(I didn’t set the time after uploading yesterday, so the last chapter was not uploaded. Now I will make it up, and it will still be today’s third update.)


Before entering the door of the room, the teacher Garrosten appeared out of nowhere, stopped in front of Chu Nan, and looked at Chu Nan with a distressed expression. expression.

"Chu Nan, you're making such a major event when you just go out, what should I say? You..."

"Then don't talk about it. Right." Chu Nan waved at him, laughed. "teacher, I just comprehended a lot of new poses in the battle today. I'm about to go to cultivation to deepen my understanding and lay a more solid foundation for tomorrow's game, so I won't chat with you here, goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Nan flashed past Gallostan, came to open the door and sneaked in, leaving Gallostan alone outside stunned.

"This...this kid...is just getting more and more irrespective of the law and of natural morality!"

Chu Nan, who had already got into the room, heard Garro outside. Stan's angry voice came in faintly, laughed, and ignored it.

What he just said to Gallostein wasn't bullshit.

Although he was besieged by so many Martial Artists from the United States of Meletta today, it seemed very dangerous to others, but it was actually not a big problem for him, and he was fighting with those hundreds of Voidbreak Graders. In the fight against Martial Artist, Chu Nan gained a lot.

Since getting a tip from Alahuk Venerable, he has been looking for opportunities to play with the right experts, in order to fully appreciate what Alahuk Venerable calls "the change in the use of space energy" The true meaning of , and now hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists have been sent to him all at once, and it is simply impossible to ask for it.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Man Luo Yin Venerable, Chu Nan would definitely continue to deal with the hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists, and even hope for the more the better enemy, because only in this way can he be defeated Get in touch with more martial skills, experience more changes in the use of different spatial energies, and gain more insights from them.

But even now, Chu Nan has played against more than 100 Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in one breath, and has been exposed to more than 100 kinds of cultivation techniques. Got a lot of data.

If you don't take advantage of the moment when you have the deepest understanding of the changes in space energy, would you not be wasting this rare opportunity?

Chu Nan originally planned to enter the room without caring about anything and start cultivation directly, but at a glance, he saw the small holes on the cabinet and the window glass that he penetrated when he tried cultivation the small angel of light yesterday. The hole, frowned, opened the window and flew out directly. After a while, he came to the topmost floor of this hotel, and found an empty place sit cross-legged on the top of the building more than 200 meters above the ground.

It's already night time, and the rest of the city lights up and enters the colorful nightlife, but for the rooftop of this hotel, it's the quietest period.

Chu Nan looked around and made sure that no one else was here, so he calmed down and began to review in his mind the previous battles with hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists.

Although Chu Nan also played against dozens of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists of Sand Eagle on Leppler planet before, and even experienced life and death battles, but before he was mentioned by Alahuk Venerable , Chu Nan didn't care that much, and always fought against opponents by relying on his super induction and control of space energy, as well as his extremely powerful fleshy body and recovery ability.

Now, after mentioning it, Chu Nan consciously started to notice this problem when he was playing with these martial artists in the United States of Meletta, and found that Alahuk Venerable is worthy of being a Star Level Martial Artist. See where his biggest problem lies.

Yes, with his powerful data capabilities, he can indeed have the most precise manipulation of space energy, but this has nothing to do with changes.

In all of his previous battles, after finding an opportunity, he directly used the Inner Breath to condense space energy to form an attack method, and there was no change at all.

What damages the enemy is the formidable power naturally brought by the highly condensed space energy.

And now after Alahuk Venerable's suggestion, especially after the battle with Ahmed, Chu Nan fully understands what a powerful cultivation technique can bring in the battle. Huge advantage.

Although Alhammed Venerable is a Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, it is actually not much stronger than Gleek, a junior Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

Chu Nan was able to take out Grek without any pressure, but was at a disadvantage against Ahmed, and was even turned into an arrow by the Angel of Light's wings of light. Penetrates the fleshy body directly, and survives by virtue of the powerful fleshy body and recovery ability.

The reason why there is such a big difference is entirely because of the powerful Kung Fu mastered by Ahmed, especially the S-Rank cultivation technique that can summon the angel of light.

Of course, Chu Nan is very clear that the reason why the S-Rank cultivation technique is powerful is not because it is an S-Rank cultivation technique, but because it is powerful enough to be rated as S-Rank cultivation technique.

As for why it is so powerful?

The secret lies in the cultivation technique's use of space energy.

It has been a month since the fight with Ahmed, Chu Nan everyday all is trying to completely analyze the composition of space energy in this powerful cultivation technique, and now it can be regarded as a small achievement .

However, based on the analysis of the data sensed by the direct attack, at most it can only analyze the composition of the space energy in the light box wing attack, but it cannot really fully reproduce the use of Ahmed. The Angel of Light, it is impossible to directly learn an S-Rank cultivation technique in this way.

Want to learn, unless Chu Nan can fight with Ahmed again, and then let Ahmed show him this cultivation technique from start to finish.

Obviously this is impossible, and Chu Nan doesn't have this luxury.

For him, it is certainly good to be able to learn an S-Rank cultivation technique, but it is even more important to understand how to use and change the energy of space.

If he can comprehend it deeply enough, Chu Nan even has the confidence to create an S-Rank cultivation technique by himself alone!

Chu Nan calmed down, stretched out his left hand, and opened his palm upwards. Thoughts move, the Inner Breath circulates naturally in the body, and the energy of the whole body naturally circulates with his Inner Breath and the New Year.

A moment later, a small red cloud rose from his palm.

If the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist of the United States of Meletta, who was the first to play against Chu Nan and released that video in public, is here, it will be very surprising.

Because this little red cloud in Chu Nan's palm is exactly the same as his most proud cultivation technique.

Even compared to the red cloud that Chu Nan simulated during the battle, the red cloud is now darker and denser. Obviously, the understanding of the cultivation technique is stronger than that in the previous battle. much more.

With the powerful data ability, after Chu Nan played against the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, he collected enough accurate data to accurately grasp the special composition and fluctuation frequency of the space energy in the red cloud. .

Because the time with the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist was long enough, Chu Nan also collected enough data on the spatial energy changes in this red cloud, and also had a deep understanding. It is not difficult to come out of course.

With his strong sensing and manipulation of space energy, combined with powerful data analysis, Chu Nan can optimize and improve this cultivation technique without much effort, making it more suitable for him to use .

If you put Chu Nan and the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist together and use this cultivation technique at the same time, I am afraid that once the red cloud comes out, everyone will think that the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is a fake.

But of course this is not Chu Nan's ultimate goal. With the movement of his palm, the Inner Breath flows, the red cloud on the palm disappears, and after a while, it is replaced by a strong blue breath.

It is the cultivation technique used by another Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

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