Toyel's Tavern was full of people, full of young men and women who entered the carnival, twisting their bodies frantically to the throbbing lights and frenzied music, the atmosphere was extremely hot.

Several young girls have even taken off their shirts, holding them in their hands and dancing continuously, ignoring the snow-white face on their chests, which is exposed in front of everyone, shaking with their bodies, and not caring about their surroundings. The hot gaze projected over, but instead proudly puffed out his chest, showing his towering pride with a proud face.

However, in such a frenetic atmosphere, there is a corner that has been quiet all the time, and the passion flowing around in the tavern seems to disappear without a trace as soon as it hits this corner.

This small corner, like an iceberg in a flame, seems out of place.

However, when everyone passed this corner, they automatically avoided it.

Father Huskman sat in this corner, his eyes swept over the girls who were naked, showing a sneer.

He was sure that the wine that the little bastards handed to these girls just now must have added ingredients, and their fate tonight must fall into the hands of those little bastards, who will be played with After a while, I don't know where I will appear naked in the morning tomorrow morning.

As for when the time comes is dead or alive, it depends on their luck.

Dad Haskeman has seen too many such things, and naturally he will not have any sympathy for these girls.

Since they dare to come here, they must be mentally prepared to accept this fate.

And what will happen to the little bastards who play with them, Father Huskman is even more disinterested.

This is the sapphire Star Domain, this is the Leppler planet, and there are no goddamn state regimes, no goddamn laws.

The people who live here, if you want to live well, you only need a big enough fist.

Because Daddy Huskman's fists are big enough, even though he looks out of place sitting here, no one dares to provoke him casually.

The door of the pub was suddenly pushed open, and a young man who looked less than 20 years old walked in.

Papa Haskeman habitually glanced at the new guest, but he was slightly taken aback, his eyes narrowed, his eyes involuntarily landed on the youngster, and he took a serious look.

This youngster's body is not particularly strong, but it is very well-proportioned. The body and pace look nothing special, but if you look closely, you will find that it seems to maintain this very special rhythm.

Papa Haskeman deliberately affirmed that if someone wanted to attack him now, he would definitely meet his most direct and fierce counterattack.

This youngster is actually a good Martial Artist!

Daddy Haskeman is a little weird.

Toyer Tavern is most famous for its wine and women. This little fellow, who is obviously less than 20 years old, looks a little delicious and pretty. It can be seen that he has received a good tutor. Very well behaved, why did you come here?

Father Huskman even noticed that after he came in, he was clearly not used to the environment in the tavern. When he opened his eyes, he even revealed the appearance of sorry!

Oh my God! But after seeing a few rotten flesh with no features on his chest, he was actually shy!

Father Haskeman was a little surprised, and looked at the young man with some amusing...

"Hello." The boy glanced at Daddy Haskeman, said hello politely first, hesitated for a while, and then continued to ask, "May I ask if you are Daddy Haskeman? Is it?"

Father Huskman can see all kinds of people in this tavern every day, but such a young and immature rookie is really rare.

Father Huskman was not surprised to hear that he actually said his name.

It seems that although this boy is obviously coming here for the first time, he has already inquired about the information of the Toyer Tavern in advance and knows his existence.

"I am. What? Boy, do you have something to do with me?"

Father Huskman is a little bored, and now such a special boy has appeared, but here he is interest.

"If you want to drink, go to the bar and ask for it directly. For the sake of your first visit, you can tell me my name and I'll buy you a drink. If you want to find a woman, well, then There are a lot of sides, as long as you like it, or if you are willing to pay a little money, most of the women over there can have sex with you at any time. And there are many little **** who like your delicious and pretty chick Son, you don't even need to spend money."

The boy blushed immediately and waved his hands again and again: "no no no, I'm not here to drink and... to find women, I'm here to find you ..."

Speaking of this, the boy glanced left and right, got a little closer, and said in a low voice, "I asked you to apply for boxing."

"Punching?" Haha Father Skeman was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the boy carefully again, and his eyes narrowed when he thought of the observation he had made on him when he entered the door just now. "Who introduced you?"

The boy raised his hands, crossed them together, and made a weird gesture.

Seeing this gesture, Father Huskman's expression slowed down a little, looked at the boy again, and asked, "Since it was introduced by them, it's no problem, come with me. ”

Father Huskman stood up, waved at the boy, turned and walked towards the back of the pub.

The boy followed obediently, and the two walked out of the back door of the tavern, walked a few steps in an extremely secluded alley, and turned around to enter a nearby door.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a huge explosion of cheers from inside, and the sound seemed to shake the whole house down.

The gate looks unremarkable from the outside, but inside is a huge hollow space that is almost equivalent to a standard basketball court, with a three-story building.

The space is surrounded by two floors and multiple rows of seats. At this time, it is already crowded with people, but no one is sitting. Everyone looked very excited.

In the middle of the space, there is a huge blank space.

In the center of the venue, two silhouettes are staggering back and forth, and there is a muffled sound of peng~ peng~ peng~ from time to time, but two Martial Artists are fighting fiercely.

From the close-up on the virtual big screen above the field, it can be seen that these two people have already fought face covered in blood at this time, riddled with scars on their bodies, it can be seen that the battle situation is extremely fierce.

Father Haskeman glanced at the boy beside him, and when he saw his gaze fell on the center of the field, he didn't have the slightest fear or discomfort, and he was extremely calm, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Boy, ask you again, are you sure you want to participate?" Father Haskeman solemnly asked. "Since you found me, you must know the rules here. If you are injured here, or even killed directly, we will not be responsible, and no one will be responsible for this, understand?"

" I understand." The boy smiled nodded.

Papa Haskeman coldly snorted, clicked on a virtual screen, and pushed Chu Nan child down in front of him.

"Okay, fill in your personal information."

Seeing that the boy was ready to fill in, Father Huskman reminded him.

"It's better not to use your real name."

"Really?" The boy was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then filled in a line on the name of his profile.

"Virgin001 1".

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