Chu Nan walked into the door of the hotel where the Earth Commonwealth students were staying. The noisy sound in the lobby disappeared instantly, and everyone stopped talking at the same time and looked over.

Everyone looked at Chu Nan's expressions all very strange, and his face was even more strange, as if he was watching a monster come in.

Since the scene of Chu Nan fighting with hundreds of Martial Artists from the United States of Meletta has spread to the pan-galactic network, it is of course impossible for them, who are also participating students from the Earth Federation, to miss it.

In a short period of time, everyone knew that Chu Nan had only gone out for a trip, and that such a big mess had arisen.

But seeing with their own eyes that Chu Nan was still able to do well under the siege of so many experts from the United States of Meletta, everyone was even more shocked by Chu Nan's strength.

Although Chu Nan's strength has been verified because of what happened in the Leppler galaxy before, the overwhelming majority still think that his strength should still be at the stage of an ordinary Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

After all, Chu Nan was clearly only a Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist at the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament a year ago, and no one would believe that he broke through Heavenly Reign Grade within a year.

But the fact that is in front of everyone now is that Chu Nan battles more than 300 Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists from the United States of Meletta in the air, but it is not difficult at all, and it can even be said that it can be done with just a few gestures. Easily defeated a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, it can be seen that his strength is far from the general low-level Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can mention on equal terms.

Although no one believes that Chu Nan has broken through the Heavenly Reign Grade and has the strength to kill a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, the strength he has shown is enough to make everyone feel Shocked and incredible.

It's only been a year!

Chu Nan's weird look at other people has long been commonplace. Not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he was also laughed at others.

"Hey, everyone, the official game is going to be played tomorrow. Why don't you go to rest, why are you here?"

Other people's expressions are even more strange.

This guy has just experienced such a thing, how can he still look so relaxed now?

Everyone looked at each other, and one of the other Academy students stood up and asked loudly, "Hey, Chu Nan, didn't you get pulled away by that Star Level Martial Artist from the United States of Meletta? What is she doing for you?"

When he asked this, the others immediately responded.

The pan-galactic webcast of the battle between Chu Nan and the hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in the United States of Meletta was suspended after the Venerable of the United States of Meletta appeared, and Chu Nan was subsequently killed by the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. Venerable took him away, and many people were still worried about him. Unexpectedly, he came back safe and sound now.

Now everyone is more curious, what did that Man Luoyin Venerable do to take Chu Nan away?

Facing the gazes of everyone, Chu Nan laughed, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, Man Luoyin Venerable just doesn't want me to continue fighting with those guys from the United States of Meletta, so I Take it away."

"Didn't she give you a lesson from the martial artists representing the United States of Meletta?" another student asked.

"Bah, who do you think Star Level Martial Artist is?" Another student scolded before Chu Nan could answer. "How could a person of that status personally teach Chu Nan a lesson? I think the most is to pull Chu Nan over and scold him, am I right, Chu Nan?"

Chu Nan laughed and shook his head: "Where do you want to go. How can Man Luo Yin Venerable scold me for this? This is the people in the United States of Meletta who bully the less. If Man Luo Yin Venerable wants to scold those guys, it's right to scold those guys."

"How is that possible. Venerable is from Meletta, who will definitely protect their own country." The student shook his head, hesitated for a while, and suddenly asked again: "In the end... ...Chu Nan, is that video that guy posted before, is it true? Did you really say those words?"

Everyone stopped and whispered again, all eyes swept together Condensed on Chu Nan's face.

The reason why the previous conflict broke out, and even attracted a Star Level Martial Artist to come forward, is because of the video of Chu Nan despising the Martial Artist of the United States of America, so this is the most critical problem.

Chu Nan rolled the eyes.

"I said... from yesterday to today, has any of you ran into the room to chat with me? Have you talked about these topics?"

Everyone, look at me , I look at you, Qi Qi shook his head.

Since checking into this hotel yesterday, Chu Nan has been staying in the hotel by himself, except when he was interviewed yesterday, he simply never left the room.

Even if other students wanted to get close to Chu Nan, they were basically stopped by the teacher of Nebula Academy, claiming that Chu Nan was concentrating on cultivation and didn't want to be disturbed, so of course it was impossible Someone ran and chatted with Chu Nan like in that video.

"So...that video is fake?" one student responded, astonished.

Chu Nan shrugged, did not directly answer the question.

Seeing Chu Nan's reaction, everyone in the hall immediately seemed to explode.

"It's really fake! I knew it!"

"That's what happened to Chu Nan who said that."

" Damn it, who the hell did that? This shows that Chu Nan was deliberately framed."

"That guy also instigated so many Martial Artists from the United States of Meletta to besiege Chu Nan, I think The energy is not small..."


"I rely on it! No way!"

Just as everyone discussed spiritedly, a scream suddenly sounded, All of a sudden it drowned out everyone's voices.

Everyone looked at the student who suddenly stood up and didn't know which Academy, but saw him looking down at the virtual screen on the personal terminal, his eyes widened and his face full of shock.

"Hey, Liu Feng, what are you yelling at?" Next to him should be his friend. Seeing that everyone's attention was focused, he awkwardly pulled his clothes and motioned him to sit down.

The student named Liu Feng turned a deaf ear to this, he looked at the virtual screen, then looked up towards Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, is this true?"

"What is true?" Chu Nan astonished asked rhetorically.

Liu Feng operated on the personal terminal, the virtual screen was enlarged and turned around, aiming at the direction where Chu Nan was, and at other people.

A video was playing on it, Chu Nan took a closer look and found that he and Man Luoyin Venerable were interviewed by reporters together at the door of the hotel.

What was playing at this time happened to be the part where Man Luoyin Venerable made a promise in public.

"...I'm here to make a promise that if any Meletta United student can beat Chu Nan in the competition and save the honor for our Meletta United martial artists, I will Accept him as a disciple! If you don't want to come under my door, I will personally instruct him for half a year and grant him Divine Art!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the hotel lobby suddenly into a dead silence.

Everyone stared blankly at Venerable on the virtual screen, and then turned to look at Chu Nan in the same blank.

Defeat Chu Nan and get S-Rank martial skill as a reward!

"Hey, Man Luoyin Venerable said, if you are willing to change your citizenship now and represent the United States of Meletta in the competition, as long as you beat me, you can still get the S-Rank martial skill."


Chu Nan laughed to the crowd, and after dropping this sentence, he was disappeared.

The hall was still silent and sluggish. Everyone was shocked by this sudden news and completely lost the strength to respond for a while.

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