Looking at the group of streakers, some of them seemed to be a little sorry, covering their lower bodies with their hands while crawling, while the remaining overwhelming majority were open and undisguised Meaning, the expression on his face was very calm, Chu Nan couldn't help shaking his head, feeling emotional.

I have long heard that the people of the United States of Meletta are open, but I can't believe that these guys are so calm about being naked in front of countless people, which really makes him ashamed of being inferior.

While thinking about this question, a slender silhouette broke away from the group and ran towards Chu Nan's direction.

Chu Nan took a closer look and found that this person was Yang Qianrui who he hadn't seen for several days, so he stepped down and flew over the heads of the surrounding reporters, landing right in front of Yang Qianrui. .

"Young Lady Yang, I won the bet for you, shouldn't you reward me with something as a thank you?"

Yang Qianrui stopped and glanced up and down at Chu Nan , pursed his lips and smiled, then deliberately sighed, putting on a pity expression.

"It's a pity that you are wearing clothes. In fact, your figure is very good. I wanted to see more..."

Chu Nan's face was embarrassed, Just as she was about to speak, Yang Qianrui cast a provocative look at Chu Nan again, and said ambiguously with a smile: "What reward do you want? Why don't I make the bet with them come true in front of you and run naked. Let me show you alone?"

Chu Nan was defeated and waved his hands in embarrassment.

"It's alright, don't play with me, I'm having a headache right now. Young Lady Yang, is there any way... to delete the video of my match just now on the pan-galactic network I don't want to be seen by so many people with my bare bottom."

"Impossible." Yang Qianrui shouted the head, resolutely and decisively. "I'm sure that this video of the match has now been circulated on the pan-galactic network, and it is absolutely impossible to delete it cleanly. So..."

Yang Qianrui patted Chu Nan's shoulder with a light smile.

"It's okay, you don't need to be ashamed. Because you're in good shape, that..." Yang Qianrui glanced at Chu Nan's lower body, her smile even more ambiguous. "It's not a small place, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. If it were me, I might be proud to show my perfect body to so many people. Look at them..."

Yang Qianrui pointed to the group of Meletta United States reporters who were still running naked in the distance.

"Those guys are not good-looking, and their bodies are so bad. Now they are running naked."

Chu Nan can only roll the eyes.

"They are if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, I am an accident..."

This is the end, no matter how embarrassed and ashamed Chu Nan significance.

He thought about it for a while, but in the end he could only be as stubborn as he did when facing the staff just now, completely putting aside those shameful emotions.

"Anyway, I wasn't naked in front of a large group of people before, but now I just saw a little more people..."

After comforting himself, Chu Nan rolled his eyes, thinking of his purpose of finding Yang Qianrui on his own initiative, and asked, "By the way, Young Lady Yang, is there any way to send a missing person notice to the whole galaxy for me?"

Yang Qianrui immediately startled.


At the galactic center of the Milky Way, the density of stars is much higher than that of the three spiral arms, and the surrounding planets are naturally far more than those on the three spiral arms. galaxy.

This is the region with the most abundant resources, the most population, and the most prosperous region in the entire galaxy.

And this core area of the entire galaxy is naturally controlled by the most powerful star civilization countries.

But even the most powerful country is impossible to occupy the entire silver center with its strength of oneself alone.

The Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance representing the Perseus Arm force, the Norantum Chamber of Commerce representing the Sagittarius Arm force, and the Declan Empire representing the Orion Arm force almost divided the silver heart , divided the silver center into three spheres of influence that were nearly equally divided, and connected the three major spiral arms respectively, and summarized them within their own sphere of influence.

Although there are still a large number of other small countries in the galactic center with many galaxies, but under the shroud of the Three Great Influences of the Milky Way, these small countries are just barely in the cracks. Just live.

The galactic center area connecting Orion's spiral arms is naturally the territory belonging to the Declan Empire.

In one of the star systems in this region, only four planets of different sizes orbit the star cycle.

However, among these four planets, one of them has sufficient air, water and other resources, and it turns out to be a very pleasant planet for human habitation.

But it is such a pleasant planet that is extremely rare on the outside of the spiral arm. Once discovered, it will be robbed by countless countries. Now, there are not many traces of human habitation at all, and the entire planet is maintained. Approaching primordial style.

On the entire planet, there is only a certain piece of grassland on a continent near the equator in the northern hemisphere, where a building with a distinct Declan Empire style has been built.

However, there are few silhouette activities at all in this extremely large estate.

In addition to the robots that can be seen everywhere in charge of the daily cleaning and maintenance of the entire manor, only a thin silhouette can be seen in a square in the center of the manor, shrouded in black air , Around her body, the entire space seemed to be in an unstable state, constantly fluctuating slightly as the black air rolled.

A leaf floated in the wind, just fell into the black air, and was completely swallowed by the black air in an instant, and even the leaf stem was completely transformed into the smallest example, disappearing.

After a while, the black qi suddenly swelled and shrank, and then completely retracted into the silhouette, revealing the person's true body, but it was a very thin and thin person who looked only fifteen, six-year-old young girl.

If Chu Nan is here, you can recognize at a glance that this thin girl is the girl he met on the nameless planet after escaping from the alien space.

After nearly two months, girl's body is a little plumper compared to when she met Chu Nan, and her face is a little more rosy, but she is still very thin, and her face is the same Much paler than normal.

When the black air completely merged into her body, a blush flashed across the girl's face, her body swayed, groaned, and a trace of blood oozes from the corner of her mouth.

girl took a few breaths, and her face slowly returned to normal.

She reached out and wiped the corner of her mouth, looked at the blood on the back of her hand, pondered for a moment, laughed, wiped the blood, jumped up, and gently throws a punch.

With this throws a punch, a ray of black qi gushed out from her body, surging with the punch.

Then she punched and punched, and the black breath circulated back and forth in her body.

After a while, her complexion became noticeably better.

If the businessman who originally sold Chu Nan's "Hong Clan Everlasting Fist" was here, he would be very surprised.

Because of the boxing that this girl is practicing at this time, it is Hong Clan Everlasting Fist!

One punch after another, the girl used this set of punches to look extremely smooth and skillful, obviously having spent a lot of time in careful cultivation.

After a set of boxing techniques was used up, the girl's face became very ruddy, and her body was slightly sweaty. Compared with just now, the whole person was obviously more sunny and more equipped with Life Aura, as if the whole person come alive in general.

girl finally throws a punch, feels the active blood in the meridian in her body, feels the surging of life, and can't help showing a smile.

Just as she was considering whether to practice again, an old man with a wrinkled face in a servant costume hurried over.

"Your Highness, do you know him?"

Hearing the old man's question, the girl looked towards the virtual screen opened by the personal terminal on the old man's wrist, and her eyes fell on the face on the virtual screen The male child with a bright smile and a sunny face on his face was instantly startled.

"It's him!"

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