
At the edge of a small lake more than ten kilometers away, Alahuk Venerable stopped the hand that was passing over the girl beside him, revealing the surprised look.

"Oh, this kid, it's really interesting..."


There was another thunderous noise from afar It came from here, so frightened the two girls next to him exclaimed, and at the same time fell softly on Alahuk Venerable.

Alahuk Venerable laughed heartily, with a move of his hands, he ripped the clothes of the two girls into pieces, turned over and rode on one of the girls.

While his waist shrugged, he turned his head and looked towards the place where Chu Nan and Ahmed were fighting, and chuckled: "Boy, let me see, who is this woman under you and me? Can't hold on anymore?"


There was another thunder, and Ahmed's body suspended in the sky trembled slightly, and then he recovered again Stable, a flush of red flashed across his face, and he was pressed down again in an instant.

Ahammed stared at Chu Nan who had just been photographed by him and flew towards the ground, but he did not dare to relax at all, but instead became more solemn, with a look of surprise in his eyes Also getting thicker.

Although Chu Nan only played against each other for a short period of time, he had discovered that ordinary moves had no effect on this kid at all.

The Daguangzhenshen he used was already one of his most proud cultivation techniques, but it was easily destroyed by Chu Nan, and the other cultivation techniques he used next, although at first It played a role, but it was quickly resolved by Chu Nan and could no longer pose any threat to him.

This kid seems to have an ability to understand cultivation techniques far beyond ordinary people. He can always see the key to cultivation techniques in a very short time after contact, and quickly respond to them. road.

More importantly, this kid's body tempering is surprisingly tough.

Ahammed didn't actually put much effort into it. Because of Venerable's orders, he could say that he used at least 80% of his skill against Chu Nan.

With the strength of his Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, eight achievements is already a very scary number, and it is reasonable to say that Chu Nan, a trifling Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, has already given more attention than the specification. .

However, Chu Nan fought him head-to-head again and again, and even fought recklessly for several rounds. Although each time he was knocked off without any suspense, he was never able to be really injured by Ahmed. .

This time is no exception.

Chu Nan's body that was knocked into the air fell like a meteorite, blasting away a sand dune in the desert, and his body forcibly smashed into the thick soil under the sand layer. The ground broke through a huge pothole, which looked extremely embarrassing. However, just breathing, Chu Nan had already flown out of the pothole again, bringing a sandstorm and rushing towards Ahmed again.

Ahammed frowned, raised his right hand, the space energy was activated, and in the sky appeared out of thin air, several white chains shone with dazzling light, and instantly tied Chu Nan. Seriously.

The Heavenly God chain is also an A-Rank martial skill.

But a moment later, a wave of spatial energy flickered on Chu Nan's body, and the chain immediately turned into dots of light, disappeared.

Ahammed frowned and couldn't help shouting the head.

"This kid really can't be dealt with by ordinary means."

He has completely put aside his contempt for Chu Nan at this moment. The energy in the surrounding space produced extremely abnormal fluctuations, and the top of the head in the sky suddenly burst into light.

Although this time he did not directly absorb all the light in the surrounding space as he did when he first played against Chu Nan, but under such an extremely bright and dazzling light, the surrounding space still looks overshadowed, As if suddenly falling into darkness.

Feeling an extremely abnormal fluctuation of space energy in the space high in the sky ahead, Chu Nan looked up in amazement, and saw a person in the cloud layer flashing with holy light, holding a scepter. , Two huge wings were born on the back, and the guy exactly like the legendary angel slowly landed.

"No way..."

Chu Nan looked back at the oasis more than ten kilometers away, and then looked at the light man suspended high in the sky, closing Ahmed, who had eyes on his face and a holy look on his face, had a very strange expression.

Alahuk Venerable, although expensive as a Star Level Martial Artist, is really not a good person, and can even be said to be the biggest villain in the Earth Federation.

And as one of his big believers, Ahmed must have done countless evils. As a result, the various moves that this guy uses now are very bright and holy, and now even angels have made them. Yes, it really makes Chu Nan feel extremely inconsistent.

"Alahuk Venerable is this because he knows that he has done countless evils, so his moves are deliberately just and honourable to reverse his evil image?"

Chu Nan's Looking at the desert in the distance, a group of travelers who knelt down and kowtowed to this side, shook the head, a little funny in their hearts.

“Cultivation technique is just a means, how can it wash away the sins in the hands.”

Chu Nan coldly snorted and continued to charge towards Ahmed.

The angel composed of rays of light fell slowly, stretched out his arms, and hugged Ahmed gently, and then Ahmed was embedded in the chest of the angel, looking like he was with Angels fuse together in general.

At this time, Ahmed opened his eyes and saw Chu Nan flying over, showing a sympathetic smile.

The angel has come, what are you still resisting?

Also I don't see any action from Ahmed. The huge bright wings behind the angel are shot at the same time, and they have been extended in an instant, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire sky under the wings, Cover to Chu Nan.

The speed of the wings seems to be very slow, but in fact it is extremely fast, and it covers the entire space. Chu Nan is unavoidable, and is instantly captured by the wings .


Chu Nan originally thought that these two wings, like the wings that grew out of Ahmed’s back before, were just a special condensation of space energy. He didn't mean to be afraid, but now that he hit a note, he found that it was two completely different things.

Although this angel is obviously also composed of space energy condensation, its composition method is completely different from the two wings used by Ahmed himself before. It was beyond Chu Nan's comprehension, unseen, or even unheard of.

And these space energies condensed, as if they had substance, and slapped on Chu Nan, making him as if he had been struck by a terrifying giant hammer, his body fell involuntarily, and he had been smashed through in an instant. The desert sand layer below sank deep into the ground.

Ahammed looked down at the extremely deep hole in the ground that was smashed by Chu Nan and seemed to go straight to the center of the earth, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Boy, no matter how unexpected your strength is, in the face of S-Rank cultivation technique Holy Son, what qualifications do you have to resist?

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