Chu Nan's life was quite peaceful for a while.

In addition to choosing a few courses, he would go to Elvie every other day to accompany her to do experiments and chat, or simply ask Angelique to go out for dinner. Outside of meals, the overwhelming majority spends their time researching the Inner Breath cultivation technique redeemed from the database.

With strong data ability, these relatively low-level Inner Breath cultivation techniques are not difficult for him.

Take the hurricane core technique as an example, Chu Nan has only cultivated a few times and has grasped the essentials, and now he has not only successfully achieved the extreme speed cycle of the inner breath mentioned by the hurricane core technique, thus greatly enhancing the formidable The effect of power has even been expanded to include more major meridians, forming such a high-speed loop.

Then Chu Nan found out that this core technique is not so much an Inner Breath cultivation technique as it is an Inner Breath application cultivation technique.

Because if you use it to cultivate Inner Breath, the increase you get is not very high, it can only be said that the cultivation time is greatly shortened.

But if you use the hurricane core technique to accelerate the Inner Breath during combat, it can make the intensity of the Inner Breath significantly enhanced.

For example, if Chu Nan doesn't perform Inner Breath 9 turns now, then the primordial's Inner Breath intensity is just equivalent to third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

However, using the hurricane core technique, the Inner Breath intensity can be increased to near the intensity of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

At first glance, this is not as good as the Nine Revolutions Core Technique can make the Inner Breath nine turns and directly increase the intensity of Chu Nan's Inner Breath beyond the level of the overwhelming majority fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist A lot, but the enhancement of the Inner Breath intensity by the Hurricane core technique is different from that of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, so these two enhancements are completely superimposable.

In other words, Chu Nan can completely turn the Inner Breath for nine turns and then use the hurricane core technique to enhance it.

In this way, Chu Nan's Inner Breath is not only stronger than all fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists, he even believes that it is no weaker than the first-rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

Of course, Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is stronger than Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist mainly because of the use of space energy, and the strength of Inner Breath alone is not significant.

However, when Chu Nan tried the superimposition of Inner Breath nine turns and hurricane core technique, he found that with his extremely powerful Inner Breath at this time, the spatial energy induced by him was obviously enhanced, and even faintly already had Signs forming a small universe of space.

Of course, he has always kept his Inner Breath at this ultra-high intensity, so Impossible can break through the universe with this.

even more how, even if he could make such a breakthrough, he wouldn't choose to do it.

This kind of breakthrough through the enhanced Inner Breath superimposed by a special cultivation technique, let alone a perfect breakthrough, it will cause no end of trouble at all.

This point, in the communication with Chu Nan, Overi Venerable clearly pointed out.

These days, when Chu Nan is doing his own research on the Inner Breath cultivation technique, he will also ask Overi Venerable for remote communication every time he accumulates some questions.

Overy Venerable has fully fulfilled her promise. Every time Chu Nan proposes a communication, she will be connected immediately and give detailed analysis and answers to Chu Nan's questions.

Under the teaching of Overi Venerable, Chu Nan's understanding of the Inner Breath cultivation technique has also increased rapidly.

With his in-depth analysis of his powerful data capabilities, Chu Nan not only has a very relaxed experience in researching those low-level Inner Breath cultivation techniques, but also further strengthens his understanding of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, which is already indistinctly Signs of breakthrough.

At the same time, due to the superposition of Inner Breath nine turns and hurricane core technique, the intensity of Inner Breath greatly exceeded his meridian's limit, resulting in serious damage to the meridian.

In the familiar process of continuous meridian damage and repair, Chu Nan's meridian and physical body have been further strengthened.

In less than ten days, Chu Nan's Inner Breath intensity has been advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has been upgraded from the third rank Inner Breath Grade to the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade in one fell swoop.

Upgraded from Second Rank Inner Breath Grade to Fourth rank Inner Breath Grade in one month, no Martial Artist has ever done this before!

According to Chu Nan's calculations, as long as he is given another month or two, his Inner Breath intensity can break through to the level of fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, and then use it for a maximum of one month. time, the intensity of Inner Breath is enough to meet the breakthrough of the universe.

At that time, he can really try to face the Eternal Sky Pass!

But before that, there are some realistic things to do.

That is the actual combat trial.

"Hey, Chu Nan, I'm done registering." Angelina raised the personal terminal on her wrist, and said with a smile to Chu Nan as if asking for credit: "In two days We can go to the Sapphire Star Domain to play together."

"Play?" Chu Nan laughed and shook his head. "Sapphire Star Domain is not a fun place. Besides, we are going to participate in trials, we are going to fight with others, what's the fun?"

"Of course it is fun." Angelababy still Excited. "Think about it, if there are a lot of people fighting, there must be a lot of people injured, right? If there are a lot of injuries, then I have a lot of opportunities to practice my hand. Even more how most of the injured are Martial Artists. I practice on them, then It's even more interesting!"

Chu Nan could only roll the eyes.

Angie Belle was brought around the world by Overy Venerable to heal other people's injuries since she was a child.

For her, using the flame of life to heal people is a very interesting thing, so she likes a situation where a large number of people are injured, so as to satisfy her desire in this regard. *see.

You know, when this guy is fine, he will run to provoke the hooligans and ruffians, and then hurt them and then heal them.

This kind of behavior is no different from a pervert in the eyes of others, but she never tires of it...

"Really, Ovely Venerable has never found out that she has a crush on An Qi. Is Beili's education a problem?"

Thinking of Angelique being carried around the world by Overy Venerable since she was a child, Chu Nan moved in his heart and asked Angelique: "Yes Now, have you ever been to the Sapphire Star Domain with Ovérie Venerable before?"

"Yes." Angelique's answer confirmed Chu Nan's conjecture. "That is the most chaotic Star Domain on the outer side of Orion's spiral arm. The situation inside is very complicated. A large number of Martial Artists are often injured, and there are even various local wars. So Master and I have not only been there, but have been there several times. "

"Oh? Then you are familiar with Sapphire Star Domain?" Chu Nan was refreshed, opened his personal terminal, and revealed a document. "How much do you know about this Leviathan planet?"


To Chu Nan's surprise, after hearing this term, An Qi The hearty smile on Beili's face just now was disappeared, and there was a deep sadness on her face.

Chu Nan was shocked.

Having known Angel Belle for so long, she has always been cheerful, and this is the first time I have seen a sad expression on her face.

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