"It's not over yet."

Looking at the tall and thin enemy rushing over, Chu Xiaoxi was groaned, and the Inner Breath circulated. Although there was pain everywhere in the body, it still remained Gritting his teeth, he punched out.

The tall and thin enemy didn't expect, Chu Xiaoxi, such a delicate little girl, can fight so bravely. , making him suddenly somewhat completely unprepared.

However, after all, he was stronger than Chu Xiaoxi, and his combat experience was much richer. Although Chu Xiaoxi was forced to be in a hurry, it didn't take long for him to gain a firm foothold and stabilize the situation again.

Not long after that, the short enemy who was blown away by Chu Xiaoxi also stood up again. Chu Xiaoxi could only be forced to return to his parents again, blocking them in front of them, so that the two enemies would not be allowed to near.




One punch after another, one palm after another, in order to protect his parents, Chu Xiaoxi did not dare to leave at will, and the two enemies have also learned to behave well now, giving up bypassing Chu Xiaoxi and attacking Chu Zhongping behind The thoughts of the two people concentrated on trying to solve Chu Xiaoxi first.

As a result, Chu Xiaoxi suddenly felt a lot more pressure than before.

But compared to the previous situation, now because Chu Xiaoxi and the two of them are fighting on both sides and suffer, these two enemies are now affected by the injury, and it is difficult to exert their full strength. Xiaoxi's oppression force is still strong, but Chu Xiaoxi has the ability to forcibly withstand their attacks without taking a step back.

Although the enemy's attack continuously caused more and more serious injuries to her, Chu Xiaoxi was still able to endure it with her powerful fleshy body far exceeding that of an ordinary Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

Chu Zhongping and Yu Fang, who were guarded by her behind them, saw that Chu Xiaoxi's body was bloody and bloody, and from time to time spurted a mouthful of blood, they only felt heartbroken.

However, both of them have no knowledge of the martial skill at all, but they can only feel pain in their hearts, they can't help at all, and they don't even dare to let out a scream, for fear of affecting the tense battle. Chu Xiaoxi.

Yu Fang's hands tightly clenched Chu Zhongping's arms, pinching out several purple bruises on his right arm, but Chu Zhongping didn't seem to feel any pain at all, just clenched it tightly. His teeth were closed, ignoring the trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Chu Xiaoxi without blinking, thinking silently in his heart.

"Xiaoxi, you must not have an accident. Xiaonan, come and save your younger sister..."

Tangled for a while, the two enemies attacked for a long time without any success, I couldn't help but feel anxious in my heart.

The two of them took up this task and came here. They thought they were just dealing with a few ordinary persons who were powerless, but they didn't expect to be caught by a little girl like Chu Xiaoxi. forcibly to hold.

If it drags on any longer, things may change.

The tall and thin enemy is coldly snorted, and winks at the opposite short enemy.

The short enemy understood the meaning in his companion's eyes, he immediately started to heart startled, he couldn't help but look at the head, but he saw his companion's eyes were very firm, very ruthless in his eyes, he turned his head and glanced at his whole body It was blood, but still standing still, Chu Xiaoxi, whose face was full of determination, could only sigh in his heart, gritted his teeth, and swept towards Chu Xiaoxi with a palm.

This palm seems to be no different from every palm he has hit before, but in fact he has used his Absolute Art in this palm - a B-Rank palm technique ——Jiao Yangzhuo Divine Palm, the palm method contains special Inner Breath, formidable power is no trivial matter.

This palm is different from every previous palm shot at Chu Xiaoxi, but it is intended to kill Chu Xiaoxi directly!

After all, Chu Xiaoxi is inexperienced in combat, so she did not immediately notice the subtle changes in the palm of the short enemy. Most of her energy was focused on preparing to repeat the old tricks and bypassing herself from the other side. Tall and lanky bodies that attacked their parents.

Feeling the short enemy slapped with the palm of his hand, Chu Xiaoxi didn't even think about it, and punched him with a backhand.

However, as soon as the fist touched the opponent's palm, Chu Xiaoxi immediately realized that something was wrong.

The palm of the opponent's palm was like a red-hot iron, extremely hot, and there was a terrifying Inner Breath that was extremely scorching hot, like the scorching summer sun, and it forcibly penetrated Chu Xiaoxi's fist. The Inner Breath defense on top of her, which had been severely injured, burned her right fist into a mass of rotten meat again, and she could even smell a hint of barbecue aroma from it.

The terrifying Inner Breath penetrated Chu Xiaoxi's fist and penetrated into the meridian of her right arm.

She only felt as if there was a line of fire burning all the way down her right arm meridian, and it had penetrated into her chest in an instant, making her feel as if the internal organs were all burning together, but it was extremely hot and difficult. Forbearance, as if the next moment will turn the whole person into coke.

Seeing Chu Xiaoxi's body froze, the two enemies were overjoyed.

Although the chances of Chu Xiaoxi surviving after being hit are extremely small, she will die if she dies. As long as her parents are still alive, they can still be used to blackmail Chu Nan when they are caught. It doesn't matter.

If the tall and thin enemy moves, he will bypass Chu Xiaoxi and go to arrest Chu Zhongping and Yu Fang, so that the task will be completed.

But didn't expect him to move just now, when Chu Xiaoxi moved his body, and punched him again.

The tall and thin enemy didn't expect Chu Xiaoxi to hit the killing move that his companions did with all his strength. Not only did he not kill him on the spot, he actually had the ability to counterattack, and even the one he was familiar with was brought out in this fist. With an extremely hot breath, he was suddenly shocked, and he didn't dare to fight against Chu Xiaoxi, so he quickly pulled away and flew back.

This retreat directly retreated dozens of meters away. After he stopped in surprise, he found that Chu Xiaoxi was frozen in place, motionless, as if the punch just now had consumed all her strength .

The tall and thin enemy immediately understood that the punch just now was already Chu Xiaoxi's return to light, and now she has absolutely no ability to resist.

Thinking of this, he laughed heartily with pride.

"Stinky bitch, I see how you can stop me now!"

That's what he said, when he rushed over again, he still called to his short companion. Beckon and attack together.

Chu Xiaoxi only felt that there was a raging fire burning all over her body, let her not say that she could mobilize the Inner Breath to meet the enemy, and even stood unsteadily, and there was only a blur in front of her. Even the two enemies who rushed over could only see two extremely vague silhouettes.

"No...I want to stop them, I can't let them pass..."

The strong belief still supports Chu Xiaoxi, and the extremely strong fleshy body keeps her here. In this case, he was still able to gather the last strength, and punched the tall and thin man who rushed over first.

I feel that the Inner Breath in Chu Xiaoxi's fist is extremely weak and unstable, and it can't be said of strength. Done.

Anyway, it didn't say that they had to be captured alive, and killing one or two would not be a problem.

Seeing that his palm was about to hit Chu Xiaoxi's chest, and sensing the terrifying aura from the enemy's palm, Chu Xiaoxi didn't have any fear, only regret.

"Unfortunately...I still can't protect my father and mother, and I can't see my big brother become a Star Level Martial Artist..."

Just as Chu Xiaoxi was about to hit the last punch When he closed his eyes and waited to die, he suddenly found that the slender enemy, who was already close at hand, turned into stunned sneer.

next moment, his whole body seemed to be flattened all at once, his head was forcibly pressed into his neck, the upper body sounded an astonishing sound of crack crack, and then the whole person sank like that, completely It was flattened on the beach of the island, and turned into a blur of flesh and blood that could not tell anything at all in the sand pit.

"Xiaoxi, I'm here."

A silhouette suddenly flashed in front of me, one arm stretched out to hug Chu Xiaoxi, and a message was immediately sent from the palm of Chu Xiaoxi's lower abdomen. She felt a very comfortable breath, which instantly made her feel a lot better.

Feeling the familiar breath and hearing this familiar voice, Chu Xiaoxi, who had been tense all the time, suddenly moved in her heart, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

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