Lu Moore stopped at a high altitude, looked down at the big hole smashed by Chu Nan below, and let out a sneer.

"I thought that since you were able to take down the Inner Mongolia Tower, what kind of ability was unexpectedly so unable to withstand a single blow. Looking at your appearance, I'm afraid you're a rookie who just broke through the Eternal Sky Pass. It can't even block a single blow from me."

Lu Moore's voice was not deliberately lowered, but was deliberately raised, sending his voice to all directions clearly.

Sha Ying's subordinates, who had already spread out below, looked at each other with puzzled faces.

Who is Lord Lumore talking to?

"Get up, stop pretending." Lu Moore continued to look at Shenkeng and said coldly, "Although you are a rookie, you shouldn't have died so easily."

tone barely fell, there was a sudden explosion in the deep pit, a silhouette jumped out of the pit, and landed outside the pit, it was Chu Nan.

He was covered in dirt all over his body at this time, and he looked extremely embarrassed, but his eyes didn't lose the slightest, but his face turned pale. .

Several sand eagle subordinates who were closest to him suddenly jumped out when they saw Chu Nan. They were startled at first, but then they glanced at each other, their hearts moved, and they picked up the gunpowder weapon and rushed to Chu. Nan attacks.

“da da da—”


A burst of machine guns and rockets fired, where Chu Nan was He was instantly enveloped in smoke from the explosion.

Several Sand Eagle's subordinates were overjoyed, thinking that this guy had been seriously injured in the battle with Lord Lumore just now, so that he couldn't even escape their attacks.

But just as their thoughts rose, they saw a hurricane blowing out of thin air where Chu Nan was, instantly blowing all the smoke and dust away, revealing that it was still standing there, not moving at all. Check out Chu Nan.

Chu Nan turned his head and glanced at them, and the soul flew away and scattered among several Shaying men, turning around and running away without the slightest hesitation.

But before they took two steps, they already felt that their chests were hit by a huge force fiercely from nowhere, as if they were suddenly hit by a sledgehammer. Dig deep.

Several people fell to the ground together, spits out blood in their mouths, twitched their hands and feet twice, then stopped moving, obviously dead.

Before they lost consciousness, their eyes were full of doubts, and the same thought was running through their minds.

"How did this guy... hit us in the chest? We clearly turned our backs on him..."

Watching those subordinates being killed by Chu Nan, Lu Moore was slightly frowned, shouted loudly: "Get away from me! What qualifications do you have to intervene in the battle between us?"

Other sand eagles scattered in all directions looked at each other Look, hurriedly retreated to a farther place, and no longer dared to make any rash moves.

Lord Lumore is right, the battle between the two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists is simply a battle between superhumans, but it's not that ordinary persons like them can intervene.

The matter of superhumans should be solved by superhumans themselves.

After scolding his subordinates, Lu Moore's eyes fell on Chu Nan, who was below, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

“Your innate talent is really good. Just now, you obviously didn’t know anything about the use of space energy. I didn’t expect you to master this step in such a short period of time. If you have enough time to grow, I'm afraid I'm really not your opponent."

Chu Nan looked up at him: "If you say this, you're not afraid that you won't be able to kill me, let me run away, and come to you for revenge in the future. Is it?"

Lumore coldly snorted, with strong confidence in his tone.

"If I dare to say that, I have enough confidence that you cannot escape. You had the opportunity to become a stronger Martial Artist, but made the most wrong choice. For the sake of trifling A few pariahs actually dared to fight against our sand eagles, and dared to fight me head-on. Now, you have no chance to regret it!"

After saying that, Lu Mo raised hand, and the black man behind him. The clouds continued to permeate, with his silhouette falling towards Chu Nan, like a huge dark cloud, really covering the heavens, shielding the sun generally shrouded towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan squinted his eyes and looked up, his brain working frantically.

Lu Moore's control of the space energy in the surrounding space is really excellent, and when he displays this big dark sky, it seems to directly change the attribute of the space energy, but he controls these spaces in turn. Energy can't do it, let alone counterattack, so that the first contact just now was directly shot down from the air, so he was injured.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't even have a chance to escape.

With the powerful data ability, Chu Nan can judge the control form of Lumore's space energy at the moment of contact, and even easily calculate the range of space energy he affects, and establish a precise in his mind. model, so as to infer what the space that Lu Moore can control looks like, and then find out the weak parts and break out.

Even if he will still be chased and killed by Lumore, Chu Nan is confident that he will not be killed until the carnival night.

As long as he returns to the carnival night city and enters the crowd of people in the big city, he does not believe that Lu Moore has enough ability to find him again.

It really doesn't work, he can also send a distress signal to the Garrosten teacher.

With the powerful strength of Garrost's teacher fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade, there will be no problem in killing this Lumore.

But in order to protect the safety of the villagers, especially Angelique, Chu Nan will never choose to run away until the last moment, when he is sure that he has no hope of defeating Lumore.

As of now, he still feels that there is still hope.

Seeing that Lumoor has been pressed down, the space energy in the surrounding space has begun to become violent under the influence of the Great Darkness, Chu Nan's brain is running frantically, instantly turning the smallest details in the surrounding space into a frenzy. The situation is taken into the mind, and the most accurate calculation is made.

Then he raised his hand and slapped it lightly.

This palm seems to have no strength and the speed is very slow, but after this palm is shot, it shows that the space around his palm is obviously distorted, and then the scope of this distortion becomes more and more. It grew bigger, covering his entire body, and then continued to expand, extending to a range of five meters in front of him, colliding with the black cloud that Lu Moore had invaded.

"ka ka..."

"Chi la la la—"

There is no heaven shaking, earth shattering sound, two space energies After they collided, they made a few strange noises, and then countless electric currents lit up out of thin air, turning the surrounding space into a blank space, and the space in that place was even more distorted. The black clouds were completely dispersed.

Lu Moore in midair's body shook slightly, the black cloud suddenly retracted back, and Man Liang looked at Chu Nan on the ground in surprise.

The hard wasteland ground under Chu Nan's feet suddenly cracked, his body sank suddenly, and his feet sank forcibly under the ground, apparently failing to completely relieve the pressure.

However, there was no panic on Chu Nan's face, but a hint of joy.

Through the previous attempts against those Sand Eagle subordinates and the head-to-head confrontation with Lumoor this time, he has already mastered some methods of using space energy.'s that simple.

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