After laughing for a while, Chu Nan gradually regained his composure.

Solving a most crucial problem when breaking through the Eternal Universe is certainly worthy of joy. The reason why he was able to find a solution to this problem, or even just understand where the problem is, the most important thing is actually Thanks to Elvie's tireless research.

At the very beginning, Chu Nan didn't think Elway could help herself in this regard. After all, she was only a fourteen-year-old little girl, and she was not very strong as a Martial Artist. .

However, it was Elvie's research that allowed Chu Nan to really understand what the "insufficient physical tempering" mentioned by the two Star Level Martial Artists really was. These deficiencies were specific Where.

For Chu Nan, it is not difficult to solve the problem, because he already has special cultivation techniques such as the flame of life, the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath and the movement method of Ziyun Bahuang forging. Know what the problem is and where the problem is.

Elvie helped her solve this most important problem before he could solve it accordingly.

In the recent half a month, Chu Nan everyday all concentrated on repairing physical defects, repeated tempering for the parts with insufficient tempering, and then after hundreds of tempering, Finally got the perfect body.

In this half a month, Elvie has also put down almost everything at hand, conducted real-time detection and monitoring of Chu Nan throughout the process, and conducted analysis and research on his physical changes at any time to ensure Chu Nan didn't take a single detour.

Chu Nan is able to achieve such a result within half a month, and Elvie should have at least half of the credit.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan is very grateful to Elway.

He jumped off the bed excitedly, but suddenly his body swayed and his feet staggered.

This is because his physical body has changed significantly compared to before, resulting in changes in the strength, toughness and other data of various parts of the body, making him temporarily unable to adapt.

But this is not a big problem. With his powerful data ability and precise control of his body, he can adjust it a little.

Chu Nan calmed down, raised his wrist, opened his personal terminal, and chose to send a personal communication request to Elvie with a look of joy.

Not only do I want to immediately announce the good news to Elvie, but I also plan to go to Elvie to monitor again to confirm that my judgment is correct.

As soon as the communication was connected, Elvie's excited face appeared on the virtual screen.

"Hey, Chu Nan big brother, did it work? Did it? Did it?"

Chu Nan nodded with a smile.

"Well, I've already finished tempering the last piece, so it should be considered a success."

"Very good!" Elvie jumped up excitedly. "Then come here quickly, and I will test you again. If there is no problem, then congratulations, Chu Nan big brother, you can start to break through the Eternal Sky Pass and slap those two guys in the face fiercely. !"

Chu Nan couldn't help laughed.

The "those two guys" in Elway's mouth were originally two Star Level Martial Artists, Mu Yutong and Norman, who judged that Chu Nan was almost impossible to break through the universe.

Slap two Star Level Martial Artists in the face?

It's exciting to think about it!

"Okay, wait for me, I'll come right now."

"Well, I'm waiting for you in the lab, hurry up."

Chu Nan turned off his personal terminal and was about to walk outside the dormitory when the dormitory door was suddenly opened.

Mondeo and Thrall walked in together, glanced at Chu Nan, and froze for a moment.

"Hey, Chu Nan, are you ready to go out? How rare!" Mondeo exclaimed exaggeratedly. "What? Did you go to the Life Science Academy to find your young sister Elvie again?"

Chu Nan gave him a sullen look: "If you know, stop talking nonsense."

After saying that, he pushed the two people who were blocking the door and walked directly to the door.

But just as he took a step, Mondeo grabbed his arm.

“en? What? Is there something?” Chu Nan looked at Mondeo in amazement.

Mondeo didn't answer, and pouted at Sarnu.

"Cough..." Thrall pretended to cough lightly, and then paused to continue: "That's it, Chu Nan, didn't Academy bought a batch of "Martial Spirit" game warehouses a few days ago? ."

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Chu Nan certainly knows this.

In the actual combat training course, Manduka teacher said that the Academy is planning to purchase a batch of "Martial Spirit" game warehouses to allow students to enter the "Martial Spirit" better and other countries The Martial Artist competes against each other.

Then just four days ago, this batch of game booths had been placed in and opened for students to use these days.

Chu Nan didn't go to class for the sake of tempering his body during half a month recently, but when the game room was set up four days ago, he was still pulled by Mondeo and the others to play a game. trip.

"It's great that the Academy has a free game room for us to play, but... don't you think there are too many monks?" Thrall asked.

Chu Nan was stunned, remembering that four days ago there were at least 20 or 30 people outside each game warehouse, and he had to wait in line for two hours to get one at night.

"Well, it's true that there are too many people. But it's not realistic for Academy to buy thousands of units. How much will it cost?" Chu Nan said.

"Academy is of course reluctant to buy it, so I think...let's just buy it ourselves, what do you think?"

After Thrall asked, he and Mondeo were both looking forward to it. Looking at Chu Nan .

Chu Nan is a little strange: "If you want to log in to "Martial Spirit", you don't have to buy a game box, just a helmet. I bought it when I was at Western Cloud Academy before, and it's very convenient to use You should know that the latest game warehouse costs more than 40,000 yuan, and the helmet only needs a few thousand yuan."

"That's different." Mondeo shook his head. "Although the helmet is cheap, the realism is not enough. Moreover, the data in the latest game warehouse has also been updated, and there are more martial skills that can be simulated. The battle experience obtained in it is much better than the game helmet. I used to play it too. For those who have played "Martial Spirit" in the past, when I played with a gaming helmet, it always made me feel like I was playing a game, but with this latest game compartment, it is different, and it feels no different from a real martial arts fight."

"Well, I see not only the improvement of equipment, but also the improvement in game technology of Chamber of Commerce. I think if you want to improve your martial skill through "Martial Spirit", It's better to use the game warehouse." Thrall also added.

Chu Nan looked at the two in wonder.

"So what are you two trying to say?"

Mondeo nudged Thrall, Thrall glared at him, coughed dryly, and replied, "Me and Mondeo After discussing it, it would be better to shoot a game in the virtual battle room for a few hours... Let's just buy a game box together and put it in the dormitory to play how we want to play, what do you think?"

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