Chu Nan's body penetrated the sand, soil, and rock all the way, until he fell into an underground river, and finally got the speed relief and slowly stopped.

This time, Chu Nan did not rush out immediately as before, but let his body be washed away by the river water, trying his best to relieve the turbulent space energy in his body.

The terrifying wing slap just now was not just because the terrifying power contained in it played a role, making him irresistible. Apart from this, Chu Nan was hit by the wings at the moment. Feeling the extremely strange space energy fluctuations in the wings, the space energy of his body protection was unable to defend against the infiltration of these strange space energy, and it directly invaded the body.

As soon as these weird space energies entered the body, they began to wreak havoc in Chu Nan's body, as if to destroy every cell in his body.

Chu Nan can be sure that if it wasn't for his fleshy body that has undergone countless temperings, the intensity far exceeds that of an ordinary Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, but just a moment ago, the fleshy body would be thoroughly destroyed. , now I'm afraid even the bones will not be left.

He was not surprised that Ahmed had murdered him. After all, this time he came to Baier Star to take a risk and to take a gamble.

Of course, he also had full confidence to survive in front of Alhammed, so he directly chose Alhammed as his opponent, so as to fully prove his strength in front of Alahuk Venerable.

But he still didn't expect that Ahmed's strength had greatly exceeded his expectations.

He originally thought that Ahmed was just a Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, which was also a First Rank higher than that of Greck, a junior Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. Not too much either.

But didn't expect the difference in First Rank to be so far away.

Ahammed's Inner Breath strength and manipulation of space energy are obviously stronger than Gleek. Needless to say, what really surprised Chu Nan was his seemingly endless peculiar cultivation techniques.

If the cultivation techniques used by Ahmed just caused a certain pressure on Chu Nan, and did not really pose a threat, then the angel who just fell from the sky really made Chu Nan. Nan feels a real threat.

Feeling the strange wisps of space energy that were still running around in the body, Chu Nan did not rush to find a way to resolve them, but let them run around in the body while experiencing the fleshy body Under the destructive effects of being constantly ravaged by them, he was fully analyzing the composition of these strange space energies.

He knew very well that if he could not solve this problem, he would have no chance of winning against Ahmed.

Now being slapped into the ground by Ahmed's wings, it bought him some time.

This time is impossible too long, because Ahmed will not let Chu Nan lie in the ground.

But Chu Nan is already very skilled in analyzing the situation in his own body. With his powerful data ability and understanding of space energy much stronger than that of ordinary Martial Artists, he did not take too long Master the composition and fluctuation laws of these strange space energies.

Then he startled.

The complexity of the composition of these strange space energies and the strange fluctuation laws far exceeded his imagination. Among the various cultivation techniques related to the manipulation of space energy that he had been exposed to before, there was not a single one. The cultivation technique can be compared with its mention on equal terms.

Under such weird and peculiar composition and fluctuation laws, Chu Nan can be sure that almost impossible Martial Artist can resist their invasion with the spatial energy contained in his body alone.

That is to say, if there is no special means, or if you have a certain understanding of this cultivation technique, then any Martial Artist who is attacked by this cultivation technique, as long as he is hit by that piece of wings, will Invade the fleshy body by these strange space energies and cause terrifying damage to the fleshy body.

If it is an ordinary Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, there is no way to evade or defend against this kind of attack, only to be killed in seconds.

Even if it is a much stronger Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, Chu Nan can be sure that when they encounter this cultivation technique attack, if they are not careful, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

And even if you are deliberately careful, it is difficult to completely resist the invasion of these strange space energies, and you will suffer.

It can be said that as long as Ahmed uses this cultivation technique, he can easily defeat the Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist of the same level as him, and even challenge the third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. possibility of victory.

Chu Nan can be sure that this peculiar cultivation technique that can even show the scene of angels coming is by no means ordinary cultivation techniques. It is very likely that it is simply an S-Rank cultivation technique!

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help grinning.

"Hey, you really look up to me."

At this time, his analysis of the strange space energy in his body has been basically completed, and at the same time he feels a huge wave of space energy that is positive. Penetrating the ground from above, it seemed that Ahmed waited impatiently for Chu Nan to go out, and attacked.

"Then try again!"

Chu Nan groaned, Inner Breath flow, black that combines the hymn of the variant Goddess and the weird cultivation technique learned from mysterious girls Qi breath leaked from his body, and in an instant, he had completely swallowed up the weird space energy that was raging in his body.

This also surprised Chu Nan.

It seems that even though these strange space energies come from an extremely powerful S-Rank cultivation technique, there is still a gap between the two cultivation arts he has mastered.

The origin of the hymn of Goddess is perfectly clear. It is the highest cultivation technique passed down by Rand clansman. With its extremely special ability to convert space energy into life force, even if it is rated as S-Rank cultivation technique Not at all surprising.

But another cultivation technique was learned from that mysterious girl. Obviously, it is not complete, but it also has such formidable power, which is beyond Chu Nan's expectations.

Chu Nan couldn't help feeling emotional when he thought that the girl's companion gave him a spaceship as soon as he shot.

"The girl is really not a simple person, but I don't know if there will be a chance to meet again in the future?"

As the thoughts turned, Chu Nan had already slammed Fly up from the underground river.

Just pierced through a layer of rock layer, the bright light in front of me, countless feathers composed of pure white light awns were inserted through the soil layer, instantly penetrating the entire rock layer through countless hollows, densely packed The ground lasing towards Chu Nan.

"Well done!"

Chu Nan loudly shouted, punched out, Inner Breath condensed the huge space energy under the precise control of the powerful data ability, quickly adjusted to a similar The special composition structure incorporates the characteristics of high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, which vibrates at a very high frequency.

The scattered white feathers were shattered by Chu Nan's punch, and scattered into vast light spots that merged into the surrounding rocks and soil.

This fist not only smashed those feathers, but also smashed a path in the deep stratum, took Chu Nan straight to the sky, and was still embraced by the angel in the sky. But Ahmed, who was full of astonishment, blasted over.

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