The two people on the opposite side were actually not much better than Chu Xiaoxi in their hearts.

This time, they managed to rely on the information they had to take advantage of the fact that Chu Xiaoxi's family came to play on this uninhabited island. no resistance.

But didn't expect this little girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, completely beyond their expectations, she was an expert of Inner Breath Grade!

And this little girl's judgment is also very amazing. Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, she quickly stunned all the men they brought with them, leaving only the two of them. The Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, but because she didn't have a weapon, it was difficult to directly threaten Chu Xiaoxi's parents, so she used her parents to coerce her.

Under Chu Xiaoxi's desperate maintenance, the two of them tried several times together, but they were unable to break through Chu Xiaoxi's defense.

Although Chu Xiaoxi is now covered in bruises and wounds, she still stands tall, and her breath is not disturbed at all. It seems that she can be solved in a moment.

The two are not worried that they won't be able to beat Chu Xiaoxi. After all, with Chu Xiaoxi's current situation, they won't last long.

What they were worried about was reinforcements, especially Chu Nan, that the other side might come at any time.

If Chu Nan really has the strength of the Heavenly Reign Grade as rumored, then it won't take long for him to come over.

The two looked at each other, and one of the tall and thin people said to Chu Xiaoxi: "Hey, little girl, give up your resistance. We didn't mean to kill you and your parents, but if you do this again Resist, if we miss one, then we can't tell."

Chu Xiaoxi's heart moved.

These two guys made it clear that they wanted to capture themselves and their parents alive, so needless to say, they also wanted to use her and their parents to threaten the big brother.

In this case, it is even more impossible for them to succeed.

Chu Xiaoxi took a deep breath, took a step back with her right foot, stepped forward with her left foot, made a fist with her left hand, clenched it around her waist, held her right hand vacantly, raised it to cover her chest, it was Professor Chu Nan The Hong Clan Everlasting Fist 2nd move 3rd Style - the gesture style of retreating and punching.

After all, the cultivation martial skill is short-lived, and her breakthrough on Inner Breath is quite logical, but it is difficult for her to master too many and too proven martial skills in a short period of time in terms of external martial skills. The powerful external martial skills that Chu Nan taught her, but the simple martial skills such as Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, made her cultivation more proficient and made her more confident.

Now they are on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. It is impossible for them to escape with their parents. The only option is to hold on and wait for the arrival of the big brother.

Since the purpose of these two guys is to capture herself and her parents alive, then Chu Xiaoxi doesn't have to worry that they will kill her parents directly. Get comfortable.

Seeing Chu Xiaoxi's actions, the two of them frowned, knowing that this stubborn girl obviously didn't mean to surrender at all.

The tall and thin man winked at his companion, who knew nodded, and the two suddenly split into one left and one right to flank Chu Xiaoxi behind.

Wanting to deal with Chu Xiaoxi head-on in a short period of time has proved impossible from the battle just now, but the parents behind her are her biggest weakness. From this point on, she is not so easy to deal with .

However, Chu Xiaoxi's reaction was beyond their expectations again. Seeing that the two of them rushed over from both sides, Chu Xiaoxi's face showed a hint of joy, twisted her waist, and dragged her right foot along the back. The waist twisted and took a big step to the left front, driving the whole body to rush out to the left front, punched out, and actually just straight up to meet the tall and thin man rushing over from the left.

Feeling the astonishing power of Chu Xiaoxi's fist, she was tall and thin, and wanted to dodge the attack and continue to threaten Chu Xiaoxi's parents, but found that Chu Xiaoxi's fist seemed to be a simple move, but in reality The upper fist and body posture were perfectly fused together, and the timing and angle of selection were also almost perfect, just when he landed on one foot, the old strength was just dissipated, and the new strength was not born.

"Damn it, this little bitch is so young, how can the martial skill be so skilled?"

The tall and thin man cursed inwardly, quickly judging that he couldn't dodge at all, He could only slap Chu Xiaoxi with a backhand.

However, in the face of his palm, Chu Xiaoxi did not dodge or evade. With a slight movement of his upper body, he directly met his palm with his left shoulder.



When the tall and thin palm patted Chu Xiaoxi's shoulder, his lower abdomen was unexpectedly. He was hit by Chu Xiaoxi with a punch.

The two spurt a mouthful of blood at the same time, and Chu Xiaoxi was beaten by the force from the tall and thin palm, causing her body to spin in a circle and fly backwards.

However, she twisted forcibly in the air, using a little force under her feet, she actually spun around and rushed towards the short enemy who was rushing towards her parents on the other side, just in front of him, retracted. The right fist around the waist is punched out along the body's rotation, but it is a non-standard Hong Clan Everlasting Fist First Move First Style - riding a horse and punching.

The short enemy didn't expect Chu Xiaoxi could still make such a response under such circumstances, but after being surprised, he sneered in his heart.

This little girl is getting more and more injuries now, where is there any battle strength to speak of, as long as she is solved, this task is considered successfully accomplished.

"Lie down for me!"

The short enemy lightly shouted, also punched out, but turned into a boxing shadow that completely enveloped Chu Xiaoxi.

However, Chu Xiaoxi seemed to have never seen the shadow of the fist in the sky, and still punched straight at the short enemy with a press forward imposing manner.

The short enemy was frowned, remembering that before leaving, he emphasized that he must not kill the three targets, so he closed his fists a little, and the fist shadows in the sky shrank into one, and accurately hit Chu Xiaoxi. fist.


Chu Xiaoxi's entire right fist burst into flesh and blood, and the originally delicate and small fist became drenched with blood at this time, looking extremely miserable.

But she is much better than the short enemy's injuries.

Under the punches, the short enemy's right arm made an astonishing explosion of ka ka ka ka, and the bones in the entire right arm were completely broken, and no one was intact. The entire right arm was directly abolished!

The short enemy let out a scream of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, and his body was directly blown away, hitting the rock on the island behind it all split up and in pieces, and fell heavily to the ground .

Chu Xiaoxi also fell to the ground, his body swayed violently, he almost fell down and sat down, opened his mouth, and the mouth spurt blood out again.

However, she didn't bother to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, turned her head and looked towards the tall and thin enemy who had rushed over again.

The act just now seemed reckless, but it was actually Chu Xiaoxi's choice after careful consideration.

If their three people are all in good condition, the other two are actually stronger than him. If they rush up together, in order to protect their parents, she will only be injured more and more seriously, I am afraid won't last long.

But now that both of them are fighting on both sides suffer, the strength of the two has been greatly reduced by the injury, so it is difficult to cooperate delicately at the same time, making Chu Xiaoxi care about one thing and the other.

And the most important reason why Chu Xiaoxi dares to do this is that Chu Nan once told her that her fleshy body strength now has obviously exceeded the ordinary Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

The reckless fight with the two enemies just now fully reflects this.

They also suffered a blow each, and the injuries suffered by the two enemies were obviously much more serious than that of Chu Xiaoxi.

Now they have completely lost the possibility of forcing Chu Xiaoxi to make mistakes and breaking through her to threaten her parents.

This kind of tactics under compelled by circumstances is actually taught by Chu Nan.

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