Angie Belle couldn't hold back her laughter until she walked through the gate of the Academy.

"Haha, Chu Nan, why don't you just agree? Wouldn't it be nice to accept a discipline."

Chu Nan glared at her fiercely with a dark face at a glance.

"Accept your head! I'm not yet 20 years old, what's the point of accepting a 30-something-year-old discipline? And I haven't even broken through the Eternal Sky Pass now, so what qualifications do I have to run to accept a discipline? Besides, I'm too busy to improve my own strength, how can I have so much time to teach the discipline?"

"Anyway, I see it's easy for you to improve the martial skill for Doraman's uncle, even if you accept it. If he is a disciple, it should be easy to teach him, right?"

"How can it be so easy." Chu Nan shook his head. "It's not a big problem if you just help him improve his external martial skill, but it's not so easy in terms of Inner Breath cultivation technique. It's okay to just use the Saxon core technique for his cultivation, but if you combine Doraman's uncle himself The specific situation is very troublesome. Because I want him to get the best cultivation effect, I have to monitor his cultivation situation every once in a while, and then make corresponding changes.”

"So you thought so carefully?" Angelique looked at Chu Nan in surprise. "It doesn't take much trouble if I say it, you just need to modify it according to the Saxon core technique itself, make it more reasonable, or just make it easier to understand cultivation, Doraman uncle I will be very satisfied."

Chu Nan pondered for a moment, and had to admit that Angelababy made a lot of sense.

Indeed, for ordinary low-level Martial Artists like Doraman, it would be nice to have a martial skill for them to learn cultivation, and let this martial skill be tailored according to their personal situation, That is simply a luxury.

Actually, all the martial skills that have been circulated can be regarded as a general version suitable for most people's cultivation, ensuring that most Martial Artists who come into contact with it can achieve cultivation success.

As to whether the cultivation is good enough according to one's own situation, it depends on the personal innate talent of Martial Artist.

However, no matter how high the innate talent is, like Chu Nan, who has perfected every martial skill with his powerful data ability, he will never allow any omissions, which is unique.

"Perhaps...I'm asking too much?"

It's true that he has a strong data ability, but other Martial Artists are impossible, so he can't put his requirements on himself Also added to other Martial Artists.

Similar to Doraman, a low-level Martial Artist in his thirties who can barely be regarded as an entry-level Tyrant Body Grade, obviously does not have enough innate talent to meet Chu Nan's requirements for them.

In this case, there is no need for Chu Nan to study the martial skills mastered by Dorraman so thoroughly, because even if he studies it, Dorraman may not be able to do it.

After carefully calculating the data of these few martial skills in his mind, Chu Nan said to Angelina nodded: "I understand, I think I know how to do it now, give it to me In two days, I should be able to find a complete set of cultivation techniques for Uncle Doraman."

"Is that so? It's very good." Angelbely has no doubts about Chu Nan , hearing this said with a smile: "Then you have to hurry up, because we have to go to the test in two days."

"No problem." Chu Nan was confident.



Doraman slapped it with a palm, and the man on the opposite side was unavoidable, hitting the center of his chest.

The man's sturdy body actually flew out several meters upside down, landed on the ground and rolled around several times before barely stopping.

"Cough—cough cough—"

After a while, the man coughed hard and got up from the ground with difficulty.

"More...Doraman, did you become so powerful all of a sudden?"

The man stared at Doraman with wide eyes , with an incredible face.

Doraman proudly laughed heartily: "How is it? Kid Pirov, now you know how good I am? Haha..."

"Bah! It was my mistake just now. Now, come again!" The youngster known as Pirov was probably in his twenties and in his thirties. Seeing Doraman's arrogant appearance, he was very dissatisfied, spat hard, kicked his feet, and once again rushed over.

However, in less than ten rounds, Doraman's footsteps flickered, and he skillfully came to Pirov's side. Shoot fly out.

This time Pirov was hit even harder than before. As soon as he fell to the ground, he spit a mouthful of blood, and then lay on the ground for a while before barely standing up, but he did not stand at all. not raise.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Doraman became even more complacent, pointing to Pirov laughed heartily.

"How is it? Are you convinced?"

This Pirov can be regarded as his friend, until now his strength is quite higher than Doraman's, but now facing Dora When Mann was defeated easily, it is no wonder that Doraman is so proud.

Pirov gasped hard, looked at Doraman for a while with an incredulous look on his face, and then asked reluctantly: "Doraman, said just now, it's that kid from Nebula Academy. I pointed... at you, you... have you become so powerful?"

"That's right!" Doraman nodded hard, with an expression of admiration on his face. "Did you know? He just watched me rehearse the Zhenshan Palm Technique and Lightning Footwork, and he already pointed out all the mistakes in my practice, and then directly gave me a new set of Zhenshan Palm Technique and Lightning Footwork. You see, I just practiced for less than two hours after they left, and now I can beat you easily."

After that, Doraman couldn't hold back his smugness again, lol up.

"I don't believe it." Pirov shook his head. "That guy doesn't look like he's 20 years old, and I don't believe he's that good. He must have just cultivated Zhenshan Palm and Lightning Footwork before, otherwise he'd be impossible to tell you to become so strong just by looking at it. "


Listening to Pirov's words, Doraman stopped laughing, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face.

Indeed, Chu Nan is too young.

Although he is a student of Nebula Academy, he should have a strong martial arts innate talent, but after all, he has limited time to practice martial arts, so he shouldn't be able to quickly and thoroughly understand two unfamiliar martial skills.

And when Angelina took Doraman to see Chu Nan before, she also mentioned that Chu Nan had studied these two sect martial skills before.

Thinking of this, Doraman was a little worried about gains and losses.

"That Chu Nan also said that he would help me see my Saxon core technique, and what to say would make my Inner Breath cultivation technique better cooperate with these two external martial skills, and the strength can be improved. Great improvement. If he doesn't have that ability..."

Seeing Doraman frowned, Pirov curled one's lip disdainfully.

"I said Doraman, stop dreaming. They are geniuses of Nebula Academy, why do they have to work so hard to help you? They can teach you better techniques of squatting and lightning. The footwork is good, and you still expect him to teach you such a good Inner Breath cultivation technique? What a joke!"

Hearing Pirov's words, Doraman was deeply sighed .

That's right, that Chu Nan or Angelina, even if they seem friendly when they get along, and even seem to have a good relationship with Sally, but after all, they are the genius of Nebula Academy, And they are the bottom Martial Artist who are completely two worlds.

Chu Nan's being able to help him this time is surprising enough, but don't expect too much.

However, Doraman still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"It would be great if he could really give me a better Inner Breath cultivation technique..." Doraman looked at the direction of Nebula Academy and muttered to himself. "Of course I don't need to think about breaking through Eternal Sky Pass. If I can become an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist in this life, then I will be satisfied..."

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