Doraman slapped the palm of his hand, and the palm immediately brought the sound of hu hu wind and slapped it on the boulder in front of him, making a loud muffled sound of "peng".


There was a slight sound from the inside of the stone.

Doraman took a closer look and saw that a long crack appeared on the surface of the stone, extending all the way down from the top, as if the whole was cracked.

"This...isn't this too ridiculous?"

Doraman looked at the crack in surprise and joy, almost unable to believe his eyes .

Looking down at his palm, he calmed down, took a deep breath, took a step back, twisted his body, and slapped it out again.

This palm was just shot, and the Inner Breath was activated in his body at the same time, and the Inner Breath was perfectly integrated into the palm of his hand at a perfect time.


After slapped on the stone, the sound was much louder than before, as if a giant hammer fell on the stone .

"ka ka ka ka-"

Doraman just retracted his palm when a series of crisp sounds suddenly came from inside the boulder.

After a while, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the boulder, which soon extended to all parts of the boulder, covering the entire boulder like a spider web.

Doraman was stunned for a while, then stretched out a finger and tapped on the boulder.


The huge stone fell apart in an instant, turning into pieces of different sizes scattered on the ground, smashing a cloud of dust.

Doraman stood there blankly, not even thinking of avoiding the dust.

There was only one thing on his mind at this time.

This stone... was smashed by your own palm?

How is this possible!

Stayed for a long time, and when the dust had completely fallen, Doraman reacted.

Looking down at the right palm that was slapped on the boulder just now, Doraman burst into ecstasy and couldn't help but put on an exaggerated and bright smile on his face, and laughed out loud.

Now he actually has the terrifying power of smashing boulders with his palm!

Such terrifying power should at least be equivalent to third rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist!

You must know that he was at most a junior Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist.

All thanks to that student named Chu Nan.

Yesterday, he instructed himself on his squatting palms and lightning footwork, and he was able to easily defeat Pirov, who was not an opponent at all before, but this afternoon he came again and instructed a new set of 's Inner Breath cultivation technique, you can actually crush boulders with just one palm!

Well, it's not just a palm in fact.

After Chu Nan left, Doraman kept experimenting with this rock, but he took dozens or hundreds of palms on it.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Doraman just followed Chu Nan's instructions, cultivated. According to Chu Nan, it is a new cultivation technique improved on the basis of Saxon core technique. It is very good to fuse the palm technique and the Inner Breath together just right, so that each palm can be integrated into the Inner Breath, and the formidable power is greatly increased.

Before this, he couldn't do it at all.

And shouldn't all Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists be able to do this?

Doraman knew that his Inner Breath was still very weak. According to common sense, he couldn't easily integrate Inner Breath into his palms.

However, under the guidance of Chu Nan, he did it.

Doraman couldn't understand the specific reason, but it didn't prevent him from being in a good mood at the moment.

According to that Chu Nan, as long as he adheres to the new Inner Breath cultivation technique of cultivation, not only will his strength improve quickly in the future, but he will even hope to break through the Eternal Heaven Pass!

Well...breakthrough Eternal Sky, Doraman only thinks Chu Nan is joking, after all, even Chu Nan himself obviously didn't break through Eternal Sky.

But Chu Nan said that his strength can be rapidly improved and he will become a real Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist in the future. Doraman is still very willing to believe it.

You must know that Doraman's dream until now is to become an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, but his martial arts innate talent is really not very good, and without the guidance of famous teachers, he has never been able to learn What a proven martial skill, so it is difficult to even become a high-level Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, as for the Inner Breath Grade, it can only be looked up to.

But now, Chu Nan gave him this hope, which made him extremely happy.

"Hey, Doraman, what are you laughing at?"

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Doraman stopped laughing, looked back and saw that Pirov was approaching from a distance.

Pirov walked to Doraman who was smiling, gave him a puzzled look, then looked at the gravel in front of him, and asked, "What are you doing? martial skill why don't you go? This time it is an E-rank martial skill, it would be a pity if you missed it."

In the competition between the two groups yesterday, the final result was a lot Raman's group won by a slight advantage, so according to the rules, the martial skill issued this time belongs to their group, and they can have the right to cultivation.

This afternoon was supposed to pick up this martial skill, and at the same time accept the time for the initial explanation of the person who issued the martial skill, but Doraman missed it because of Chu Nan's arrival.

Doraman was a little unhappy at that time because Chu Nan delayed the important time to receive the martial skill, but now he has already left this unpleasantness away millions of miles apart, and his heart is full of joy.

Hearing Pirov's words, he didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart, but a trace of disdain, coldly snorted and said: "It's just an E-rank martial skill, if you don't get it, you won't get it. It's nothing."

Pirov looked at Doraman in amazement, and couldn't help but reach out and touch his forehead.

"You don't have a fever, right? This is an E-rank martial skill! We are usually given an F-rank martial skill, and finally we have an E-rank martial skill, but you don't like it? "

Doraman let out a sneer from his nostrils and pointed to the pile of rubble on the ground.

“Can the E-rank martial skill allow me to smash a stone with one palm?”

Pirov glanced at the gravel on the ground, and suddenly remembered that this place used to be It should be a huge stone that is about half the height of a human being standing there. How come it has become a rubble?

"Don't tell me that the stone was smashed by your slap?" Pirov asked with a frown.

Doraman laughed: "That's right, it was smashed by me!"

Pirov curl one's lip, frowned: "You fell ill all of a sudden What's the matter? Why are you talking nonsense today?"

Doraman knew that Pirov would definitely not believe it, looked left and right, walked to a tree by the river, and took a deep breath after standing. Shot out.



This tree with the thickness of Doraman’s thighs was smashed by Doraman. The trunk of the tree in the palm shot was cut off directly, and the top half of the tree crown fell to the ground, splashing all over the ground with dust and debris.

Pirov stared at the tree trunk with only half of it cut off, his eyes rounded and his face full of incredulity.

This tree is so thick, I want to slap it off with a palm, and the strength of my palm is obviously terrifying.

But with Doraman's strength, how could he do it?

Seeing Pirov's shocked appearance, Doraman laughed triumphantly.

"How is it? Do you think I can still use a trifling E-rank martial skill?"

Pirov swallowed hard and asked in a harsh voice Said: "More... Doraman, sue... tell me what's going on?"

"I want to know." Doraman was laughed, and seeing Pirov's nodding with force, it continued quietly. Said: "In the afternoon, the student named Chu Nan came again..."

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