Looking at Chu Nan on the virtual screen, he was in a hurry. After a while, he remembered to cover his naked body with his hands, and then quickly left the arena like a thief. The expressions of all the audience of the game became extremely strange.

After a while, huge hilarious laughter sounded in countless places, not only filling the entire stadium, but also filling the front of countless virtual screens for watching the game.

As a matter of fact, when Chu Nan just flew out of the deep pit, everyone had already discovered that his clothes had turned into ashes when he received the blow from Salemo just now, and his body was naked. Naked.

But at the time, everyone was just astonished at the fact that Chu Nan forcibly took such a terrifying blow and was still unscathed, and no one paid much attention to it.

It wasn't until Salemo voluntarily conceded and left that sentence before leaving the game that people shifted their attention to Chu Nan's current state.

It's natural to laugh at the thought that this talented Martial Artist with such amazing strength is naked in front of so many people.

In the office of the tournament organizing committee, Man Luoyin Venerable let out an extremely cheerful laughter, which blended into the laughter of other staff members who could not help laughing too, making the whole office full of joyful atmosphere .

Only the staff member who persuaded Man Luoyin Venerable to take action just now had a weird expression, and couldn't help laughing and shook the head for a while.

"No wonder Venerable you pay special attention to him. This kid is indeed amazing innate talent, and his strength... is even more amazing. I think he can be called a rare talent not only in the small country of Earth Federation , even if it is placed in the entire Orion spiral arm, I am afraid it is an extremely good genius."

Man Luoyin Venerable slowly put away her laughter and let out a sigh.

"It's a pity that such a brilliant genius does not belong to our United States of Meletta. Otherwise, I really want to grab him forcibly from an old friend."

The name The staff glanced at Man Luoyin Venerable, thinking that Venerable could be called an old friend, I'm afraid it should be another Star Level Martial Artist.

From the meaning of Venerable's words, this Chu Nan should be the dísciple of a certain Star Level Martial Artist in the Earth Federation.

But that's right.

Chu Nan possesses such amazing strength at such a young age, it is simply impossible without a strong Martial Artist behind the guidance.

And with this ability, only the most powerful Star Level Martial Artist is possible.

But this brings up another question.

Since Chu Nan has a Star Level Martial Artist as a master, why should he join the Nebula Academy in Earth Federation?

Although there was laughter in the media audience, it was another scene.

Yang Qianrui and other reporters from the Earth Federation gave the most cheerful laughter. The reporters from other countries also gave good laughter. Only the reporters from the United States of Meletta had a hard time laughing.

Salermo voluntarily conceded, meaning Chu Nan won the game.

Chu Nan won this match, which meant he made it to the round of 32, which meant he made it to the finals.

And Chu Nan entered the finals, which means...they lost their bet with Yang Qianrui...

Yang Qianrui just turned around and smiled Look at this group of journalists from the United States of Meletta.

"Gentlemen, is it time to honor your previous promise?"

The reporters from the United States of Meletta turned black.


Chu Nan finally found a set of clothes and put it on with the help of the stadium staff. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to punch a hole in the ground and go straight in.

Although he had the experience of being naked in front of countless people on the Leppler planet before, but at that time he was in the Leppler galaxy after all, and the most people who saw him naked were nothing more than Just a group of Sand Eagles and those from Holy Mountain of the Landers.

And now, he's naked in a galaxy-wide broadcast!

You know, this Orion Arm Martial Artist Academy league tournament has attracted the attention of the entire galaxy, and because of him, this game has the most attention in the ongoing 32 games. According to the pre-match estimates, the number of viewers watching the live broadcast has exceeded one billion!

Thinking that there are at least one billion people who have clearly seen their nakedness now, and then thinking that this video of the game will definitely go viral in the future, and that several times this number of people will see it, Chu Nan just felt ashamed and unable to show one's face.

He blushed with shame at first, but then he was completely heartbroken.

"Damn it, I've seen it anyway, I won't lose a piece of meat!"

Chu Nan took a deep breath, with a stern face, forcibly ignoring the work around the arena The gazes projected by the staff completely ignored the ambiguous gazes projected by many of the female staff in the direction of their lower bodies, and left the temporary lounge with a blank expression.

As soon as I went out, a group of reporters who had been waiting for a long time gathered around.

"Chu Nan, how do you feel about winning this game and successfully reaching the finals?"

"Chu Nan, your opponent showed in this game Despite your amazing strength, you still won the victory. Could you please tell us what your real strength is now?"

"Chu Nan, after you won this game, you also You just won a bet with the journalists in the United States of Meletta, what do you want to say to them now?"

"Chu Nan, I think you're in great shape, even if you're not a Martial Artist, Being a model is also very promising..."


Hearing the last question, Chu Nan's face twitched and he was about to glare at the reporter when suddenly I saw a group of people rushing over in a grandiose in the distance, and there were also many media reporters around.

In the middle of the group, there were more than a dozen naked and naked men.

Such a team immediately attracted everyone's attention. The reporters who had been interviewing Chu Nan looked in the direction Chu Nan was looking at, and all of a sudden they were laughed heartily.

"Ha, it seems that these reporters from the United States of Meletta are still some men. They really mean what they say, haha..."

"These guys dare to talk to Miss Yang Qianrui. How can they dare to renege on a debt now that they lose? If they really dare to do that, these Meletta guys will no longer be able to lift the head in front of others in the future.”

"Isn't it also shameful for them to look like this now?"

"That's not the same. At least this can be regarded as fulfilling the promise and completing the bet, and it will still be appreciated to some extent... "


Hearing the laughter of the reporters around, Chu Nan understood.

It turned out that the group of guys who were running naked in public were the reporters from the United States of Meletta who had made a bet with Yang Qianrui before.

Now that he's won the game and made it to the finals, the guys have to deliver on their promises to finish the bet.

It's just that Chu Nan didn't expect them to be so straightforward, and they started streaking to fulfill the bet shortly after they finished the game, but they were very bachelors.

But on second thought, this bet has already spread throughout the entire pan-galactic network. If these guys dare to renege on a debt, not only will they be scolded by people, but the entire beauty The people of the United States of Leita may not be able to lift their heads in front of people from other countries.

This bet, they are impossible.

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