A thick night shrouded the entire Nebula Academy, and even the street lights on the roadside had turned on the late-night mode, and the light became dim.

The woods next to the boys' dormitory of the Martial Artist branch were dark, but there was a small dim light that lit up in the depths.

The soft light from the virtual screen of the personal terminal reflects Chu Nan's highly concentrated face.

The information on the virtual screen flickers rapidly, and Chu Nan's eyes rotate with the information at a high speed. He quickly incorporates these complex information into his mind, and then uses the powerful data capabilities like lightbrain to perform high-speed calculations analyze.

After a while, the scrolling of the information on the virtual screen stopped, and his eyes stopped, and he fell into thought.

Meditating for a while, Chu Nan put his hands on the virtual screen, his fingers jumped, and a long stream of information flowed out on the virtual screen.

After returning to her dormitory separately from Angelique, Chu Nan has been thinking about how to help Doraman to solve his Inner Breath cultivation technique.

This is not a whim, nor is it simply a desire to help Doraman.

Actually, in order to be able to break through the Chouyu Tianguan perfectly as Overi Venerable said, he must create an Inner Breath cultivation technique that fits him according to his own situation, and make full use of his Now the perfect physical condition, so I have been researching the problem of Inner Breath cultivation technique during this time.

Helps Doraman with his Inner Breath cultivation technique and also helps with his research.

Doraman's problem is not only his own Saxon core technique of cultivation, but a F-rank Inner Breath cultivation technique, which is naturally not strong enough. The biggest problem lies in his few skills. The door martial skills don't match each other at all.

First of all, there is no match between the two external martial skills.

Zhenshan palm technique belongs to the kind of fierce palm technique, which pursues wide opening and closing, momentum is big, power is deep.

The characteristic of lightning footwork is that it is light and flexible.

If you use Zhenshan Palm with Lightning Footwork, it will appear a little nondescript, and even conflict in some places, it is no wonder that Doraman was difficult to practice well before.

However, this is a matter of external martial skills, and Zhenshan palm and lightning footwork are both F-rank martial skills. With a little analysis of Chu Nan's powerful data ability, he can easily These two sect martial skills have been slightly modified to combine and make it easy for Dorraman to understand and master.

But the problem with Inner Breath cultivation technique is not so easy.

The Inner Breath cultivation technique of Doraman cultivation is a Saxon core technique. The Inner Breath cultivated from this core technique is characterized by softness and toughness. It is a good one of the F-rank martial skills. Door Inner Breath cultivation technique.

However, the characteristics of this cultivation technique are very incompatible with the Zhenshan Palm Technique and the Lightning Footwork. The Inner Breath required by these two external martial arts skills is fierce and full of explosive power. With the core technique of Xun, it is difficult for Doraman to combine Inner Breath with his most proficient external martial skill, and his natural strength is extremely weak.

Of course, his current Inner Breath intensity is not high, so this effect is not obvious.

But if he wants to pursue higher strength, he must make a choice between the external martial skill and the Inner Breath cultivation technique.

Either re-cultivation other external martial skills with Saxon core technique, or directly change to a fierce and explosive Inner Breath cultivation technique to re-cultivation Inner Breath.

For Doraman, both of these options are impossible, because he was originally the kind of person who had difficulty getting access to a variety of martial skills, and any one of the martial skills he now masters is very valuable, He is impossible to give up easily.

But for Chu Nan, the choice was simple.

Doraman's Inner Breath is so weak now, it's better to abolish it and retrain it.

What's more, Chu Nan is not interested in researching low-level martial skills combined with Saxon core technique, but researching Inner Breath cultivation technique is the most important.

Actually, Chu Nan is now exposed to far more low-level cultivation techniques than the average Martial Artist.

In addition to redeeming nearly 200 F-rank and D-Rank martial skills of various types in the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database, he is also collaborating with Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, he also came into contact with a large number of various low-level martial skills. If they add up, there are nearly 300 kinds of martial skills.

Among these, although Inner Breath cultivation technique occupies an absolute minority, there are also more than fifty items.

Chu Nan originally planned to pick out a suitable one for Doraman from the low-level Inner Breath cultivation techniques he had mastered, but then he thought of a problem.

Among the cultivation techniques he has mastered, the martial skills from the martial skill database cannot be easily passed on to others because of the Academy regulations.

And those martial skills from Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, also because of the agreement signed with Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, can't be easily leaked.

So even though he has mastered nearly 300 martial skills and more than 50 Inner Breath cultivation techniques, he can't show any of them to Doraman.

In desperation, Chu Nan could only seek another channel to find a suitable Inner Breath cultivation technique of Doraman.

After all, he is not a Martial Artist with a strong Great Influence background, so the only way he can think of to solve this problem is to ask for help online.

Due to the prosperity of martial arts on Orion's spiral arm, there are a lot of discussion forums about martial arts on the pan-galactic network. Chu Nan directly entered the Earth Federation Martial Arts Alliance, which he used to visit frequently, and found a martial skill for mutual assistance. In the exchange version, it is easy to see a bunch of posts that publicly sell Martial Skill and Cultivation Art.

This place is a bit similar to the Martial Artist exchange meeting that Chu Nan attended at Western Cloud Star, where all kinds of martial skills will be directly sold for clearly marked prices.

Because it's a pan-galactic network, it's actually dozens of times bigger than that little Martial Artist exchange on Western Cloud Star.

Chu Nan searched according to the conditions related to Inner Breath cultivation technique, and hundreds of thousands of related information popped up all at once.

Even if the search scope is limited to F-rank martial skill, there are more than 80,000 related information.

This is not surprising, because the higher-end martial skills are naturally less mastered, and only low-level martial skills will be sold publicly.

F-rank martial skill, as the lowest martial skill, has the most Martial Artists and the most natural related martial skills.

Chu Nan limits the search scope to Inner Breath cultivation technique and cultivation technique, which are characterized by sturdiness and strong explosiveness, and the relevant information is filtered to more than 10,000 items.

However, this is still too much, Chu Nan picked a few cultivation techniques with the highest reviews and the highest praise rate, but found that the price of these cultivation techniques is too high, and the one with the highest praise rate Even the price is as high as 150,000 federal dollars!

Chu Nan himself can't afford this price, so it is naturally more impossible for him to spend so much money to buy it for Doraman.

Thinking about it, Chu Nan decided to focus on the cheaper martial skills.

Although these martial skills definitely have flaws, Chu Nan believes that with his strong analytical skills, he can improve any martial skill well enough.

Soon, he locked onto the F-rank Inner Breath cultivation technique called "Zhenshan Divine Art".

It was selected not only because its marked price is only one thousand federal dollars, but also because its name is very close to Doraman's town and palm method, and together it will appear Perfect fit.

After confirming that the characteristics of this cultivation technique should be suitable, Chu Nan pressed to buy.

Seeing the payment window that popped up immediately, Chu Nan was stunned.

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