This "Virgin001 1" is, of course, Chu Nan.

Although the teacher of the Nebula Academy announced before their spaceship that they would not be responsible for anything they did on Leppler, they still passed on a document to all the students, including Includes a lot of information about Martial Artist on Leppler.

In the information, it was mentioned that the underground black boxing of Leppler star is very prosperous, and more than half of Martial Artists are get involved.

It can even be said that the underground black boxing and the extended gambling industry constitute an important part of the Leppler star tourism industry.

The materials do not clearly tell the students what to do, but as long as they use their brains, they will know that they want to quickly get in touch with the Martial Artists on Leppler, and fight with them to participate in the underground black boxing. is one of the most direct ways.

Chu Nan was originally worried that he was a newcomer and was unfamiliar with life. He couldn't find a way to join the underground black boxing. However, it was found that on the Leppler planet, the so-called underground black fist did not have such a thing as "underground" at all.

Underground black boxing with gambling properties, which is strictly prohibited for other countries and planets, is an open industry here.

Anyway you look, you'll see signs promoting competitive combat everywhere, and signs that recruit Martial Artists are all over the place.

Chu Nan easily found a so-called "fighting intermediary" with no effort at all, and after signing an agreement with the other party, he was recommended to the Tourier Tavern and let him Come find Father Haskeman yourself.

It turns out that the fighting agency is quite reliable. After Chu Nan found Dad Huskman, he didn't ask too much and brought Chu Nan over.

"Virgin001 1?" Father Haskeman glanced at the personal information that Chu Nan filled in, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "Hey, boy, are you really still a virgin?"

Chu Nan twitched the corners of his mouth and retorted: "What? Is there a problem?"

"No, it's nothing. Problem." Father Haskeman laughed, patted Chu Nan's shoulder hard. "Work hard, if you can win the First Stage, I'll ask two chicks to **** for you."

"There's no need for that..." Chu Nan waved his hands again and again, thinking that he was in the tavern just now. When I saw the scene, I couldn't help but turn red again.

Seeing Chu Nan's reaction, Father Huskman laughed even more happily, instructing Chu Nan to fill in his personal information, patted him, and stopped him by the neck.

"It's good, boy, I don't care why you came here to fight, and no matter what strength you have, you just need to fight hard. I'll arrange a fight for you later. , let you try. If you win, you'll have money, chicks, and a chance to keep fighting, but if you're a piece of shit in my eyes, worthless, got it Is it?"

When it comes to the topic of women, Chu Nan is still a little unnatural, but when it comes to fighting, Chu Nan is suddenly full of confidence.

He nodded at Daddy Huskman, hit his right fist hard on his left palm, said with a smile: "No problem, arrange it for me as soon as possible."

"In Wait here." Father Haskeman explained, got up and left.

Chu Nan felt a little bored after waiting for a while. He came to the fence and looked down at the center of the field.

When he came in just now, the two people who were competing seemed to be tied, but now one of them has the advantage and started to block the opponent in the corner and beat him desperately.

The dominant man hit the opponent with almost every punch, causing a loud noise, splashing blood, and even a few pieces of minced meat. The scene looked like Incredibly bloody.

However, the more bloody and violent scenes, the more excited the audience around them watched.

As the man punched the opponent with punch after punch, the cheers of the audience burst out in bursts, and the scene was extremely hot.

However, Chu Nan just took a look and felt very boring.

These two guys fought very lively, intensely, and excitingly, but in his opinion, they just stayed at a very low level.

Not to mention the influence of space energy, these two guys didn't even do Inner Breath out, obviously they are just relatively low-level Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist.

As for the external martial skill they are using...

Chu Nan didn't pay much attention to their initial fight, but now they are punching punch after punch, what's the point? What is the martial skill...

A communication request suddenly came from the personal terminal in hand, drawing Chu Nan's attention back from the martial stage.

Looking down, it was a message from Angel Belle.

"Hey, Chu Nan, how are you over there?" Angelique asked excitedly as soon as she was connected. "I've already played a game."

Unlike Chu Nan, Angel Belle, after all, has been to Leppler Star several times before, so she is naturally much more familiar.

According to her statement, she can actually find many ways to play against local martial artists, but seeing that Chu Nan chose to join the underground black boxing, she also chose the same way.

But in order not to seize resources with Chu Nan, she chose another agency, and now she has completed a fight.

"So fast?" Chu Nan was a little surprised. "I just signed up here, and they said they would arrange it for me. I don't know when I will be able to play."

"Well, because I'm a rare female Martial Artist who comes to fight underground black boxing. , so I will be arranged very quickly here. But don't worry, Martial Artists like you who are very young and look like a good child rarely show up, I believe they should arrange for you soon ." Angelina replied with a smile. "By the way, I also inquired about it. As long as you become famous here, you can participate in higher-level fighting. I don't know if you have any."

"I don't know, I'll ask hello later. Yes." Chu Nan replied, looked up and saw Father Haskeman appeared at an unknown time, walked over to him, looked towards An Qibeili and said: "It seems that it may be time for me to play, let's not talk for now. See you later."


Chu Nan closed his personal terminal and greeted Father Haskeman.

Father Huskman looked Chu Nan up and down, and seeing his look of anticipation, nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, boy, go clean up and get ready to play."

Chu Nan was a little surprised, but she was really hit by Angel Beili.

"That...can I ask who the opponent is?"

Father Huskman glanced at Chu Nan, sneered: "What? Boy, are you afraid? Tell you , now even if you are afraid, there is no chance for you to go back. Give me obediently and honestly to fight, otherwise, your end will only be worse than being beaten into meat sauce!"

Hearing the threat in Father Haskeman's tone, Chu Nan curled one's lip nonchalantly.

In fact, he was just asking casually out of curiosity. It didn't matter who the opponent was. Anyway, even if Father Haskeman told him, he would definitely not know it.

"Well then, you should tell me, how is it that I won?" Chu Nan asked again.

"Nonsense, if he can't get up, then you win. Or if you have the ability to kill the opponent directly, then you win. What? What else do you need to explain?" Ha Father Skeman squinted at Chu Nan with an impatient look on his face.

"No more."

"If it's gone, go get ready for me!"

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