Seeing that the last small low-altitude shuttle also turned into debris in the sky, the men who were riding in it screamed and fell, but Lu Moore did not feel any anger in his heart. Only a trace of helplessness.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed at Chu Nan in the distance.

"Hey, boy, I know very well that the reason you're going so hard to destroy these locomotives and shuttles is because you're worried that my men will ride them to catch up with the untouchables. But Have you ever thought that even if you destroy all the locomotives and shuttles, I will still stand here well? If you don't kill me, I can easily catch up with those pariahs and one by one One is all killed, do you believe it?"

Chu Nan glanced down at the big men on the ground who had already retreated far away and did not dare to approach here, lifts the head, and rushed forward. Road Moore laughed.

"Of course I believe it. As a powerful Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, how difficult is it to kill dozens of ordinary persons?"

"Then why do you do this? ”

Lumore pointed to the magic train that had four of them turned into scrap metal on the ground, and the only one left that had not been abandoned there, and the debris that fell on the ground after the explosion of the small low-altitude shuttle. wrinkled frowned.

"If you can kill me, no matter how many weapons these guys have, they can't threaten you in the slightest. But if you can't kill me, the pariahs you want to protect will also die. , why is it unnecessary?"

"Why is this unnecessary?" Chu Nan smiled and shook his head. "Fix this problem in advance, so I don't have to worry about when I was having a good time with you, but they sneaked up after them and threatened those people. Now that they don't have the ability to act, I can have no worries about the future. To face you, isn't it?"

Lu Moore was silent for a moment, nod gently.

"You're right. But after talking for a long time, do you think you have the ability to kill me?"

"I don't know." To Lu Moore's surprise, Chu Nan It was actually very straightforward to hook the head. "I haven't fought before, how do I know if it's your opponent?"

"Then you dare to catch up alone? You're not too brave." Lumore coldly snorted.

"If you can't beat it, you have to try it." Chu Nan didn't care. "If you can beat it and even have the ability to kill you, then of course everything is easy to say. But if you can't beat it, I can still escape."

"Escape?" Lumore started. "You don't care about those people?"

"I can't beat you, so I can't stop you, so you can imagine their fate. In this case, why do I have to fight with you?"

Chu Nan still maintains a sunny smile, as if he doesn't know how unreasonable what he is saying now.

But after saying this, Chu Nan's complexion changed suddenly, his expression became gloomy, he raised his finger to Lu Mole, and said sternly: "But I promise you, if you dare to kill him. Those people, then I will definitely cultivate well, and when I become strong enough, I will come back to avenge them! When the time comes, not only you must die, but you bastard sand eagles, all of you will die!"

"Ha!" Lu Moore laughed exaggeratedly. "Are you threatening me?"

After taking a look at Chu Nan, his smile turned dark.

"Boy, I admit that you have outstanding innate talent, and in the future it is indeed possible to become a Martial Artist who is strong enough that even our Sand Eagles can't afford to offend. But do you think... Today I will let you Run away? To tell you the truth, I don't care if those pariahs die or not, my real purpose is to get rid of you, the guy who dared to stand up for them and oppose our sand eagles!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Moore's arms swung, and a cloud of black gas suddenly poured out of his body. In an instant, it was like a cloud of ink dripping into the water, dyeing the surrounding space into pitch black.

"Boy, it's been a long time since I used this set of Great Darkness, and now you should be proud of letting me use it in order to kill you."

Lumore He let out an unpleasant jié jié laughter, combined with the incomparably weird black shadow behind him, and instantly the whole person's painting style became weird.

"I'm proud of your face..."

Chu Nan cursed, frowning looking towards the growing shadow behind Lu Moore, feeling very strange in his heart.

Before breaking through Zhouyutianguan, most of the opponents he encountered were Inner Breath Grade. When everyone fought or even killed, they still used the normal Inner Breath and fist cultivation techniques. , which looks normal.

But it took less than a day for Zhou Yutian to break through, and I encountered two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists one after another.

Yesterday that Inner Mongolia Tower would shrink in the sky and throw white light balls at Chu Nan and Angel Belle, just like the vitality bomb in the comics, but now this Lumore has resorted to this or something The big dark sky is full of evil spirits at a glance, eerie and eerie.

The moves used by these two guys instantly subverted Chu Nan's previous cognition of martial arts, making him want to refresh his three views.

"This is really weird, whether it was in the Western Cloud Academy or now in the Nebula Academy, I encountered quite a few Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists, Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists and even Star Level Martial Artists. I've seen quite a few artists, and I've never seen them so weird. Why are these two guys so weird?"

Chu Nan wondered in his heart, but now he When he didn't think about it so much, he saw that the ink-like darkness had already permeated, as if covering the heavens, shielding the sun, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately urged the Inner Breath to fully mobilize the energy of the surrounding space.

"Hehe, boy, die!"

Lu Moore gave a gloomy laugh and punched Chu Nan from a distance, with the black cloud behind him. It was like life, hiding the sky and covering the earth with his fists flying towards him.

Chu Nan's eyebrows jumped.

Even if you break through the Eternal Universe and become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, the space that each Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can control is limited.

With Chu Nan's current strength, the range of space energy he can currently influence is probably a sphere with a radius of about 13 meters centered on him.

He can easily mobilize and control the space energy in this spherical space, but beyond this range, his control is greatly weakened, but it is not without influence.

Lumore and him were thirty-seven meters away in the air, outside the space controlled by Chu Nan, but Chu Nan could clearly feel the changes in the space energy in that space.

When Lumore released the black cloud, the space energy in that space was only a little changed, so Chu Nan couldn't see why they seemed to be dyed.

But when Lu Moore started to attack, Chu Nan instantly discovered that the space energy in that space seemed to become extremely violent all of a sudden, and even the attribute changed immediately. Fist, formidable power is extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the black cloud had already invaded the space controlled by Chu Nan along with Lu Moore's fist.

The space energy that was originally stable and gentle under Chu Nan's control seemed to be immediately affected by the black cloud, and all became frantic.

Chu Nan has now perfectly integrated the Inner Breath and the entire body into the space energy around him, the space energy changes, and the Inner Breath in his body immediately rolls up, and the body is more like a direct Facing a heavy blow.

"pu ——"

Chu Nan spurt a mouthful of blood, and his body immediately fell like a kite with a broken string, falling rapidly from the sky, hitting the ground with a bang, directly Smash a big hole in the ground.

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