Chu Nan astonished opened his eyes and saw a female student standing in front of him, covering his mouth and staring at him with wide eyes.

Seeing Chu Nan look over, she managed to regain her composure.

“That…Chu…Chu Nan classmate, you…are you okay?”

Chu Nan laughed and waved at her.

"It's fine."

After saying that, his Inner Breath surged, the flame of life circulated, and it was easy to quickly recover the damaged meridians.

Seeing the female classmate still standing in front of her and not walking away, Chu Nan felt a little strange.

"What? Are you alright?"

The female classmate reacted like she was waking up from a dream. You go to the teaching office."

Chu Nan slightly frowned: "What did Director Wang ask me to do?"

This director Wang took over as the director of the teaching office of Sun Xiangren's Martial Artist branch. , I don't have any contact with Chu Nan, why is it that I have to summon him all of a sudden?

“Director Wang said that he would like to have a face-to-face talk with you about the next trial,” the female classmate explained.

"The next trial?" Chu Nan thought about it, thinking that just yesterday, the Martial Artist branch had announced the specific time for the next trial, which was set in ten days.

Like the last trial, this trial also goes to the Sapphire Star Domain.

However, unlike last time, this trial does not require any selection, and students who want to go can sign up.

But what does this have to do with Director Wang looking for him?

Chu Nan has some unfathomable mystery. After thinking about it, he nodded to the female classmate: "Okay, I'll go in a while."

"en." The female classmate is also a messenger , seeing Chu Nan answer, smiled at him, and was about to turn to leave, but suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around, looked at Chu Nan, hesitated for a moment, leaned closer, and asked in a low voice: " That...Chu Nan, I recently encountered some problems with the cultivation technique, can you help me check it?"

Chu Nan secretly sighed in his heart.

Mondeo, the big-mouthed guy, has publicized the fact that he helped Mondeo in guiding martial skill cultivation. Now more and more students come to Chu Nan for guidance. Chu Nan is really disturbing. .

He thought about it for a while, then he hooked the head, pointed to the corner of his mouth, and said with a bitter smile: "I'm sorry, I've also encountered some problems with the cultivation technique myself, and I'm afraid I don't have time to help you right now. ”

The female classmate was greatly disappointed, made a low noise, and turned to leave.

As soon as she left, Mondeo came over again, looked at the back of the female classmate with a gossip and asked, "Hey, Chu Nan, how did you brat hurt people's hearts? "

Chu Nan rolled his eyes at him angrily: "It's not all because of you."

"Because of me?" Mondeo pointed to himself in surprise. "What's the matter with me?"

Chu Nan didn't bother to deal with him, he packed up his things, left the lecture hall, and familiarly found the office of the director of the teaching department.

"Come in."

As soon as I knocked on the door, there was a voice that sounded full of air.

Opening the door, Wang Sicheng, the newly appointed director of the teaching department, was sitting behind his desk and looking down at something.

When he heard the sound, he lifted the head and saw that it was Chu Nan. He immediately stood up, showed a warm smile, and strode up to greet him.

"Come here, classmate Chu Nan, sit down." While beckoning Chu Nan to sit down, Wang Sicheng poured a cup of tea for Chu Nan and put it in front of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan was surprised to see how warm and polite he was to him.

Listen to Mondeo and the others, since the new Director Wang took office, he claims to be focusing on the discipline of the students in the Martial Artist branch. appearance?

"Director Wang, do you have anything to do with me?" Chu Nan asked directly, not interested in talking to him.

Wang Sicheng sat back on the chair, looked Chu Nan up and down, said with a laugh: "It's nothing too important, I just want to ask your thoughts on the next trial. "

"Ideas?" Chu Nan frowned. "Which aspect do you mean?"

"Okay, I'll ask one by one. First of all, do you plan to go to the next trial?"

"Well, of course this is to Go." Chu Nan nodded. "I missed the last trial, and I can't miss it this time. Otherwise, I will not only miss the opportunity to participate in the actual battle, but also miss a lot of opportunities to improve points."

paused, Chu Nan added one sentence.

“It’s impossible to get bonus points by researching martial skills now. If you don’t seize these opportunities, it will be difficult to improve your level.”

This sentence , of course, in response to the new rule issued by the Martial Artist branch.

Wang Sicheng couldn't hear the meaning of Chu Nan's words, laughed, didn't answer this sentence, and asked again: "Since you are going, then Chu Nan, do you know the specific content of the next trial? ?"

Chu Nan was even stranger.

As for the content of the next trial, the Martial Artist branch has already announced that they will go to the Sapphire Star Domain, but the specific content has not been said. It seems that it is planned to be kept secret for the time being.

So now that Wang Sicheng has asked this question, is he still ready to leak the secret?

"Not quite clear, Academy didn't say anything."

"Cough...then I can tell you in advance. The next trial is not to fight rare beast, It's a competition with local martial artists from Sapphire Star Domain, so you better be prepared."

Chu Nan was a little surprised to hear this answer.

Not only was he surprised that Wang Sicheng actually revealed some of the specific content of the trial to him, but also the content itself.

The Sapphire Star Domain is a mess. The so-called local Martial Artists include not only wandering Martial Artists from various Orion countries, but even fleeing from the Perseus Spiral Arm Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance guy.

There are fish and dragons mixed in together, and there are many dangerous people. Let them compete with these guys. The Academy is really big-hearted.

"I don't want to reveal too much about the specific content of the trial, but here I have some information about the Sapphire Star Domain, you can take a look, it will help you understand the situation of the Sapphire Star Domain There is some help."

While speaking, Wang Sicheng opened his personal terminal and gestured to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, but didn't intend to be polite. He also opened his personal terminal and connected it to Wang Sicheng's personal terminal, and then a document was sent over.

"By the way, there are not only some information about the Sapphire Star Domain, but also some relevant information about the previous students of the Academy who broke through the Eternal Universe at the Academy, you can go back and have a good look. , I believe it will help you."

Chu Nan was even more surprised.

He looked at Wang Sicheng in confusion, not understanding why he would help him like this.

Wang Sicheng just smiled at Chu Nan without any explanation.

As soon as the information was uploaded, Wang Sicheng had a casual chat with Chu Nan and ended the conversation.

"Student Chu Nan, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, feel free to report to me at any time."

Wang Sicheng sent Chu Nan away with a smile.

Chu Nan still couldn't understand why Wang Sicheng was so enthusiastic about him, so he could only leave the office in confusion.

Watching Chu Nan disappear into the distance, Wang Sicheng returned to his desk, opened his personal terminal, and connected a communication.

A moment later, Lin Mingdao appeared on the virtual screen.

Wang Sicheng immediately showed a flattering smile.

"Lord Dean, regarding Chu Nan, I have something to report..."

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