last moment, he suddenly changed his mind and took the initiative to show up.

Hearing Chu Nan's question and looking at the relaxed smile on his face, Quediro Venerable was furious.

"hmph, boy, why don't you run away? Do you think you can't run away?"

"No, I think Venerable, you should understand that Junior already has the The ability to escape, isn't it?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically, still smiling.

Quadillo Venerable can only coldly snorted, not answering this question.

Seeing Quediro Venerable's reaction, Chu Nan laughed again, then put away his smile, his face became serious.

"Venerable, in fact Junior really wants to negotiate with you seriously. Junior and you are lacking hatred and enmity, if you want Junior to help you accomplish something, why bother to Junior is pushed to this point. You are a Star Level Martial Artist, if Junior can do things for you, it is an honor in itself. even more how if Junior you did good, senior, you are not too mean, are you?"

Quadillo Venerable looked odd.

"Hey, boy, what do you mean? If you want to benefit from me, wouldn't it be better to be my dísciple?"

"No, Junior early. I have already made up my mind to walk out my own way of being a Martial Artist, so I won't be anyone's dísciple. So whether it is a few Star Level Martial Artists in our Earth Federation before, or senior when you find Junior, Junior will refuse. Yes."

"Oh! What a big breath!" Quidillo Venerable sneered. "Going out of your own way of Martial Artist? Do you really think you can do it?"

"Does the senior think Junior can't do it?" Chu Nan asked back with a smile.

Quadillo Venerable was at a loss for words.

If other young Martial Artists said this in front of him, he would definitely scold them for boasted shamelessly and overestimate one's capabilities. However, Chu Nan's innate talent and ability have been fully demonstrated. Far better than any young Martial Artist he had seen before.

Such a young Martial Artist with such outstanding talent is now claiming to blaze his own path as a Martial Artist, which makes people feel that he is not at all arrogant, but only thinks as it should be by rights .

After a while, Quediro Venerable suddenly felt a little discouraged, waved his hand and said: "Okay, I admit that you brat is right, you do have this ability. Besides... I can't believe there's so much to teach you..."

Speaking of which, Quediro Venerable couldn't help but laughed bitterly.

Chu Nan's performance in front of him was so amazing before, which made him, the Star Level Martial Artist, feel a little frustrated in front of this kid who was obviously not yet 20 years old.

Now that I think about it, the martial skills this kid has mastered are nothing but the simplest set of Hong Clan Everlasting Fist that he showed at the beginning that surprised him the most.

The way of martial skill, the most complex and the simple is just a difference of thought, this kid can practice that seemingly simple magic cultivator to the point where it can be called perfect, even his Even a Star Level Martial Artist can't change the slightest bit, which is enough to prove that this kid's understanding of Martial Dao goes far beyond the average Martial Artist.

He claimed that he wanted to walk out his own way of Martial Artist, which is by no means nothing serious.

At this point, even if Quediro Venerable is a Star Level Martial Artist, there's really no way to give him much advice.

This kid's understanding of martial skill has already evolved from pure learning skills to cultivation Martial Dao.

But from this point, he has outgrown the young Martial Artist of his age by too much.

Thinking of this, Quediro Venerable couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If I could meet this kid a few years earlier, take him as a dísciple and train him well, he will definitely shine in the future, and even shock the entire galaxy.

As for the blind guys in the Earth Federation, I'm afraid they all regret it now.

These thoughts flashed one after another in Quediro Venerable's mind, he put away his wry smile, and asked Chu Nan earnestly, "Since you don't want to be an old man's dísciple, why don't you come and talk to an old man? What to discuss?"

Hearing this question, Chu Nan also looked strange.

“senior, is it in your mind that there is no other option than obeying you completely and being forced to obey you completely? Junior said it before, we can do it It's a deal. You say what you want Junior to do for you, and Junior feels that if you can do it, then you can agree to it, and as long as you can give Junior's satisfaction, Junior will try its best to do it for you."

"Deal?" Quidillo Venerable coldly snorted. "I dignified a Star Level Martial Artist, but I want to make a deal with you, a boy whose hairs not even grown yet? Wouldn't it be a loss of fame if I spread it out?"

Chu Nan suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

“senior, there is nothing to be ashamed of, right? If you feel that this makes you dissatisfied, then you can think that you ordered Junior to do things, and then give Junior some rewards as a reward. Junior is There's nothing wrong with that."

"oh?" Hearing Chu Nan say this, Quidiro Venerable's eyes lit up and slowly nodded. "Well...that's a good thing to say."

Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Although this Quidillo Venerable is expensive as a Star Level Martial Artist, his temper is really eccentric, and even sometimes he looks like a child.

But I've heard that there are a lot of weirdos in the true powerhouse, and it's not particularly surprising that this Quediro Venerable appears now.

"So senior, what do you want Junior to do for you at the hunting party?" Chu Nan asked helplessly.

"This is..."

Quideiro Venerable's reaction was far beyond Chu Nan's expectations.

The powerful Star Level Martial Artist who appeared to be extremely domineering or carefree as soon as he appeared, actually twisted like a shy little girl after hearing this question!

Chu Nan stared at this beard-faced guy glanced around, with a sorry look, and wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

"senior ... you better hurry up, or others will come over in a while." After waiting for a while, seeing that Quediro Venerable still didn't answer, Chu Nan couldn't help urging .

"Cough...cough..." Quidiro Venerable reacted, coughed twice, covered up his lost self-control, returned to his calm appearance just now, and replied, "I let you What I do is not at the hunting party, but after the hunting party. I can't tell for a while now, I will come back to you after you have participated in this tournament."

After leaving this sentence, Quediro Venerable was actually body flashed and disappeared directly in front of Chu Nan, but slipped through space!

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