Chu Nan was stunned, didn't expect these two guys thought of this proposal.

From the point of view of increasing the number of battles and honing martial skills, this is undoubtedly a good proposal.


"You mean we pool money to buy it together?"

"en." Mondeo nodded, scratching his head a little sorry. "I've asked, and there is a discount for the game warehouse that Nogentum Chamber of Commerce sold to our Academy, and this one costs 49,000 yuan. If we buy it ourselves, there is no discount, and it costs a full five. Wanba. It's too expensive to buy one alone, and if you put it in the dormitory, it's not good to play alone, so I discussed it with Thrall, and let's just buy one together. In this way, each of us can only use the A little more than 10,000 is still acceptable. What do you think?"

The reason why the two of them didn't come up to make it clear is that they knew that Chu Nan's family was average, and all of a sudden they took out more than 10,000 federal funds. Coins should be a big expense for him, so he was a little worried that Chu Nan would not agree.

But if Chu Nan doesn't agree and the three of them share it equally, then each of them will be close to 20,000. Even if their family background is okay, they feel a little too much.

More importantly, if Chu Nan wants to play after buying it back, will they let Chu Nan play?

Chu Nan thought about it and asked, "Did you tell Tanaka?"

"I did, and he agreed." See Chu Nan's thoughts, Mondeo Immediately replied excitedly.

"That's good, I agree too. It's better to buy a game box and come back. You can go and play when you want to play." Chu Nan nodded.

When he said this, he didn't think about how much he would pay on average, but Elvie's silhouette came to mind.

While taking care of Elvie in the hospital that night, she was talking in a dream for a long time, and the last sentence actually came out with "Virgin001 1".

This makes Chu Nan puzzled until now.

How did Elvie know about "Virgin001 1"? Listening to her tone, she seems to be familiar with "Virgin001 1"?

Of course, this question can't be asked directly to Elvie, and can only be found in "Martial Spirit".

Seeing Chu Nan's promise, Mondeo and Thrall immediately slapped happily.

The two of them also wanted to tell Chu Nan some details, but Chu Nan waved his hand and rushed out.

After taking two steps, he turned around and came back.

"By the way, don't rush to buy it, maybe I can find someone to give us some discounts."

After dropping this sentence, Chu Nan left in a hurry.

Mondeo and Thrall looked at each other in blank dismay.

This guy Chu Nan...isn't he from an ordinary family on Ziyunxing? How could he find a connection to get a deal from the Norantham Chamber of Commerce?


In Elvie's lab, Chu Nan was not surprised to see Angelique here.

But when Chu Nan saw her, she was taking off her underwear and lying quietly on the experimental table, looking like she was asleep.

"She said she didn't sleep last night, so she fell asleep shortly after laying down." Elvie pointed to Angelique and explained, and then she deliberately suppressed it but still revealed that she was very incomparable. An excited voice said to Chu Nan: "Chu Nan big brother, have you really done it? Did you really re-tempering your whole body?"

Chu Nan took a look at Angelina , I thought that this guy wouldn't have gone out again last night to find hooligans and ruffians as entertainment activities?

Hearing Elvie's question, he smiled and said with great certainty: "Well, I've got it all done!"

"Very good! Come on, let's As a check, I want to verify that you are really tempering perfect. If so, then according to my research, Chu Nan big brother, you will probably be the most perfect piece of meat ever tempered* Body!"

As Elvie said, she excitedly pulled Chu Nan to the edge of the experimental table and motioned Chu Nan to take off his clothes and lie down.

Chu Nan glanced at Angelique, who was also lying on top of it, hesitant.

Angie Belle was only wearing underwear at this time, exposing a large part of her skin, but Chu Nan no longer seemed to lose one's head out of fear like the first time, and her eyes didn't even know what to look for. where to put.

During this time, she also often came to Elway's laboratory to participate in experiments. Chu Nan had seen similar situations a lot and got used to it.

It's just a little embarrassing to have him take off his coat and lie beside him now.

Elvie smiled when she saw the expression on Chu Nan's face.

"Okay, Chu Nan big brother, you don't need to think so much, it's just an experiment. Lay down, there is only one set of instruments in the laboratory that can detect your human body data, I don't have any more Here's a place for you."

Seeing that Chu Nan was still hesitating, Elvie gave him a push.

"Come on, don't you want to know if you're really tempering a perfect body?"

Chu Nan's expression moved, he gritted his teeth, and his heart sank. He took off his coat and lay down beside Angel Beili.

Angelbely didn't know if she was too tired last night, but now Chu Nan was lying next to her, and she still closed her eyes and didn't wake up.

After Chu Nan lay down, Elway adjusted the instrument and began to perform whole body testing on Chu Nan and Angelique at the same time.

This is the seventh time Elvie has done something similar in half a month, and she is naturally familiar.

Half an hour later, she has clearly grasped the specific data of the two.

After a while of analysis in lightbrain, Elvie looked very surprised.

"Chu Nan big brother, come and see!" Aier waved to Chu Nan, and when Chu Nan got dressed and came to the side, she pointed to the schematic diagram of the human body displayed on the lightbrain virtual screen, To Chu Nan: "See? Your Kroner index has reached a very high level in all parts of your body now. And nowhere is weaker. Do you know what that means?"

Chu Nan was also excited when he looked at the schematic diagram of the human body on the virtual screen with bright colors all over his body, without any lighter colors.

Compared with the schematic diagram that Elvie showed her the first time, this schematic diagram now shows that his current physical body is indeed in a perfect state, proving that he recently half a month Efforts were not in vain.

"Chu Nan big brother, now your body is completely fine!" Elvie continued excitedly. "I dare say, you will never encounter any physical obstacles when you are breaking through the Eternal Sky Pass! So let the two guys talk to the hell! Chu Nan big brother, you will soon become a Star Level Martial Artist!”

Chu Nan laughed, only to feel that the dark cloud that had been entangled in the heart dissipated, and the mood became extremely comfortable.

He couldn't help extending the hand patted Elvie's head: "Elvie, this is all thanks to you for helping me find where the most critical problem is. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm just relying on myself. It may take a long time to get it done. So thank you."

"You're welcome. Chu Nan big brother, you saved my life, I'm just doing a little favor for you. I I believe that even without me, with your innate talent, Chu Nan big brother, you will definitely be able to solve these problems. Besides, helping you do these researches will also be very helpful to my research in genetic engineering.”

paused, Elvie asked curiously again: "Now that your physical problem no longer exists, Chu Nan big brother, when are you going to break through Zhouyu Tianguan?"

" It's not that easy." Chu Nan shook his head. "A perfect body is just the foundation. If you want to break through the Eternal Sky Pass, you need support from other aspects."

"Oh, the elder sister Angelique Belli said the same. But she said that only meat *There is no problem with your body, it is very easy to break through the Eternal Universe." Elway said.

"Really?" Chu Nan looked back towards Angel Belle on the experimental bench. "That's just for a guy like her who has a good Master."

Perhaps hearing the two of them talking about herself, Angelique suddenly moved, sat up and rubbed. Eyes, looking at Chu Nan and Elvie with a dazed expression.

"Hey, what time is it?"

Chu Nan took a funny look at the personal terminal.

"It's almost five o'clock. I said what the hell did you do last night? You're so tired?"

"It's almost five o'clock... it's five o'clock..." An Qi Beili suddenly shuddered, regained her spirits instantly, and jumped up from the experimental bench. "Let's go, it's almost time, I'll take you to see the Master!"

Chu Nan and Elvie astonished each other.

Angelbely's Master, isn't it Overi Venerable?

When did she come?

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