The thirteen-kilometer-long huge interstellar spaceship jumped out of the stargate and flew towards the fourth planet of the Havel galaxy, which is 37 light minutes away.

"Welcome to the Sapphire Star Domain, passengers. We are about to arrive at the Javier's Galaxy closest to the United States of Meletta in the Sapphire Star Domain. Javier's Galaxy is one of seven inhabited galaxies in the Sapphire Star Domain. One, the fourth planet, Leppler, is the only planet suitable for human habitation in the Havel galaxy. According to statistics, the current resident population has exceeded 200 million, and the main components are..."

Heard The broadcast began to introduce the customs of Sapphire Star Domain. Chu Nan retracted his gaze towards the porthole, turned his head and found that Mondeo was still sleeping on the opposite bed like a dead pig. It seemed that if he didn't wake him up, I am afraid that the spaceship arrived at the Leppler star and he was completely unaware.

"Hey, get up." Chu Nan jumped up and kicked Mondeo to wake him up.

Mondeo was startled, rolled over, and nearly fell to the ground.

"Ah...Chu Nan...where are you now?"

Seeing that he was still confused, Chu Nan kicked him again unceremoniously. one foot.

"It's almost time to arrive at Leppler, get up quickly. But the teacher said, we have to gather for a meeting before we arrive."

Mondeo snorted. , rolled out of bed.

Chu Nan ignored him, walked out of the room, looked outside, and found that many students wearing Nebula Academy uniforms had come out of the surrounding rooms, greeting each other and gathering. together.

A casual glance will reveal that there are at least two hundred Nebula Academy students present here.

Seeing the lively situation around, Chu Nan couldn't help feeling emotional.

The Nebula Academy is worthy of being the No. 1 Academy in the Federation, that is, rich and imposing.

Sapphire Star Domain is also a thousand light-years away from the nearest galaxy to the Earth Federation. To get here, you have to pass through three different countries on the way, and you have to travel from the border of the United States of Meletta to the galaxy. The star gate can only jump over, and the road is extremely long.

Not to mention, it will cost a lot of money just to travel.

However, the Nebula Academy actually brought more than 200 students together in order to let their freshmen take part in this practical trial. The logistics team of as many as 23 people added up to nearly 300 people.

The amount of money spent by the Nebula Academy just to be responsible for the travel expenses of their group is already astronomical in Chu Nan's view, not to mention that according to the information provided before departure, they are still in the sapphire Star Domain. Take a half a month to a month-long practical trial.

Academy is also responsible for their messy expenses such as accommodation, transportation, etc. during this period, and the expenses are even more exaggerated.

Chu Nan believes that such a large-scale and fund-raising practical trial should not be held too many times, no matter how rich and imposing the Nebula Academy is.

This time, I was able to bring these new students, mostly for the purpose of increasing their knowledge.

"Hey, Angelina, how are you resting?" Chu Nan raised his hand and said hello when he saw two girls walking over with Angelique from a distance.

Angie Belli heard the voice, looked towards this side, and rushed to Chu Nan laughed, just as she was about to come over, a silhouette suddenly came in from the side, blocking the middle of the two, blocking Chu Nan's eyes look past.

Chu Nan took a closer look and was taken aback.

This guy who suddenly appeared was actually Feng Mingxi.

"What? Are you looking for me?" Chu Nan glanced at him in confusion. "Is there any other martial skill that you want me to study for you?"

"Well, almost." Feng Mingxi nodded, motioning Chu Nan to open his personal terminal, and then connect his personal terminal to it. , start transmitting a data to Chu Nan. "Here is a martial skill document, you can try to study it."

Chu Nan took a general look and found that this martial skill was not responsible from the document at first glance, but he knew very well that he could It was definitely not so simple that Feng Mingxi took it over for his own research.

“Wait a minute, why should I help you with research? Is there any benefit?” Chu Nan asked.

"Don't ask so many questions. In short, I guarantee that if you can study it like the Divine Palm in March, you will definitely benefit a lot." Feng Mingxi said.

Chu Nan looked at him in confusion.

This guy has always been a conceited genius, very arrogant, and it stands to reason that he doesn't seem like a guy who does things in secret, why is he putting on such a posture this time?

"You don't explain clearly how I study?" Chu Nan couldn't help asking. "I don't know if you need me to study in that direction. How do you determine the direction of the study?"

"Don't care about the direction of the study, just study the more in-depth and detailed the better. In short, you are here The more research results you get on the door martial skill, the more benefits you get, understand what I mean?"

Chu Nan rolled the eyes, making sure that Feng Mingxi was not fake, because he still It's such a stinky fart.

"Well, you have to tell me what the main benefits I get, such as a lot of federation coins? If so, then I'm very interested."

Feng Mingxi frowned and looked at Chu Nan.

"Do you still think the federation currency is more important? You must know that there are many things that the federation currency cannot buy."

Chu Nan spread his hands and sighed: "But I think the federal currency is more important now. You must know that my tuition for next semester has not yet been paid."

"Really?" Feng Mingxi seemed a little surprised, glanced at Chu Nan, and thought for a while. , nodded replied: "Well, I will pass on your request, as long as you did good, it should be fine to give you some federation coins as a reward."

Chu Nan's heart moved.

Feng Mingxi said that he would forward the request to prove that this martial skill research was not Feng Mingxi's own intention, but was entrusted to him by others.

So who has such a big face, can Feng Mingxi take the initiative to come to him for help?

Chu Nan knew that he wouldn't answer if he asked Feng Mingxi now, so he simply didn't ask, but looked down at the information on his personal terminal and asked another question.

"When do I want it? There will be a trial during this time. I don't think I have time to help you see it."

"Let's put it with you first, and you can do it when you think it's appropriate. Come to me." Feng Mingxi dropped a sentence and left.

Chu Nan looked at the personal terminal again, didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Well, he has now become a low-level martial skill research expert. Even a genius like Feng Mingxi pinned his hopes on him, which is really unexpected.

But Chu Nan doesn't reject it.

Researching on the martial skill would have helped him to improve his understanding of the martial skill, so why not do it if there is a reward to be paid?

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